Конспекты урока английского языка по темам «Причины изучения английского языка» (7класс) «История семьи» (6класс)

Материал опубликован 8 August 2016 в группе

Конспект открытого урока по теме «Английский язык и причины его изучения» 7кл. УМК”Enjoy English” М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанёва, М. «ВАКО», 2009г. Unit 2 «Встреча с победителями международных соревнований»

Цель урока - коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся по теме урока.



  • аудирование диалога с детальным пониманием содержания;
  • активизация лексики по теме «Английский язык и причины его изучения» в серии речевых и языковых упражнений;
  • формирование навыков монологической, диалогической и письменной речи, адекватные ситуации общения;
  • продолжать отрабатывать словообразовательные суффиксы;
  • повторить омонимы.


  • развитие аудитивных навыков учащихся, памяти, языковых и познавательных способностей, сравнения и сопоставления;
  • развитие навыков употребления лексических единиц с учётом сочетаемости слов в соответствии с коммуникативными намерениями;
  • развитие самостоятельности, инициативности и коммуникабельности.


  • повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение и приобщать к культуре стран изучаемого языка;
  • воспитывать культуру межличностных отношений.

Оборудование урока: УМК, ноутбук, раздаточный материал


Ход урока


T – How do you do, children!\Good morning, children!

Cl – How do you do, teacher!

T - I hope you are well, kids.

Cl – We hope you are too.

THow are? Предполагаемые ответы:

How are you getting on? - No problems.

How are things with you? - I don’t complain.

- I’m fine, thanks.

- I’m doing my usual way.

- Nothing to boast of.

II.Повторение омонимов.

T – Are you fond of music? I think you are. Let’s start with a song about a sailor. I

hope you are in a good mood. The song will make us feel better and more

comfortable. (использование иллюстрированной рифмовки с музыкальным

сопровождением) A sailor went to sea

To sea? What could he see?

And all he could see

Was sea, sea, sea.

T – Can you name the words which have the same pronunciation?

P – sea and see.

T – How do we call such words?

P – Homonyms.

T – Now let’s practice the homonyms. The task is: find the pairs of words that have the same pronunciation.

There, won, through, too, week, I eye, one, weak, peace, here,

write, no, piece, I, hour, hear, I threw, right, know, two, our

meat. I meet, their.

T – Another task: read the words in transcription and write them using letters.

[ w n] - [tи: ] - [ аi ] –

[ rи: ] - [ pi:s ] - [ n

[ аu ] - [ hi ] - [ rait ] –

[ e ] - [wi:k ] - [ mi:t ] –

III.Phonetic exercises (отработка чтения буквo-, -a -, - i -, - y – и буквосо-

четаний: - ture- , - ic - .

[ t ] – temperature, culture, century, future, natural, nature, cultural

[ ] - financial, official, musician, social, politician, specialist, special, especially

[ai ] – science, neither, scientist, sky, try, pilot, subtitles, dialect, behind, describe

[ ] - other, month, tongue, enough, discover, another

[ ei ] – native, great, population, change, exchange, latest

IV.Отработка словообразовательных суффиксов(работа в группах с разно-

уровневым заданием).

Задание I группе – divide the words into three columns.

Раздаточный материал: celebration, musical, enjoyable, creature, talker, celebrity

communicate, impress, create, forgettable, impressive, use, friendly, science, scientist, creator, musician, impression, creativity, impressionism, scientific,using

friendship, useful, talkative, communicative, unforgettable, talking.





Задание II группе – choose the adjectives from the list of the words (the list of the words is just the same: celebration, musical… … … … ).

Задание III группе – choose the nouns from the list of the words (the list of the words is just the same).

Задание IV группе – продолжить словообразовательный ряд данных слов:

For example: Enjoy – enjoyable, enjoyment …, … .

Create –

Keys: creator, creative, creativity, creation, creature.

Impress –

Keys: impression, impressive, impressionism.

Science –

Keys: scientific, scientist.

Friend –

Keys: friendly, friendship, unfriendly.

Celebrate –

Keys: celebration, celebrity.

Use –

Keys: useful,user, using.

Talk –

Keys: talker, talkative, talking.

