12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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- Good afternoon, can I help you? What are you looking for (искать)?

- You know, I want to choose something for my sister. I think she will be glad to get some good book.

- I agree (соглашаться) with you. A book is always a good choice (выбор). What does your sister like to read? Is she interested in cooking? Is she interested in diets or psychology (психология)? Or maybe she is interested in fantasy books or detectives. Tell me and I will help you.

- My sister enjoys music a lot. She is listening to music all the time. She knows a lot of nice musicians and music bands. She knows a lot of good songs.

- So, let's choose a book about some musician, she will like such a present, I am sure!

- Ok. She read a book about Elvis Presley some weeks ago. What can you recommend me this time?

- I can recommend you a book about an American singer Gwen Stefani. The book is new. This singer is famous all over the world for her great voice. What do you think about it? There are some facts from her biography in the book. For example, she was born in California, in the USA. She was born on the 3rd of October. She was born in 1969. So, let me count … she is 48 years old. She is a very nice and slim woman. I think your sister can find (найти) some interesting advice (советы интересные) how to look nice and be healthy in any age (как выглядеть хорошо и быть здоровой в любом возрасте). It is always interesing to girls and women.

- Yes, my sister is fond of healthy lifestyle (здоровый образ жизни).

- You will read about her childhood, about her parents, Dennis and Patti, about her brothers, Eric and Todd and about her sister Jill. Gwen was married. Gwen has got three sons.

- Oh, and the book has so many bright photos. That must be interesting. So, I will take it.

- Shall I wrap (завернуть) it in some colourful paper?

- Yes, please.

- That’s 30 pounds. Here is your book.

- Thanks.

- Come to our shop again.

Диалог 4А из рабочей тетради Spotlight 5, страница 78.


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