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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Кукушкина Ольга15
Россия, Московская обл., Серпухов

Offline purchases VS. Online shopping”

It is difficult to imagine our life without shopping. This problem is very actual nowadays, as we cannot live without food and clothes, furniture and gadgets, so we have to buy everything.

The object of the study: offline and online shopping.

The subject of the study: the ways of buying things.

Hypothesis: we can suggest, that online shopping saves our time and money.

On one hand, it’s one of quite important household tasks. Moreover, shopping is the way to get necessary food and clothes. So, if you don’t do it you can’t have all things which make your life so comfortable.

On the other hand, it’s believed that for the vast majority of people going shopping is not just duty or necessity but a real pleasure. As far as I know there is so called shopping therapy that helps people to reduce stress buying different goods or even just going window shopping.

The aim of my project is to describe the ways people prefer buying things, discuss their pros and cons and analyze all the given versions.

Different people have different attitudes towards shopping. Some love shopping no matter what they buy, while others do not like to go shopping at all. Therefore, the question arises whether shopping is a pastime or an everyday chore.

Personally, I think that shopping has plenty of disadvantages. Firstly, most shops are overcrowded, particularly at weekends. There is always noise and bustle there, and you have to stand in a queue for the cash desk. Secondly, a lot of hypermarkets are situated in suburban locations that are accessible only by car. Additionally, sales and special offers often encourage us to buy things that we do not need. Those who do not have much money to spend always have to remind themselves that they need to keep within a tight budget.

However, some people say that shopping is a stress-relieving activity. They find it rather enjoyable and admit that making purchases gives them a buzz. Besides, shopping has become more convenient. Many shops are open round the clock. Large supermarkets allow customers to buy a lot of goods under one roof and offer extra services such as cafes, pharmacies, banks or children centers.

Nowadays it is also popular to buy something on the internet, especially, clothes, books and electronic devices. Of course, there are some risks connected with buying on the internet, however products can be cheaper there and it saves much time to buy on the internet. Also there are many TV shops when some products are shown and you can order it just making a call.

Web users can buy almost anything online these days. Although online shopping is easy, it comes with some potential dangers. Therefore, the question arises whether it is better to make purchases online or to go to a retail store.

Personally, I think that online shopping has many benefits. Firstly, Internet users can make purchases from home or workplace, which allows them to save much time and effort. Secondly, online stores are available 24 hours a day. What is more, due to online shopping customers can buy from stores all over the world.

However, a lot of people still prefer conventional stores. They say that the main disadvantage of online shopping is that goods are not available for direct inspection, and you have to rely on photographs and product descriptions. Besides, consumers are worried about computer security Sometimes hackers steal names, addresses and credit card numbers.

Anyway, shoppers can find cheaper deals and a wider choice of products online than in regular shopping centers. They can compare prices and read customer reviews. Besides, if you use only legit shopping websites, you are likely to avoid problems connected with privacy and security.

To sum up, online shops enable users to make purchases without being rushed and at any time of the day. The main advantages of online shopping are its convenience, a broad selection of various goods and competitive pricing. To my mind, online shopping is much easier than conventional shopping: you have to select the goods that you need and place your order, and they will be delivered to your doorstep.

Advantages of the online store:

- when shopping online, you get access to a wide range of products. From clothes and shoes to basic necessities – everything is just a click away;

- you can shop at any time of the day. The online store is at your service 24/7;

- you get exclusive offers for online products that are not in stores;

- no cash? From PayPal and Google Pay to credit and debit cards, there are many other online payment methods;

- there are many filters that allow you to narrow down your search to what exactly you need;

- you can also compare products to be one hundred percent sure before you buy them.

Disadvantages of online shopping:

- it is difficult to check the quality and fabric of the product. You will have to rely heavily on the product information available on the website;

- one of the most annoying parts of online shopping is waiting for delivery. You cannot control the delivery process, and there are several factors such as weather, damaged goods and others that lead to a delay;

- with the rise of cybercrime, you will never be able to truly trust the Internet. Thus, there is a risk of misuse of your credit card data;

- since you cannot try on the clothes you are buying, there may be problems with the size and fit. Then there is the refund process, but what to do if you get the wrong size again.

Advantages of offline shopping:

- there is nothing better than going to the store and trying on new clothes;

When shopping offline, you can check whether the clothes or goods you are buying match your taste. You can inspect the goods carefully before buying;

- you don't have to wait days or weeks to receive the goods. You choose something and take it home with you;

- need to buy a dress immediately? With online shopping, you will never be able to do it quickly;

- not happy with the purchase? Just visit the store and make a refund. No need to wait for the deliverer to pick it up and bring the goods in a few days.

Cons of offline shopping:

- moving from one store to another can be tedious and time-consuming. Sometimes you wander for hours looking for a dress, but you don't find anything;

- discounts and offers are valid only for a short period of time. You probably won't get as big a discount on the product as online;

- sometimes shopping malls and markets are so crowded, the endless stream of people, the queue in the fitting rooms can be very tiring.

Thus, both online and offline shopping have their pros and cons. In any case, it's worth trying online shopping and deciding what is right for you. As for me, I prefer online shopping to save my free time and it also saves my money.