Music –

Keys: musical, musician.

Communicate –

Keys: communication, communicative.

Forget –

Keys: forgettable, unforgettable.

V.Активизация лексики

1.Make up a”Spider”. Remember the adjectives that can describe the word “language”\What words can help us describe this language. (Дети по очереди записывают слова, имеющие отношение к слову «Language”).

Tongue native official semiofficial

Spoken first popular business

scientific Language wide-spread

international foreign

second global standard

2.Let’s play the game “Snowball”. One of you name the adjective referring to the word “language”.The other student repeat the previous word-adjective and add a new one and so on. The winner is a pupil who will repeat the chain of the words on the topic.

P1 –international

P2 – international and modern.

P3 international, modern and popular.

P4 -…, …, , …, … .

VI. Listening Comprehension.(ex.46 p.45)Why does John learn English?


Michael – He often visits his relatives and friends in Britain. He likes to read Bri-

tish magazines.

Hans – He is going to be a pilot. Every pilot should speak English. He learns it to

use the Internet.

Jam – He learns English to make new friends and know the latest musical news.

VII.Развитие монологической речи в режиме TP1, P2, P3. После вопросно-ответного режима работы предложить учащимся высказаться по теме урока. Answer the questions:

1)How many per cent of the world’s population speak English?

2)How do doctors and scientists find it to exchange their ideas in English?

They find it easy… ).

3)Why has English become a means of communication within some countries where different groups of people speak different languages? (… because people from different parts of the country often don’t speak each other’s language and English is the only solution to their communication problems).

4)Why is English called the language of the sky and the sea? (every pilot and ship’s captain must speak English to communicate with each other).

5)Why is most vocabulary in the modern computer science in English? (80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English).

6)Is English the language of politicians? (English along with French and German is spoken at the summit meetings).

7)Why is English called the language of rock and pop music? (Most of world famous singers sing their songs in English).

8)In what countries is English spoken as a first language? (… in Australia, Canada, the Bahamas, the Republic of Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand).

9)Are you native speakers of English?

10)How many countries have English as a second language? (People in 30 countries speak English as a second language).

11)Is English spoken by people who have other mother tongues? (Yes, it is).

12)What proportion of students in our country study English at school? (about 70%

Of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language at school, though German and French are still popular).

13)What do native speakers of English think about foreigners who speak English? (… think that English spoken in the world by people of other nationalities is not real English. It is global English).

VIII.Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме “The reasons for learning English.” (работа в группах).

T – There are different reasons why people all over the world study English

Let’s find out why you and your friends study it. The words combinations

In your textbook p.45 will help you ask the questions to your classmates. Fill

in the table:


Reasons for learning English




IX.Conclusion. Объяснение домашнего задания: make up “Spider”on the theme

The reasons for learning English”(предлагается вариант выполнения)

To read labels and instructions on everything you buy

To listen to the radio and TV musical programmes

To have an English-speaking pen-friend

To read British newspapers and magazines

To communicate with people all over the world

Reasons for learning English

To enjoy watching foreign films in original

It is interesting and exciting

Useful when you travel

To exchange ideas in English

To understand films and songs in English

To enjoy reading books

To do business

Want to live in an English-speaking country

To study phone friends abroad

To use the Internet

To make new friends

To get a better job

To chat the Internet


Конспект открытого урока по теме “Family History”; УМК под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой, К.М. Барановой “Rainbow”\»Радужный»,

5 кл. Unit 2; Вертикаль. Москва. «Дрофа», 2015г.

Цели урока: формирование иноязычных коммуникативных компетенций учащихся.



актуализация и контроль грамматического и лексического материала в разнообразных коммуникативных упражнениях,

автоматизация сформированности грамматического навыка говорения, письма и чтения по теме урока«История семьи».


способствовать развитию оперативной памяти, произвольного внимания, наглядно-действенного мышления;

развитие умения работать в парах, самостоятельно и личной ответственности;

развитие аудитивных навыков;

развитие языковых, индивидуальных и интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.


воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре;

воспитание любви и уважения к семье, родителям, к традициям;

совершенствование межличностных отношений;

формирование культуры поведения при работе в парах,

при самостоятельной и фронтальной работе.

