12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Буш Татьяна Петровна14

Unit 3

Some facts about the English-speaking countries.

1.Choose the correct variant and fill the gaps.

Last year we spent our holidays on the Black Sea … .

Border coast chain

Russia … from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea.

Boarders stretches flows

The Volga … into the Caspian Sea.

Flows destroys catch

The Aborigines died from … that appeared on their lands.

Dessert diseases empty

The children decided to build a house on the … of the trees.

Branches leaves plain

I have nothing to wear, my wardrobe is … .

Valley empty sudden

It was only the beginning of our long … .

Journey branch laugh

Bad schoolchildren usually sit at the … of the classroom.

Own surprise back

I was alone, so nobody helped me and I did my work … .

In fact on my own was surprised by

I am very … , I have eaten much food.

Full surprised laugh

2. Rewrite the sentences in Present Perfect.

Ron (visit) Moscow. He likes the city.

They (play) six games of tennis. They are the winners.

He (wash) plates.

We (start) reading a new story.

Mary (clean) the window.

3.  Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

When (did you give/ have you given) the book back to your teacher?

Mr. Jackson (chose/has chosen) a present for his daughter just now.

They (never thought/have never thought) about leaving this place.

Enemies (destroyed/have destroyed) the castle many years ago.

Write the second and the third form of the verbs.

Break                                                choose                                drive

Catch                                                 go                                      be

Have                                                 think                                   send

Buy                                                   find                                     leave

Put the words in the brackets in a proper place (yet, already, never, ever, just).

I’m sorry but I (just/break) your vase.

Ann (already/ finish) her work.

You (ever/eat) sushi?

They (never/ spend) so much money.

Bob is very hungry, he (not eat/ yet).

Choose the correct preposition (back, up, away, out).

Bob enjoys eating junk food, he will never give it … .

I have a lot of clothes, I will give them … .

Every morning they give … food to the homeless cats and dogs.

Let me give you ... some books.


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