Offline purchases VS. Online shopping”

It is difficult to imagine our life without shopping. This problem is very actual nowadays, as we cannot live without food and clothes, furniture and gadgets, so we have to buy everything.

The object of the study: offline and online shopping.

The subject of the study: the ways of buying things.

Hypothesis: we can suggest, that online shopping saves our time and money.

On one hand, it’s one of quite important household tasks. Moreover, shopping is the way to get necessary food and clothes. So, if you don’t do it you can’t have all things which make your life so comfortable.

On the other hand, it’s believed that for the vast majority of people going shopping is not just duty or necessity but a real pleasure. As far as I know there is so called shopping therapy that helps people to reduce stress buying different goods or even just going window shopping.

The aim of my project is to describe the ways people prefer buying things, discuss their pros and cons and analyze all the given versions.

Different people have different attitudes towards shopping. Some love shopping no matter what they buy, while others do not like to go shopping at all. Therefore, the question arises whether shopping is a pastime or an everyday chore.

Personally, I think that shopping has plenty of disadvantages. Firstly, most shops are overcrowded, particularly at weekends. There is always noise and bustle there, and you have to stand in a queue for the cash desk. Secondly, a lot of hypermarkets are situated in suburban locations that are accessible only by car. Additionally, sales and special offers often encourage us to buy things that we do not need. Those who do not have much money to spend always have to remind themselves that they need to keep within a tight budget.

However, some people say that shopping is a stress-relieving activity. They find it rather enjoyable and admit that making purchases gives them a buzz. Besides, shopping has become more convenient. Many shops are open round the clock. Large supermarkets allow customers to buy a lot of goods under one roof and offer extra services such as cafes, pharmacies, banks or children centers.

Nowadays it is also popular to buy something on the internet, especially, clothes, books and electronic devices. Of course, there are some risks connected with buying on the internet, however products can be cheaper there and it saves much time to buy on the internet. Also there are many TV shops when some products are shown and you can order it just making a call.

Web users can buy almost anything online these days. Although online shopping is easy, it comes with some potential dangers. Therefore, the question arises whether it is better to make purchases online or to go to a retail store.

Personally, I think that online shopping has many benefits. Firstly, Internet users can make purchases from home or workplace, which allows them to save much time and effort. Secondly, online stores are available 24 hours a day. What is more, due to online shopping customers can buy from stores all over the world.

However, a lot of people still prefer conventional stores. They say that the main disadvantage of online shopping is that goods are not available for direct inspection, and you have to rely on photographs and product descriptions. Besides, consumers are worried about computer security Sometimes hackers steal names, addresses and credit card numbers.

Anyway, shoppers can find cheaper deals and a wider choice of products online than in regular shopping centers. They can compare prices and read customer reviews. Besides, if you use only legit shopping websites, you are likely to avoid problems connected with privacy and security.

To sum up, online shops enable users to make purchases without being rushed and at any time of the day. The main advantages of online shopping are its convenience, a broad selection of various goods and competitive pricing. To my mind, online shopping is much easier than conventional shopping: you have to select the goods that you need and place your order, and they will be delivered to your doorstep.

Advantages of the online store:

- when shopping online, you get access to a wide range of products. From clothes and shoes to basic necessities – everything is just a click away;

- you can shop at any time of the day. The online store is at your service 24/7;

- you get exclusive offers for online products that are not in stores;

- no cash? From PayPal and Google Pay to credit and debit cards, there are many other online payment methods;

- there are many filters that allow you to narrow down your search to what exactly you need;

- you can also compare products to be one hundred percent sure before you buy them.

Disadvantages of online shopping:

- it is difficult to check the quality and fabric of the product. You will have to rely heavily on the product information available on the website;

- one of the most annoying parts of online shopping is waiting for delivery. You cannot control the delivery process, and there are several factors such as weather, damaged goods and others that lead to a delay;

- with the rise of cybercrime, you will never be able to truly trust the Internet. Thus, there is a risk of misuse of your credit card data;

- since you cannot try on the clothes you are buying, there may be problems with the size and fit. Then there is the refund process, but what to do if you get the wrong size again.

Advantages of offline shopping:

- there is nothing better than going to the store and trying on new clothes;

When shopping offline, you can check whether the clothes or goods you are buying match your taste. You can inspect the goods carefully before buying;

- you don't have to wait days or weeks to receive the goods. You choose something and take it home with you;

- need to buy a dress immediately? With online shopping, you will never be able to do it quickly;

- not happy with the purchase? Just visit the store and make a refund. No need to wait for the deliverer to pick it up and bring the goods in a few days.

Cons of offline shopping:

- moving from one store to another can be tedious and time-consuming. Sometimes you wander for hours looking for a dress, but you don't find anything;

- discounts and offers are valid only for a short period of time. You probably won't get as big a discount on the product as online;

- sometimes shopping malls and markets are so crowded, the endless stream of people, the queue in the fitting rooms can be very tiring.

Thus, both online and offline shopping have their pros and cons. In any case, it's worth trying online shopping and deciding what is right for you. As for me, I prefer online shopping to save my free time and it also saves my money.