Планируемые результаты:


Знать – лексику по теме «Семья» и «История семьи»;

- три формы неправильных глаголов данного цикла.

Уметь – рассказать о своей семье с опорой на образец;

- рассказать историю членов семьи Баркеров ( по выбору).

Личностные УУД : мотивация к изучению английского языка, способность к самооценке на основе критерия успешности учебной  деятельности.

Регулятивные УУД: умение определять и формулировать тему и цель урока, искать нужную информацию, фиксировать и обобщать ее; осуществлять самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль, самооценку в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Коммуникативные УУД: умение распознавать и употреблять в речи основные значения изученных лексических единиц (слов и словосочетаний); высказать свое мнение, обосновать его в пределах изученной тематики и усвоенного лексико-грамматического материала; умение взаимодействовать с окружающими, совместно договариваться о правилах поведения и общения в парах.

Познавательные УУД: умение ориентироваться в своей системе знаний, отличать новое от уже известного, добывать знания, находить ответы и вопросы, используя учебник и информацию, полученную на уроке.

Оборудование урока – компьютерный проектор, ноутбук, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока


T – Good morning, children!

Ch – Good morning, teacher!

T – I’m glad to see. Are you glad to see me?

P1 – Yes, I am. I’m glad to see you.

T – How are you, Sasha?

P2 – I’m fine, thanks.

T – How things with you, Katya?

P3 – I don’t complain.

T – Are you doing your usual way, Vlad?

P4 – Yes, I am.

T – Have you got any problems, Kristina?

P5 – No, I haven’t.

T – Anna, how are things with your parents?

P6 – Thanks, they are OK.

T – Sveta, is your younger brother well?

P7 – Yes, he is. He’s well.

T – Nina, How are your grandparents?

P8 – They are well.

T – I see you are well and in a good mood.

II.Определение темы и целей урока(целеполагание).(На экране записаны

ключевые слова и словосочетания).

To be born

To grow in a family of a doctor\ a pilot…

To grow in a city\ town\near the sea…

To dream about smth.

To go to the university\college …

To become a teacher, a pilot …

To work in \for\ at …

To be married\get married …

To make a career

To be interested in .

T – Now it’s time to define the topic of our lesson. Look at the words and word

combinations on the screen and try to guess the theme of the lesson.

Предполагаемые ответы – P1: the topic of our lesson is “The Family”

P2: the topic of our lesson “The Family History”

T – Yes, you are quite right. Today at the lesson we are going to revise vocabula-

ry on the theme ”Family” and “Family history” in different ways; practice dialogues on the topic of the lesson; review three forms of some irregular verbs, I

mean, completing the verb chart. The main part of our lesson will be connected

with the history of the Barkers. And as a result I’d like you to tell about the members of this family.

III.Vocabulary Activities\Активизация лексики по теме «Семья».

1)T – Are you fond of playing? I suppose you do. Let’s play the game “Snowball” or “Chain”. One of you call the word referring to the topic “Family.” The other students repeat the previous words and add a new one.

e.g. P1 – mother

P2 - mother and sister

P3 – mother, sister and father…

Vocabulary: mother, father, uncle, aunt, son, nephew, daughter, husband, wife,

brother, sister, grandparent, cousin, niece, ancestor, descendent…

2) Повторение притяжательного падежа существительных, формирование

навыков восприятия иноязычной речи, предъявляемой учителем на базе тематической лексики урока. T - Let’s go on practising the vocabulary on the same theme. Say who is who

in your family:

Your father and your mother are your … . (parents)

You are their … (son \daughter).

Your mother’s mother and your father’s mother are your … (grandmothers).

Your mother’s father and your father’s father are your … (grandfathers).

Your grandmother’s or grandfather’s mother is your … (great-grandmother)

Your grandfather’s or grandmother’s father is your … (great-grandfather).

Your mother’s or your father’s sister is your … (aunt).

Your father’s or your mother’s brother is your … (uncle).

Your aunt’s or your uncle’s children are your … (cousins).

The child of a brother or a sister is a … (niece) or a … (nephew). The

girl is a … (niece) and a boy is a … (nephew).

