Контрольная работа по модулю 1 «Celebrations» (9 класс)

Материал опубликован 8 December 2022

Контрольная работа по модулю 1 «Celebrations»:

1.Составь выражения, подставив следующие слова:

strong, experience, change, raise, street, enter, takes, bright, make, cooking, fireworks, transforms:

1. …. the competition

2. … display

3. … into a pirate town

4. …. sure

5. it … place

6. …. money for charity

7. … idea

8. a … of clothes

9. ... life

10. …. tradition

11. colourful … parades

12. …. contest

2. Переведи выражения:

1.What’ the matter?

2.Are you all right?

3.It’s quite all right.

4.I’m worried about my dad.

5.Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.


3. Подставь зависимыe предлоги:

1. I believe … magic.

2. he is famous …. sport.

3. the streets were crowded … people.

4. she was pleased … good marks.

5. I am interested … music.

6. there is a reason … worrying.

7. he is still afraid … darkness.

8. I am tirednoise.

4. Составь предложения в правильной временной форме, используя глаголы в скобках:

1. Every day I (go) to school in the morning.

2. He often (like) to play football with his friends.

3. What you (do) now?

4. I (sit) in the classroom at this moment.

5. He (lose) his keys already.

6. You (clean) the room since morning.

7. It (rain) for hours.

8. I (break) the vase resently.

Контрольная работа по модулю 2 «Life and living»:

1. Подставь следующие слова к выражениям и переведи их: lack, zero, pitch, vacuum, space, household, do, sleeping, soft, airless:

1… hose

2.… gravity

3.… of gravity

4. football …

5.. … bag

6. . … space

7 . … experiments

8. muscles go …

9 . … station

10 . … chores

2. Переведи предложения:

1.That’s not very good.

2.What have I done now?

        3. You shouldn’t do that.

        4. I am sorry.

3. Подставь предлоги к выражениям и переведи их:

1.be close … the city centre

2. … the corner of the room

3. … the corner of the street

4. be … home

5. beschool

6. goschool

4. Переведи предложения с глаголом make:

1. give me the chocolate to make up for breaking my vase.

2. he always makes up funny stories.

3. it’s so foggy, I can’t make out the street.

4. the burglar (вор) made off with my bag.

Контрольная работа по модулю 3 «See it to believe it»:

1. Подбери слова и переведи выражения: snake, human, mythical, sharp, deep, giant, humped, violent, recorded, extinct

sea monster




-like head






2.Подставь необходимые предлоги: of, from, about, in:

1. Don’t nervous … him.

2.He succeeded … sport.

3.Have you heard …the Loch Ness Monster?

4. This is a part … story.

5.He knew it … experience.

6. Have you heard it … Tom?

7. He is … search of happiness.

8. I think … travelling abroad.

3. Образуй сложные прилагательные, используя следующие слова: well, three, good, deep, open, green:

.… -sea monster is horrifying!

I had a nightmare about …-headed Kraken.

My sister is a little …-eyed girl.

This is a very …- known actor.

He is a very …-looking man.

the concert is in the …-air.

4. Напиши предложения в правильной грамматической форме, используя прошедшие времена:

he …(play) piano yesterday.

he …(watch) TV all day yesterday.

he …already (finish) his homework before she came.

he … (listen) to music since morning until the phone rang.


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