Offline purchases VS. Online shopping”

It is difficult to imagine our life without shopping. This problem is very actual nowadays, as we cannot live without food and clothes, furniture and gadgets, so we have to buy everything.

The object of the study: offline and online shopping.

The subject of the study: the ways of buying things.

Hypothesis: we can suggest, that online shopping saves our time and money.

On one hand, it’s one of quite important household tasks. Moreover, shopping is the way to get necessary food and clothes. So, if you don’t do it you can’t have all things which make your life so comfortable.

On the other hand, it’s believed that for the vast majority of people going shopping is not just duty or necessity but a real pleasure. As far as I know there is so called shopping therapy that helps people to reduce stress buying different goods or even just going window shopping.

The aim of my project is to describe the ways people prefer buying things, discuss their pros and cons and analyze all the given versions.

Different people have different attitudes towards shopping. Some love shopping no matter what they buy, while others do not like to go shopping at all. Therefore, the question arises whether shopping is a pastime or an everyday chore.

Personally, I think that shopping has plenty of disadvantages. Firstly, most shops are overcrowded, particularly at weekends. There is always noise and bustle there, and you have to stand in a queue for the cash desk. Secondly, a lot of hypermarkets are situated in suburban locations that are accessible only by car. Additionally, sales and special offers often encourage us to buy things that we do not need. Those who do not have much money to spend always have to remind themselves that they need to keep within a tight budget.

However, some people say that shopping is a stress-relieving activity. They find it rather enjoyable and admit that making purchases gives them a buzz. Besides, shopping has become more convenient. Many shops are open round the clock. Large supermarkets allow customers to buy a lot of goods under one roof and offer extra services such as cafes, pharmacies, banks or children centers.

Nowadays it is also popular to buy something on the internet, especially, clothes, books and electronic devices. Of course, there are some risks connected with buying on the internet, however products can be cheaper there and it saves much time to buy on the internet. Also there are many TV shops when some products are shown and you can order it just making a call.

Web users can buy almost anything online these days. Although online shopping is easy, it comes with some potential dangers. Therefore, the question arises whether it is better to make purchases online or to go to a retail store.

Personally, I think that online shopping has many benefits. Firstly, Internet users can make purchases from home or workplace, which allows them to save much time and effort. Secondly, online stores are available 24 hours a day. What is more, due to online shopping customers can buy from stores all over the world.

However, a lot of people still prefer conventional stores. They say that the main disadvantage of online shopping is that goods are not available for direct inspection, and you have to rely on photographs and product descriptions. Besides, consumers are worried about computer security Sometimes hackers steal names, addresses and credit card numbers.

Anyway, shoppers can find cheaper deals and a wider choice of products online than in regular shopping centers. They can compare prices and read customer reviews. Besides, if you use only legit shopping websites, you are likely to avoid problems connected with privacy and security.

To sum up, online shops enable users to make purchases without being rushed and at any time of the day. The main advantages of online shopping are its convenience, a broad selection of various goods and competitive pricing. To my mind, online shopping is much easier than conventional shopping: you have to select the goods that you need and place your order, and they will be delivered to your doorstep.

Advantages of the online store:

- when shopping online, you get access to a wide range of products. From clothes and shoes to basic necessities – everything is just a click away;

- you can shop at any time of the day. The online store is at your service 24/7;

- you get exclusive offers for online products that are not in stores;

- no cash? From PayPal and Google Pay to credit and debit cards, there are many other online payment methods;

- there are many filters that allow you to narrow down your search to what exactly you need;

- you can also compare products to be one hundred percent sure before you buy them.

Disadvantages of online shopping:

- it is difficult to check the quality and fabric of the product. You will have to rely heavily on the product information available on the website;

- one of the most annoying parts of online shopping is waiting for delivery. You cannot control the delivery process, and there are several factors such as weather, damaged goods and others that lead to a delay;

- with the rise of cybercrime, you will never be able to truly trust the Internet. Thus, there is a risk of misuse of your credit card data;

- since you cannot try on the clothes you are buying, there may be problems with the size and fit. Then there is the refund process, but what to do if you get the wrong size again.

Advantages of offline shopping:

- there is nothing better than going to the store and trying on new clothes;

When shopping offline, you can check whether the clothes or goods you are buying match your taste. You can inspect the goods carefully before buying;

- you don't have to wait days or weeks to receive the goods. You choose something and take it home with you;

- need to buy a dress immediately? With online shopping, you will never be able to do it quickly;

- not happy with the purchase? Just visit the store and make a refund. No need to wait for the deliverer to pick it up and bring the goods in a few days.

Cons of offline shopping:

- moving from one store to another can be tedious and time-consuming. Sometimes you wander for hours looking for a dress, but you don't find anything;

- discounts and offers are valid only for a short period of time. You probably won't get as big a discount on the product as online;

- sometimes shopping malls and markets are so crowded, the endless stream of people, the queue in the fitting rooms can be very tiring.

Thus, both online and offline shopping have their pros and cons. In any case, it's worth trying online shopping and deciding what is right for you. As for me, I prefer online shopping to save my free time and it also saves my money.


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