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Годовая аттестационная контрольная работа за 6 класс

1 вариант

A. Listening

Listen and choose the correct answers.

1. When is the festival in Caceres?

a) March b) May c) August

2. Where does the festival take place?

a) in a park b) at a stadium c) in the city centre

3. How much does it cost to go to the festival?

a) It’s free b) It isn’t expensive c) It’s very expensive

4. How many bands are there?

a) 12 b) 25 c) 50

5. What is Paul waiting to see?

a) a singer from Cuba b) dancers from India c) a band from Africa

6. When does the festival finish?

a) on Friday evening b) on Saturday afternoon c) on Sunday morning

B. Grammar

1. Write am/is/are:

a) New York _____ in the USA;

b) I _____ from Scotland;

c) Chinese and English _____ very different languages.

2. Write was / were:

a) Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin _______ American astronauts;

b) Tutankhamun _____ an Egyptian king;

c) Walt Disney _____ director.

3. Complete the sentences with family words:

a) Your father’s brother is your _________;

b) Your ___________ is your mother’s mother;

c) Your father’s sister is your __________.

4. Complete the sentences with the affirmative PRESENT SIMPLE form of the verbs in brackets.

a) My mum ________ (study) English;

b) I _____ (go) shopping every weekend;

c) My grandparents _____ (visit) us at the weekends.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a) She loves _______ (go) to the cinema;

b) I don’t like ________ (get) up early;

c) I like _____ (study) English.

6. Choose the correct words.

a) Tigers can run quick / fast;

b) Some frogs are very loud / loudly;

c) Please be quiet / quetly!

7. Complete the sentences with some or any.

a) There aren’t _________ sandwiches in the cupboard;

b) Is there ________cheese in the fridge?

c) There is _____ water.

8. Complete the text with the PAST form.

a) The Egyptians ________ (build) the pyramids;

b) People ___________ (not play) computer games in 1900;

c) We _____ (visit) Scotland last weekend.

C. Reading

Read the text

I’m Canyon

On Saturday 26th of April, 2003, Aron Ralston went climbing in the Utah National Park, USA. He didn’t tell his friends or family, and he didn’t take a mobile phone.

Later, there was a terrible accident. An enormous rock trapped Aron’s arm. He was there for six days. He didn’t sleep at night because it was very cold. He didn’t drink any fresh water, and there wasn’t any food. He didn’t see any other people.

But Aron didn’t die. On the sixth day, he escaped. Then he walked six miles. Finally, a helicopter rescued him. Aron wrote a book about his experience. Now he climbs with an artificial arm.

Here are some statements. Are they TRUE or FALSE?

1. Aron went swimming in the Utah National Park;

2. He forgot his mobile phone;

3. He didn’t sleep at night, because it was very hot;

4. A plane rescued him;

5. Finally Aron wrote a book about his experience.

6. He walks two miles.

Годовая аттестационная контрольная работа за 6 класс

2 вариант

A. Listening

Listen and choose the correct answers.

1. When is the festival in Caceres?

a) March b) May c) August

2. Where does the festival take place?

a) in a park b) at a stadium c) in the city centre

3. How much does it cost to go to the festival?

a) It’s free b) It isn’t expensive c) It’s very expensive

4. How many bands are there?

a) 12 b) 25 c) 50

5. What is Paul waiting to see?

a) a singer from Cuba b) dancers from India c) a band from Africa

6. When does the festival finish?

a) on Friday evening b) on Saturday afternoon c) on Sunday morning

B. Grammar

1. Write am/is/are:

a) Polish people ___ from Poland.

b) I _____a student;

c) Portuguese _____ the first language in Brazil.

2. Write was / were:

a) Beethoven and Bach _______ German composers;

b) Elizabeth II _____ an English queen;

c) Zeus and Apollo _____ Greek gods.

3. Complete the sentences with family words:

a) Your aunt and uncle’s children are your _________;

b) Your father’s sister is your __________;

c) Your ___________ is your mother’s mother.

4. Complete the sentences with the affirmative PRESENT SIMPLE form of the verbs in brackets.

a) My sister ________ (have) lunch at home;

b) My friends _____ (watch) TV in the evening;

c) Me friends and I _____ (play) football in the park.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a) My dog loves _______ (eat) shoes;

b) Harry doesn’t like ________ (read) books;

c) My sister hate _____ (tidy) her room.

6. Choose the correct words.

a) Elephants can swim good / well;

b) Cats aren’t good swimmers. They swim bad / badly;

c) Is this snake safe / safely?

7. Complete the sentences with some or any.

a) We haven’t got _________ jam;

b) John has got ________ bananas for his lunch;

c) Are there _____ crisps?

8. Complete the text with the PAST form.

a) Napoleon ________ (win) the Battle of Waterloo;

b) People ___________ (not listen) to music on an MP3 player in 1900.

c) They _____ (stay) at the hotel in Wales.

C. Reading

Read the text

I’m Canyon

On Saturday 26th of April, 2003, Aron Ralston went climbing in the Utah National Park, USA. He didn’t tell his friends or family, and he didn’t take a mobile phone.

Later, there was a terrible accident. An enormous rock trapped Aron’s arm. He was there for six days. He didn’t sleep at night because it was very cold. He didn’t drink any fresh water, and there wasn’t any food. He didn’t see any other people.

But Aron didn’t die. On the sixth day, he escaped. Then he walked six miles. Finally, a helicopter rescued him. Aron wrote a book about his experience. Now he climbs with an artificial arm.

Here are some statements. Are they TRUE or FALSE?

1. Aron went swimming in the Utah National Park;

2. He forgot his mobile phone;

3. He didn’t sleep at night, because it was very hot;

4. A plane rescued him;

5. Finally Aron wrote a book about his experience.

6. He walks two miles.


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