Урок на тему «Past Continuous Grammar Lesson Plan»

Материал опубликован 24 July 2020

Dmitriy Pak

EFL/ESL Instructor

Skyeng online international school

Moscow, Russian Federation

Past Continuous Grammar Lesson Plan

Overview: The following material is a lesson plan designed for General English programme with the main focus of new grammar rule introduction and practice ( Past Continuous). 

Lesson Focus: Past Сontinuous

Level: B2

Age Group: Middle-High School - General English

Length: 75 - 80 minutes

Lesson Objectives: 

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • Use Past Simple in different contexts

  • Discuss the actions in the Past Simple

  • Identify the differences and correlations between Past Continuous, Past Simple, and Present Continuous


 -Book: Grammar in Use (Intermediate). Murphy, R., and Smalzer, W.; Unit 6, pages 12-13

-Handout of Story in Past Continuous - Past Progressive Story 1 by Really Learn English, pages 1-2

-Book: Grammar in Use (Intermediate) Supplementary Material. Murphy, R., and Smalzer, W.; Unit 5-6, pages 7-9



Stage Objective

Teacher Action

Student Action

T/S Ratio and Interaction



10 minutes

Activate previously learned grammar that we will be using for comparison in this lesson

Elicit the students’ understanding of previously learned grammar tense - Present Continuous and Past Simple

Review and pay students attention on the following grammar forms - Present Continuous and Past Simple


For practicing purposes of Past Simple, ask students to discuss the following question in small-groups:

-How did you spend your weekend?

-What did you do yesterday?

-Any problems with the homework?


Then, move to the current period of time in order to practice Present Continuous, ask the following questions:

-What are we doing now?


Students work in small groups and answer and discuss the questions provided by teacher (Past Simple revision)


Then, they participate in whole-class discussion (Present Continuous revision)




5 minutes

Introduce today's subject matter.

Find out what continuous action were students doing yesterday and than elicit the students’ attention on the fact that all of provided actions have been done progress

Students provide examples and try to predict the topic and listen to the introduction




20 minutes

To teach the learning objective. In this stage the aspect of Past Continuous need to be considered and analyzed together with the students.

 There is a recommendation to connect presentation of Past Continuous with the previously studied Present Continuous and Past Simple and pay attention on the similarities and differences.

Make sure that students understand the usage and forms of Past Continuous and are able to do some example sentences before moving on to the next stage.

-Teacher: “We are sitting and talking now in the class. But what were you doing yesterday at the same time?”


-Student: Provide the model answers, like “I was working yesterday at that time or I was watching a TV at that time”


-Teacher: “Great, so to talk about something that we do in the past in progressive we use the time, which is called Past Continuous. And what is the grammar formula?”


-Student: “Subject + was/were+ Ving”


-Teacher: “Awesome, what about negative and question forms?”


-Student: question - “Was he watching a TV yesterday 7 pm?” and negative - “He wasn’t watching a TV yesterday at 7 pm.”


After discussion teacher need to repeat the grammar formula of Past Continuous:


“+” S+was/were+Ving

“-” S+was/were+not+Ving



Handouts- Book page 12

Give student photocopies so they can freely make their notes and write on them


Ask students to repeat the grammar forms of the tense again


Prompt students to highlight the differences and interconnection between Past Continuous and Past Simple


Point out the students’ attention on the aspect of non-action verbs


Participate in discussion and state negative and question forms of Past Continuous


Analyze the grammar page from the book, discuss the difference between Past Continuous and Past Simple and their interdependence, make notes and recall the topic of non-action verbs




30 minutes

First Part of Practice

Provide structured and semi-structured exercises for students


Second Part of Practice



Third Part of Practice

Discussion and text analysis

Provide to the students photocopies of - Book, page 13

Students to do complete-gaps, sentence formation, and write words to compete the text exercise. Example of the task:



Divide the students into pairs and ask them to check and discuss each others works and find the common solution*. Then in the whole-class discussion provide the answers for the exercise, which were done in the first part


*While students discuss their results in pairs, prepare the board for the next step - write down question for the text


Provide the handouts with text - Past Progressive Story 1 by Really Learn English, page 1, and ask student to start reading the text. After completion of the reading stage ask student the question, which were written beforehand on the board.

Students individually do the exercises





Students share their results and opinions in pairs


Students take part in whole-class discussion and answer the question about the story








Monitoring & Evaluation


10 minutes

Make sure every student gives an answer to check retention, understanding the today’s covered grammar part - Past Continuous. Moreover, check whether students can identify the differences between Past Continuous and Past Simple, and see the correlation between Past Continuous and Present Continuous.

Ask some general questions to the students and encourage them to use Past Continuous. For example:

“What were you doing yesterday, when your [member of family] came home”


Discuss the most difficult and the most interesting moments from the lesson. Any problems that arise at this stage need to be corrected and drilled, in case if some students have not fully understood the topic, the further extra practice have to be assigned for these particular students, or office hours can be appointed.


Ask the student:

“What questions do you have for me?”

Students answer the questions from teacher


Students discuss challenging and interesting moments of the lesson, as well as their main difficulties and have a chance to ask the final questions.




2 minutes

Provide activities for further practice

Give out the handouts with homework to students or point out that the homework is going to be sent via email of Google Classroom.


H/W Materials - Grammar in Use (Intermediate) Supplementary Material. Murphy, R., and Smalzer, W.; Unit 5-6, pages 7-9


 “Next Class we are going to cover the next grammar tense - Present Perfect. See you later! Have nice day!”







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