IV.Warming –Up Activities\Речевая зарядка. Работа в режиме: TP; P-P.

T – 1)Have you got a mother\ a father\ a sister\ a brother …?

2)How many are in the family?

3)What are the members of your family?

4)Is your family large or small?

5)What is your mother’s\father’s name?

6)What are parents’ names?

7)How old are your parents …?

8)What does your sister\brother\mother\father … do?

9)What are your grandparents?

10)What is your aunt’s occupation?

V.Отработка порядковых числительных, дат и структуры to be born on theof … .

(ex.5 p.79 учебника).

Denis: 02.03. 1985 Alice: 03.06. 1948

Charles: 14.07. 1994 Ruth: 06.08. 2001

Lizzy: 01.02. 1980 Tony: 13.09. 2012

Helen: 20.07. 2000 John: 18.08. 2010

VI.Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

T – Now we are going to work in pairs. You should ask questions about your

partner’s family and be ready to answer his or her questions. Here is the plan of

your work. I’m sure it will help you. Good luck!


1)the members of the family

2)their names and age

3)date of birth

4)place of birth



T – You will have no more than 5-6 minutes for preparing. As a result some of you

will act out the dialogues or tell about your partner’s family.

VII.Отработка 3-х форм неправильных глаголов(использование раздаточ-

ного материала).

T – Complete the verb chart.



















Растить, вырастить







Мочь, уметь





Тратить, проводить








VIII.Физминутка с использованием иллюстрированной рифмовки с музы-

кальным сопровождением (выполняя соответствующие движения).

- Can you hop like a rabbit?

- Can you run like a dog?

- Can you jump like a frog?

- Can you walk like a duck?

- Can you swim like a fish?

- Can you fly like a bird?

- And be still like a good child

- As still as you wish.

IX.Развитие навыков поискового чтения и монологической речи.

T – Read the statements on the screen and say which facts are true (T) or false (F)

and try to correct them. (ребята могут воспользоваться текстами из учебни-

ми для извлечения или подтвержения нужной информации: у.6 с.58, у.5 с.70, у.7 с.74


1.Margaret Barker and Richard Barker are a brother and a sister.

2.John Barker is Margaret’s cousin.

3.Margo or Margaret was born in Blackpool.

4.John was born in London.

5.John and Sally are a husband and a wife.

6.John is a children’s doctor.

7.John is interested in animals.

8.Margo is a journalist, she travels all over the world.

9.Richard had a talent for music, he could sing and play the piano well.

10.Margaret was 30, when she met her future husband.

11.The Barkers have a son and a daughter.

12.Sally is Margaret and Richard’s daughter.

13.Margaret married Richard when she was 24.

14.Margaret became a music teacher in a school.

15.Richard would like to be a journalist, travel all over the world and meet a lot of

interesting people.

16.John wants to work for a newspaper or a magazine.

17.John’s interests are football and photography.

18.After Sally finishes school, she wants to go to London University.

19.Richard was born and grew up in a farmer’s family.

20.Richard didn’t help his parents on the farm.

21.Richard was interested in medicine.

22.Margaret wanted to become a doctor, a children’s doctor.

23.Richard was 26 when he met Margo.

24.Now Richard is working in a new hospital in London.

25.He loves his job and is making a wonderful career in medicine.

26.The Barkers are a happy family.

T – Now let’s speak about the members of the Barkers (по выбору детей)

1.John Barker

2.Margaret Barker

3.Richard Barker.

X.Conclusion. Объяснение домашнего задания: у.7 с.81.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Учебник «Радужный Английский»\Rainbow English”под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой, К.М. Барановой 5кл, Москва, «Дрофа»,  2015г.

2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «Радужный Английский» под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой, К.М. Барановой 5кл, Москва, «Дрофа» 2015г.

3. Лексико-грамматический практикум к учебнику «Радужный Английский»  под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой, К.М. Барановой 5кл.  Москва, «Дрофа», 2015г.

4. "Счастливый Английский» под редакцией Г. Доля, Дубна, 2000г.


Спасибо за хорошо подобранный материал!

7 January 2018