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Сидикметов Ихтиёр Незарматович31

Husanov Ziyamat Usmanovich.

There are many heroes in Sayram. They are Ziyamat Husanov, Butabay Sodiqov et.c. Our hero is Husanov Ziyamat Usmanovich .

He was born on May 9th 1921 in village Sayram nowadays Sayram area of the Chimkent area Kazakhstan into a peasant family. He was Uzbek. He studied at the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute, graduated two courses.

To Red Army he was called in October, 1940. Has been directed for study to school of aviation navigators but it was not necessary to study up affairs at the front were bad. At the front in the Great Patriotic War since May,1942 . Baptism of fire has received on the Western front in the Smolensk region where was seriously injured.

Husanov Ziyamat Usmanovich - the commander of machine-gun calculation of 228th Guards shooting regiment 78th Guards shooting division of 25th shooting case of 57th army Southwest front, guards the sergeant.

The commander of machine-gun calculation of 228th Guards shooting regiment (78th Guards shooting division, 57th army, Southwest front) the member of the Komsomol of guards sergeant Ziyamat Husanov in fight at settlement Distant Sand of the Belgorod region in July, 1943, reflecting attacks of the opponent to river bank Severski Donets, has destroyed about two tens enemy soldiers and officers. Remained to cover a withdrawal of the rests of the battalion, after  destruction of second number of calculation one combated. When cartridges have terminated, beat off pomegranates. Departing companions have heard some explosions at Z. Husanova's position and then there all has abated.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from February, 22nd, 1944 for

exemplary performance of fighting tasks of command at the front struggle against fascist aggressors both the courage shown thus and heroism, guards to sergeant Husanov Ziyamat

Usmanovich appropriates a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union (posthumously).

But the brave soldier was seriously injured and in an unconsciousness way was taken to prisoner. Was in prisoner of war camps in Ukraine then in the Bulgaria. On May, 15th, 1944 the group of 28 Soviet prisoners of war (including Z.U.Husanov) escaped from a prisoner-of war camp. In ten days of drudgeries fighters have found Bulgarian the guerrilla. The guerrilla group was at war on border of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, operating in adjacent territories of both states.

One of fights the group has got to an environment of enemies.

In one of fights the group has got to an environment considerably superior forces of the enemy. In heavy fight Husanov has destroyed the German machine gun closing a saving track in mountains, but itself again was seriously injured. Guerrillas have counted its victim. But the courageous fighter has been only wounded this time. Expiring with blood he was picked up by the peasant from Montenegro. Patriots have forwarded the fighter to guerrilla hospital, and there from by the British plane he had taken out for treatment on the territory of southern Italy released by allies.

Only after May, 9th, 1945 Ziyamat Husanov has returned home, but has been arrested in the Odessa sea port. He was suspected of change to the Native land and in voluntary service in the Turkestan legion created by Germans. Three years passed various checks.

Only in 1948 Z.U.Hasanov has been released, but the brand of the traitor had not been left. The star of the hero has not been handed over it. Moreover, by the order of the Supreme body of the USSR from June, 28th, 1952 Z.U.Husanov has been deprived a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union. He worked teachers at school at first in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic then in native village Sayram.

One case has helped the Hero: in the late sixties former commander of 25th shooting case the Hero of Soviet Union lieutenant general G.B.Safiulin has arrived to Kazakhstan to opening the monument to the lost people in wars. After the story about fighting of Husanov the general considered as the victim, Kazakhs have told to the general that Husanov is a live. After a meeting with the former fighter general G.B.Safiulin began to achieve justice restoration. He has involved the Ministry of Defence Committee state safety, Committee Soviet veterans of war and even museums and archives of National Republic of Bulgaria. Eventually thanks to efforts of former front-line soldiers truth has triumphed.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme body from February, 13th, 1968 Z.Husanov has been restored in a rank of the Hero. Lenin's Award and a medal «Gold Star» (№11378) has been handed solemnly over it. Subsequently about the Hero books in the USSR and in Bulgaria have been published, on the Bulgarian television the film about him «the Legend immortality» is shot.

He died-18 January, 1986. He has buried in native village.

He has awarded by awards Lenin (2/22/1944), Patriotic war 1st degree (3/11/1985) / a red Star, medals, the Bulgarian award.

He was an honourable citizen of Belgorod (1981).


In Sayram there are a school and a street which are named after Z.Husanov . People of Kazakhstan will never forget about the men who gave their lives to enemy for the Motherland s freedom. We will write poems stories, novels in order to continue the history about them. Also we want to be like Z.Husanov : brave and patriotic citizen of our Motherland.

There are also many books, films which tell and show the life of the 2nd world war. We must be very happy that we live in a beautiful and peaceful time and thank God for it. And we also must take care of our Republic, because we were born and live here.


1. History of Sayram.

2. Book about Z.Husanov ''Aфсонага айланган хакикат''-2010y.

3 .History of Heroes.


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