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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе "Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов – великий русский ученый"

Тема урока:

Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов – великий русский ученый

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – a great Russian scientist

УМК: Афанасьева О.В.., Михеева И.В. и др. «Английский язык», серия «Rainbow English», 8 класс, 3 часа в неделю. Тема урока включена в раздел учебника №4 «Их знают все»

Тип урока: Урок комплексного применения знаний и умений (урок закрепления)

Методическая цель урока: обобщение основных этапов жизни и научной деятельности М.В. Ломоносова, русского ученого, на английском языке

Планируемые результаты:


формирование таких базовых ценностей российского образования, как наука (ценность знания), уважение к труду;

формирование патриотизма, любви к Родине на примере жизни М.В. Ломоносова;

воспитание чувства гордости и уважения к личности ученого и стране;

формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка;

формирование готовности и способности обучающихся к саморазвитию и самообразованию на основе мотивации к обучению и познанию;

формирование коммуникативной компетенции.

Метапредметные: познавательные: формирование навыков поиска, анализа, обобщения и выделения необходимой информации из текста, формирование умений синтезировать полученную информацию для аргументированного ответа; коммуникативные: развитие навыка четко и ясно выражать свои мысли, слушать других; строить речевые высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации; регулятивные: развитие умений выполнять учебные действия, планировать алгоритм ответа.


умение использовать в устной речи изученные лексические единицы в пределах тематики «Биография», Наука» в соответствии с решаемой коммуникативной задачей;

строить осознанное и связное монологическое высказывание с опорой на текст;

соблюдать нормы произношения.


наглядные материалы (портрет М.В. Ломоносова, изображение мозаики «Полтавская баталия», PowerPoint-презентация);

технические средства обучения и оборудование (компьютер и интерактивная доска или проектор, ноутбуки для обучающихся);

раздаточные дидактические материалы (карточки для работы в парах);

образовательные интерактивные сервисы (LearningApps и Jigsawplanet).

Ход урока

Организационный момент.

Good morning, children!

Sit down, please!

I’m glad to see you!

How are you today?

Who is absent today?

Фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд 1 - Приложение 1).

Let`s revise some words. Listen and repeat after me. Read and translate the words one by one.

(Обучающиеся повторяют за учителем слова, затем читают и переводят их по очереди).


What person is connected with all these fields of science? Can you guess who we will be talking today?

(Ps: Mikhailo Lomonosov).

You are right. We`ll be talking about Mikhailo Lomonosov today (Слайд 2 - Приложение 2).

What was he famous for? -

(Ps: He was a great Russian scientist and writer, who made important contributions to literature, education, and science.)

This year people of our country are celebrating the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov. His name is well known throughout Russia.

Today our English lesson is devoted to M.V. Lomonosov. Today in an enjoyable way we’ll sum up the information you know about Lomonosov in English, we’ll touch upon different spheres of Lomonosov’s life. Your task is to show your knowledge of Lomonosov’s biography and his work as a versatile scientist.

Актуализация знаний

Lomonosov was interested in different spheres of science. Match names of different fields of science and people engaged in them with their definitions. You`ll work in pairs now. Take the worksheets. I give you 2 minutes.

(Работа в парах с карточками: соотнести определение области науки, с названием и профессию - Приложение 3)

Your time is over. Let`s check up. Read and translate.

Keys: 1-d, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c, 6-f.

Первичное закрепление (в знакомой ситуации)

I think you know much about Lomonosov’s life and work. Look at the statements in the worksheets and say you agree or disagree with them one by one. (Приложение 4)

Lomonosov was the son of a nobleman.

Ps: I disagree with this statement. Lomonosov was the son of a fisherman.

Lomonosov was always a brilliant student.

Ps: I agree with this statement.

He was sent to Marburg University in Germany to study astronomy.

Ps: I disagree with this statement. He was sent to Marburg University in Germany to study physics.

He founded a university in St. Petersburg.

Ps: I disagree with this statement. He founded a university in Moscow.

The first Russian grammar was written by Lomonosov as well.

Ps: I agree with this statement.

Among his discoveries was the atmosphere of Mars.

Ps: I disagree with this statement. Among his discoveries was the atmosphere of Venus.

(Обучающиеся по очереди читают утверждения и говорят, согласны они с ними или нет. Если не согласны, дают правильный вариант)

Первичное закрепление (в измененной ситуации)

Mikhailo Lomonosov became a famous scientist. How much do you know of his biography?

Let’s create the time line of Lomonosov`s life.

