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Юдина Олеся Николаевна137
Россия, Ставропольский край, станица Незлобная

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«Комплект тестовых заданий по английскому языку для обучающихся 7-9 классов на тему:

Passive voice”».

Автор: учитель английского языка Юдина Олеся Николаевна


Тема, цели, задачи……………………………………………………………………3


Ключи к заданиям……………………………………………………………………8

Список используемой литературы…………………………………………………9

Тема: Страдательный залог.

Цели: Закрепление грамматического материала


Обучающая: научить распознавать временные формы глагола в пассивном залоге, научить преобразовывать структуры активного залога в пассивный.

Развивающая: Развитие умений представлять грамматические особенности построения с использованием Passive Voice.

Воспитательная: развивать интерес к изучению грамматики в английском языке; вовлекать учащихся в активную практическую деятельность.

Планируемые результаты:

Личностные УУД:

принимать и осмысливать социальную роль обучающегося, развивать мотивы учебной деятельности;

развивать способности к оценке своей учебной деятельности;

создать условия для развития этических чувств, доброжелательности, понимания и эмоционально-нравственной отзывчивости.

Регулятивные УУД:

постановка учебной задачи;

составление плана и последовательности действий.

Коммуникативные УУД:

1.умение выявить нужное слово;

2.принять решение при выполнении упражнения и реализовать его;

3.умение скорректировать свои действия и действия одноклассников.

Познавательные УУД:

умение извлекать необходимую информацию из прочитанного;

умение соотносить содержание услышанного с предлагаемыми заданиями;

построение грамматически верного решения.

1.Match halves of the sentences

Example: 1-D

1.World’s economics

A) was sent to the USA with the aim of helping to struggle the COVID-19.

2.People in different regions

B) were detected in the Stavropol Territory.

3. All students and pupils

C) the restrictions were imposed on travelling outside the area of residence.

4.The Russian plane with the medical equipment

D) has been almost ruined because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

5.In Russia, the week from the 30th of March till the 6th of April.

E) were required not to leave their flats and houses.

6.Six new suspicions of coronavirus

F) was created to detect COVID-19.

7. Russian citizens

G) have been discovered in China in February this year.

8.In many Russian cities

H) were organized with distance learning.

9.The first cases of new infection

I) has been declared as non-working.

10. Cafes and restaurants

J) are allowed to work only in delivery mode.

11.The spread of the virus

K) will be tightened by the government.

12.According to the World Health Organization more than 693 thousand people

L) can be slowed down by high temperatures in summer.

13. For violation of self-isolation penalties

M) haven’t been found yet.

14.In Russia, a high-precision test

N) have been infected with the new coronavirus. All over the world.

15. Vaccines for the prevention of coronavirus infection

O) are regularly given recommendations on the prevention of security measures during a pandemic.

2.Open the brackets and choose appropriate form.

1.Considerable forces (concentrate/were concentrated) in the south by the German command.

2. Armies of Hungary, Italy and Romania (were involved/has been involved) in the fighting.

3. The defending troops from Stavka (were ordered/ordered) to hold onto Stalingrad with all their might.

4. All houses (were turned/were turning) into fortresses.

5. It was a war of fortitude, in which the victory (is holded/was held) by the Soviet soldiers.

6. By November, almost the entire city (had captured/was captured) by the Germans.

7. Stalingrad (was turned/had turned) into ruins.

8. Within two months near Stalingrad, in the conditions of the utmost secrecy, an attack group (created/was created).

9. An attempt (was made/is made) to organize an air bridge, which our aviation stopped.

10. The Soviet army (was/were) poorly (trained/train) and poorly equipped, so it suffered defeat after defeat.

11. The famous order “NOT A STEP BACK” (issues/was issued) by Stalin on the 28th of July.

12. After the defeat at Stalingrad in Germany, a three-day mourning (was declared/declares) for the first time in the whole war.

13. In June 1942, the Soviet army on the southern front (was weakened/weakens) after the fighting near Kharkov.

14. Although many cities (captures/were captured), the Germans failed to carry out an attack plan.

15. Kalmykia, Chechen-Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory (were/are) completely (liberated/liberate).

3.Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form, present or past.

Cause lock damage wake hold accuse invite make overtake show surround translate steal write cover employ

Butter is made from milk.

In Russia , the elections for president…………………. Every four years

Originally the article ……………………… in Italian, and a few years ago it……………….. into English.

You can’t notice the building from the road. It …………………. by trees.

A theatre is a place where operas…………………

Many accidents………………… by dangerous driving/

The roof of the house……………….in a storm a few days ago.

You ………………… to the party. Why didn’t you go?

Although she was driving quite fast, she………………………. by a lot of other cars.

Most of the earth’s surface…………………….. by water.

While I was on holiday, my camera……………………..

Three hundred people…………………… by the company.

We…………………. up by a loud noise last night.

The shop…………………………….at 8.30 p.m. every day .

Rob…………………………of stealing money.

4. write the sentences in the Passive. Put the words in the write order.

Example: (operate/my sister/next week/a distinguished surgeon)

My sister will be operated on by a distinguished surgeon next week.

1.(find/the envelope/on my desk)

2.(buy/the book/he/a week ago).

3.attentively/the teacher/listen to/the students ).

4.(my little brother/this cup/break/yesterday).

5.(the time-table/in a week/change)

6.(Tom/we/meet/at the station).

7.(lend/I/last Tuesday/this book)

8.(listen to/his lecture/with great pleasure).

9.(the picture/pain/great artist).

10.show/she/the shortest way/to the station ).

11.play/a modern tune/into the hall

12.the sights of London/show/tourists/guide/tomorrow

13.(in a minute/type/letter/they).

14.(she/recommend/teeth/take care of).

15. he/picture/spoil)


Ex.1 1-d, 2-e, 3-h, 4-a, 5-I, 6-b, 7-o, 8-c, 9-g, 10-j, 11-l, 12-n, 13-k, 14-f, 15-m.

Ex.2. 1) were concentrated 2)were involved 3)were ordered 4)were turned 5)was held 6)was captured 7)was turned 8)was created 9)was made 10)was trained 11)was issued 12)was declared 13)was weakened 14)were captured 15)were liberated.

Ex.3 2.are held 3.was written 4.is surrounded 5.are shown 6.are caused 7. Was damaged 8.Was invited 9.was overtaken 10. Is covered 11. Was stolen 12. Are employed 13. Were woken 14.is locked 15. Is accused

Ex.41.The envelope was found on my desk 2. The book was bought by him a week ago. 3.The teacher is listened attentively by the student. 4.This cup was broken by my little brother yesterday. 5.The time-table will be changed in a week. 6.Tom will be met at the station by us. 7.I was lent this book last Tuesday. 8.His lecture was listened to with great pleasure. 9.The picture was painted by the great artist.10.She was shown the shortest way to the station. 11.A modern tune is played into the hall. 12.the sights of London will be shown to the tourist by the guide tomorrow. 13.The letter will be typed in a minute by them. 14.She is recommended to take care of teeth. 15.The picture is spoiled by him .

Список используемой литературы:

1.Дроздова Т.Ю., Степанова Н.В. и др. Учебные задания по обучению лексико-грамматическим структурам английского языка. - Л.: 1989. -50с.

2.Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л. и др. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. -Л.: Просвещение, 1973. -319 с.

3. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use.: Cambridge university press, 2004.-380c.

4. https://historynotes.ru/stalingradskaya-bitva/

5. https://www.rbc.ru/




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