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Кубрак Алексей Владимирович148
All you need is LOVE.....
Россия, Ростовская обл., Новобатайск
Материал размещён в группе «УМК Spotlight»

Final work “Methodical English lesson plan with the primary school children”

Lesson plan

Course book: “Spotlight” by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova and Marina Pospelova

Unit 7

Lesson 1

Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to know the animals and their actions, read what some animals can do, read the dialogue and read the words with animals properly, name the words with animals and their actions.

Skills: reading, listening, speaking

New language: animal, fish, frog, bird, chimp, horse, swim, jump, sing, run, dance, I can jump like a frog.

Revision: rabbit, kangaroo, elephant, parrot, play.


Teacher does/says

Pupils say/do


5 min/ Warm-up

To revise the animals

Greets the pupils

“Hello, children,

I’m glad to see you.”

Shows the pictures with the animals like rabbit, kangaroo, elephant, parrot

and ask them to repeat after the teacher.

Greet the teacher

“Hello, teacher,

I’m glad to see you too.”

Read the words, they say like this “ I like the dog”.

Repeat the words which they know and prepare for speaking.

10 min/Pre-stage

Shows the flashcards with the animals like , fish, frog, bird, chimp, horse and asks “ Do you know these animals? What can they do? Let’s go to the country and see them”.

They know some of these animals and know what they can do, but they would like to read the words and learn them properly

The whole word approach is based on the “see-and-say” technique, so the pupils immediately understand the meaning of the word, they pronounce it properly.

15 min/While-stage

Asks to open the books at p62 ex.1 and read the words.

Repeat the words after the teacher, then try to read themselves, read the flashcards on the TV, flashcards on the blackboard.

Listening and watching the video help the children to read the words properly, understand the meaning of the text


Asks what these animals can do. Let’s watch them.

Watch the video and repeat , then try to read themselves, read the flashcards on the TV, flashcards on the blackboard.


Match the picture of the animal and its action

Choose the animal which can…

Look, read and draw lines ex.2 p.34 in the workbook

Read and complete in the ex. 3 p.35

They match on the blackboard and read.

They choose the pictures and read.

They do the exercise: read the words and draw the lines.

They read the sentences and watch the picture and complete.


Ask the children to open the books on p.63 ex.3 and ask them to watch first the video, then to understand what Lulu an Larry do in the country. Let’s see how they spend time in the country.Ex.3 p63

Ask the children to watch the video and understand.

Check up how the children have understood the dialogue

Ask them to watch the second time , read and use the intonation correctly.

Ask them to read some sentences to the pictures.

Ask them to read in roles before class

They watch the video and understand.

They watch the video and repeat.

They watch the video and translate.

They translate some words and sentences from the text.

Repeat after the recording to improve the pronunciation and the intonation while reading.

Find out some sentences to the pictures and read them.

Role reading in front of the class.

The usage of silent reading where children can “get” the text with unknown words gives an opportunity to employ different strategies: to predict (first they watch pictures to the dialogue then watch it), to ignore the unknown words and to deduce the meaning of the unknown words from the context.

Practice the pronunciation and intonation. They have to pronounce the words correctly, can quickly recognize the graphic symbols, combine them into words and practice a model for speaking.

10 min/ Post-stage

Ask them to dramatize a bit of the dialogue, using the words with the animals and show like Lulu and Larry.

Ex 4 p63 Ask the pupils to make up the sentences.

Ask them to match the picture of the animal and the word on the blackboard.

Advise them to play “The animal walk” . They stand in the circle and go round the circle , the teacher tells the animal and the pupils have to show it and say like that “The fish can swim” The role of the teacher may play any pupil, it is also nice.

They do it with pleasure, one by one come up to the front and say “ Look! I can jump! “ And the class say “Well done, Helen!” or Good job, Maxim!”

The pupils make up the sentences using the ex.4 p 63.

They come up to the blackboard and match words to the corresponding picture one by one. They read the word.

They play with pleasure “The animal walk”, move around the circle, pretending to be either an elephant or fish and say “The fish can swim”. They like to be in the role of the teacher too.

The children are very active in dramatizing the dialogue, the other pupils who are watching are very attentive, because they have to assess the role-play like that “Nice idea, good job, cool”

Playing games I s a very nice idea at the lesson, because at this lesson it is most appropriate to teach concrete vocabulary items with children.

5 min/ Reflection

Gives home task and assesses their work. Makes some comments on their work. To carry out the assessment , gives the children some prizes (smiles) which they keep in their workbooks. At the end of the lesson we stand in the circle and the children get this smiles, the teacher can see their reaction

They write down their home task, get marks/evaluations. Then they stand in the circle and get some prizes (smiles).

They say “I am happy! Thank you. Or Wow, Thank you”

The children do it with pleasure. It is the task to see their positive attitude to learning English, interest and desire to know much.


Post-reflection note:

This lesson was held in the 2 A class where there are 12 pupils. They are 7 or 8 year old boys and girls. Practically all pupils are active at the lessons, have a good motivation and results, they are encouraged to persist in their efforts thanks to the course book “Spotlight” by Virginia Evans. Using this book, CD and materials help me and my pupils to achieve goals in all four skills in an integrate way and develop techniques and methods for responding to the children’s individual needs.

At the lesson we used the dialogue for listening and reading where Larry and Lulu (brother and sister) with their Nanny Shine spent free time in the country having picnic, swimming in the river and having fun.

The pre-staged was organized effectively, because I could arose the children’s interest and motivated them for reading with watching the video, comics pictures in the books. At this stage I introduced and activated the words the children would come across while reading such as animal, fish, frog, swim, jump, well done.

Practically all children coped with while-staged task successfully, because the tasks were very interesting for them and such tasks as “Match the picture…, Draw lines, Read and find the picture, Watch and read” encouraged the pupils for quiet and careful listening first, then reading.

The children liked the post –reading activities, because they could show their own results in learning new words, reading them, reading the dialogue and role-play. Children could dramatize a bit of a dialogue, prepare some sentences, guessed the meaning of the words, write their own experience in some tasks to the dialogue.

I saw that children liked the lesson, because they felt happy and satisfied, they were really upset when the bell had gone and we had to finish our work.

At the lesson reading and listening skills were closely connected, the action-story about Larry and Lulu was very good for developing these skills and even the speaking skills at the end of the lesson.

I was quite satisfied with the lesson and the work of my pupils.

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