Let`s play the game. You should put the dates in a chronological order and find what these historical dates are remarkable for.


(Обучающиеся играют в интерактивную игру, выстраивая в хронологическом порядке важные даты и события в жизни Ломоносова)

Your time is over. Let’s check up your variants. Read and translate your sentences.

Музыкальная пауза

I see you know Lomonosov`s biography very well. Now let`s have a rest. Close your eyes and imagine the atmosphere M. Lomonosov lived in.

(Звучит музыка XVIII века).

Творческое применение знаний

Imagine you are doing a project about Lomonosov and searching information about him in the text (ex.3A, p.69, Students Book). Choose one statement and prove it:

Mikhail Lomonosov had wide interests.

He was largely a self-made man.

He was a gifted student and a fast learner.

He helped to develop both sciences and arts.

(Обучающиеся работают с текстом, ищут доказательства данных утверждений, готовят мини доклад).

Now let`s check up your answers.


Mikhail Lomonosov had wide interests. He made a great contribution in literature, education and science. His interests lay in chemistry, physics, optics, geography, history and art. He knew German well. Lomonosov was interested in philosophy.

He was largely a self-made man. Lomonosov spend as much time as he could with books among which there was a grammar book and book of arithmetic. He quickly learned German himself.

He was a gifted student and a fast learner. Lomonosov made a rapid progress as a student. He completed a 12-year study course in only 5 years and graduated from the Academy with brilliant results. As the best student he was given an opportunity to go to Saint Petersburg University and later to the University of Marburg in Germany.

He helped to develop both sciences and arts. Lomonosov developed a number of important theories and made some brilliant discoveries, wrote poetry some of which is remembered nowadays. His poetry helped to develop the modern Russian language.

M.V. Lomonosov also experimented with coloured glass and created beautiful mosaics. There were forty mosaics attributed to Lomonosov, with only twenty-four surviving to the present day. Do you want to see his mosaic?

Do the puzzles and you can see the Lomonosov`s famous mosaic the Battle of

Poltava. https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=1c181bb9c105

(Обучающиеся собирают пазлы, чтобы увидеть мозаику Ломоносова «Полтавская баталия» - Приложение 5)

Do you like the mosaic?

Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока).

Lomonosov also was a poet and is known as a creator of wonderful odes.

Now I want you to express your opinion on M.V. Lomonosov and write a cinquain. Work in groups. Remember the rules of its writing and create your work. (Приложение 6)

(Обучающиеся выполняют задание в группах и затем демонстрируют свои работы на доске)



hardworking, creative

studying, exploring, inventing

the first Russian academician



hardworking, curious

predicting, developing, inventing

contributed much to science



Clever, Curious

Helping, Discovering, Learning

The greatest innovator of Russia


The teacher sums up the talk about M.V. Lomonosov using the words from the pupils’ cinquains.

Информация о домашнем задании.

Your home task for the next lesson is ex. 3В, p. 32, Students Book – give 3-5 good reasons why we remember and respect Mikhail Lomonosov.

Окончание урока

Your marks for today are…

Our lesson is over.

Good-bye, children.

Приложение 1

Фонетическая зарядка


Приложение 2



Приложение 3

Карточки для работы в группах

Match the words with the descriptions

The scientific study of the stars, moon, planets, and the Universe as a whole.

The scientific study of structure of substances, how they react when combined or in contact with one another.

The scientific study of natural forces, such as heat, light, sound, electricity, pressure.

The scientific study of the Earth’s surface, physical features, division, population.

The scientific study of past events.

The scientific study of the development of the language.

Physics, a physicist

Geography, a geographer

History, a historian

Astronomy, an astronomer.

Chemistry, a chemist.

Linguistics, a linguist

Приложение 4

Первичное закрепление (в знакомой ситуации)

Agree or disagree:

Lomonosov was the son of a nobleman.

Lomonosov was always a brilliant student.

He was appointed to a physics position in 1743.

He founded a university in St. Petersburg.

The first Russian grammar was written by Lomonosov as well.

Lomonosov got only 1 medal from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Приложение 5

Мозаика «Полтавская баталия»


Приложение 5


Cinquain Graphic Organizer

A cinquain is a five-line poem that describes a person, place, or thing.

Use this organizer to write your own cinquain.


a one word title, a noun that tells what your poem is about

2________________, _____________

two adjectives that describe what you're writing about

3_________, ___________, _______

three -ing participles that describe what your poem is about


a phrase that tells more about what you're writing about


a synonym for your title, another noun that tells what your poem is about


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