Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе «The world of work»
Lesson plan
Unit 4: The world of work |
Schoоl : OSS |
Date:12.12.17 |
Teacher name: Antropova A A |
CLASS: 5 |
Number present : |
absent: |
Lesson title |
Profession 2 |
Learning objectives(s) this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) |
5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics 5.R6 recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics |
Lesson objectives |
All learners will be able to: |
listen to the speaker, pronounce correctly new vocabulary; spell most high-frequency words answer the question “what do you want to be?” with support |
Most learners will be able to: |
understand general information about professions with little support; answer the question about meaning of profession answer the question “what do you want to be?” without support |
Some learners will be able to: |
understand general information about profession without support; recognize the opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of curricular topic understand video without support write a dialogue using previous and new knowledge of topic |
Assessment criteria |
name different professions which they saw in video apply previous learning by theme understand general information about professions analyze the text, choose the sentences for True or False statements, define and correct answer the main question “what do you want to be?” use topical vocabulary in speech and writing intelligibly write sentences using previous and new knowledge |
Language objective |
Barber, car mechanic, postman, lifeguard, lawyer, chef, waiter, judge, detective, manager, basketball mascot, waterslide tester I want to be … |
Values links |
Responsibility, tolerant attitude to each other |
Cross-curricular links |
Self- education |
Previous learning |
Profession 1 |
Plan |
Planned timings |
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) |
Resources |
Start 5 min |
Greeting: T: Good morning! How are you? Who want to be a volunteer today? Method “Hot chair”- 4 or 5 students need to ask questions to learner: “ who is on duty about the date, day and weather” etc. Before starting the lesson, let's practice our tongues, work in pairs on a cards T: Boys and girls now we should guess the topic of our lesson. Look at the blackboard and watch the video . Students name the topic of the lesson in three languages. (мамандықтар, professions, профессии) T: “Good! You are right today we are going to talk about different professions. Let’s go .” What’ s the aim? как вы думаете, ребята, что мы должны будем сделать к концу урока? А чему научиться? |
PPT (slide 1) Slide 2 Slide 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdvTlQzsaYI# Slide 4 |
Middle 25 min |
New vocabulary in chain, back chain, change emotions(happy, sad, angry) T: Let's fix the new vocabulary with the task Boys and girls, you need to compare English words with Kazakh Аспаз cook бала бағушы babysitter даяшы waiter дәрігер doctor мұғалiм teacher суретші painter тігінші tailor әнші singer Деятельный этап -активизация лексики «Профессия» в различных видах речевой деятельности Развитие навыков письма (Writing activities). Учащиеся по картинке составляют предложения и рассказывают о каждой профессии, по возможности на 3 языках ( work in pairs) - Now let's see how you can write sentences A painter, a vet, a waiter, a signer, a cook, a tailor; Развитие навыков аудирования (Listening Activities) Pre-watching: -look at the picture and guess what song are you going to watch? While-watching and listening. -How many professions are mentioned in this song? Let`s repeat them. Some jobs are well known to you but some are new ones. -look at the picture (the slide). What is he? Match the people from the song and the job.
Physical exercise
Развитие навыков чтения (Reading activities) Cовершенствование навыков монологической речи. (work in groups) По жребию распределение по группам. В корзине находится 3 вида конфет Work with text. Read and translate Learners work with word in the text: True or False Мой рабочий день начинается очень рано. С понедельника по пятницу я встаю в половине третьего, и я есть душ и чашка кофе. Обычно я уезжаю из дома в десять из четырех, потому что автомобиль всегда прибывает на несколько минут раньше. Я добираюсь до студии около пяти часов и начинаю работу. мой программа Доброе утро Британия начинается в семь часов и заканчивается в девять часов. Затем я покинуть студию в четверть десятого. После этого я иду по магазинам и посещаю друзей. я возвращаюсь домой в три часа. Женщина помогает мне по дому и глажению. Я читал газету и поработай немного. Затем мой муж возвращается домой в половине пятого вечера, и я готовлю обед. Мы остаемся в домой вечером. Мы не выходим, потому что я ложась спать очень рано. Обычно мы смотрим телевизор и затем я ложась спать в половине восьмого; Я обычно спал к девяти часам. Я думаю, что моя работа очень интересная, но мне не нравится вставать очень рано. Правда или ложь 1. Писатель - телевизионный журналист. ___________ f 2. Она заставляет свою машину работать. ___________f 3. Она возвращается домой после завершения программы. ___________f 4. Она ложится спать рано в течение недели. ___________t 5. Она работает с мужем. ___________f 6. Ей нравится все о ее работе. ___________t
Video : “What do you want to be “ Children give their answer (weak leaners with support “ I want to be a …) Formative assessment (I) Less able students are given some help from peers. For instance, they may clarify some words. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate words in describing professions; Individual work |
Slide 5 Slide 6 cards Video and cards http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/people-work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6JMmGsXt2A
Slide 7 Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4S8LnHZuuE slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 |
End 3min 3 min |
Self- assessment:
Home work Learners write essay about his/her relatives’ professions using new and previsions knowledge.
Учащийся: • соблюдает правильный порядок слов • составляет предложения (3-6) с новым и предыдущим словарем • дает правильные полные ответы |
Slide 11 slide 12 |
Additional information |
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? |
Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? |
Health and safety check |
Differentiation can be achieved through the treatment of previous and new knowledge, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual, pair support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of leaners |
Formative assessment Self-assessment Peer assessment |
Physical ex |