Предварительный просмотр презентации

Our school is the best. Вирченко Екатерины

I go to comprehensive school where boys and girls are taught together. I'm in the ninth grade. My school is three-storied. Pupils of primary school study on the ground floor. There is a big gym in our school. Our physical training lessons and different sport competitions are held there. Оur teachers will help you develop skills and achieve success in life. We study all the usual subjects, such as mathematics, history, geography, Russian and English. Мy favorite subject is literature. We are usually very busy as we have a lot of homework. I love my school, my teachers and my classmates very much !

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Получается, у Кати сего два слайда в презентации? Один - титульный и один с содержанием? Как вариант, можно каждое предложение второго слайда поместить на отдельны слайд и проиллюстрировать. Тогда будет более наполненная, целостная работа.

18 February 2022