Открытый урок в 6 классе. Тема:»Путешествие по Лондону.»

Материал опубликован 9 November 2024

Открытый урок.

Тема:»Путешествие по Лондону.»

1)Организационный момент:Hello,children!Nice to meet you!

Sit down,please.Let’s begin our lesson.

2)Фонетическая зарядка:Т:Say after me,please.

Moscow:St.Petersburg;The St Basil Cathedral;The Peter and Paul Fortress;Red Square;The Winter Palace,The Kremlin;The Hermitage Museum;The Kazan Cathedral;The Trettyakov Gallery.

3)Ответить на вопросы:

1.Какие различия в словах high tall

2.Когда употребляется also, as well, too, either

3 .Что такое Present Simple;Present Continiuos;Past Simple;Future Simple

4.Какие различия в словахshore bank

5.Когда употребляется Who uWhich

6 Когда употребляется much, many,a lot of

7Cколько отрицаний в предложении бывает.

4)Cоставить слова из разбросанных букв :



Complete the sentences. Use also, as well, too,

1.My friends visited Scotland and Northern Ireland … .( as well, too)

2.The Tower of London is not a fortress now, it is not a prison now … .( either)

3.We didn’t get into the Houses of Parliament during our stay in London … .( either)

London is a big city, Glasgow is … a big city.( also)

We bought some souvenirs in Oxford Street and in other streets … .( as well, too)

Big Ben is a symbol of London, a double-decker is … its symbol.( also)

My granny grows roses, she grows tulips … .( as well, too)

My parents like to travel, I … like travelling.( also)


4. Use –s and of where necessary.

Twenty million_ _ tourists(-)

Million_ _ stars(s of)

Hundred_ _ schoolchildren(s of)

Eight hundred_ _ books(-)

Thirteen thousand_ _ roubles(s of)

Thousand_ _ roubles(-)

5. Choose the right answer.

1)In th centre of Trafalgar square is …situated

a museum

a column

a tower

2)Great Britain includes … parts of the UK.




3)The tower of London was … .

a museum

a prison

a fortress

4)London is the capital of … .

the UK and Wales

the UK and England

the UK and Scotland

5)Britain will be strong and powerful if … don’t leave the Tower.




6)Hyde Park(Гайдпарк) is famous for its … .


Speaker’s Corner

beautiful flowers

7)The British Parliament works in … .


Westminster Palace

Big Ben

8)Britain is famous for … .



sunny weather

9)The UK is … .

a republic

a kingdom

a federation

3. Complete the sentences with  or shore.

I saw him on the far … of the lake.( shore.)

They liked to spend their free time on the … of the Volga.( bank)

The house stood on the high … of the river. (bank)

We stopped on the rocky … of the ocean.( shore.)

III. Choose the right option.

1. If I (leave/will leave) leave the house at 3 p.m ., I (arrive/will arrive) at the airport on time.

2. Look! Ann (does/is doing) her hair.

3. We (don’t have/haven’t) to get up early in summer.

4. He (will/shall) be able to phone us when he (is/will be) at home.

5. When he (buys/will buy) a computer, John (is/will be) able to send e-mails to me.

6. The brave people (defend/defended) their city against the enemy in 1812.

IV. Choose the right words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The Alps are not very (tall/high) .

2. I can't see (nobody/anybody) here.

3. The walls around the Kremlin helped (to defend/to rebuild) it.

4. The first houses in St Petersburg were (wooden/stone) buildings.

5. My granny is old. She can't (hear/listen to) well.

6. We (listened to/heard) the news and went to bed.

7. I know (nothing/nobody) about this palace. When did it (appear/appeared) ?

8. Are there (much/many) cathedrals in the centre of the city?

9. There is (few /little) water in the in the pond.


Приложение1:Complete the sentences. Use also, as well, too, either

1.My friends visited Scotland and Northern Ireland … .

2.The Tower of London is not a fortress now, it is not a prison now … .

3.We didn’t get into the Houses of Parliament during our stay in London … .

4.London is a big city, Glasgow is … a big city.

5.We bought some souvenirs in Oxford Street and in other streets … .

6.Big Ben is a symbol of London, a double-decker is … its symbol.

7.My granny grows roses, she grows tulips … .

8.My parents like to travel, I … like travelling.

Приложения2: Use –s and of where necessary.

Twenty million_ _ tourists

Million_ _ stars

Hundred_ _ schoolchildren

Eight hundred_ _ books

Thirteen thousand_ _ roubles

Thousand_ _ roubles

Приложения3. Complete the sentences with bank or shore.

I saw him on the far … of the lake.

They liked to spend their free time on the … of the Volga.

The house stood on the high … of the river.

We stopped on the rocky … of the ocean.

Приложения4:III. Choose the right option.

1. If I (leave/will leave) leave the house at 3 p.m ., I (arrive/will arrive) at the airport on time.

2. Look! Ann (does/is doing) her hair.

3. We (don’t have/haven’t) to get up early in summer.

4. He (will/shall) be able to phone us when he (is/will be) at home.

5. When he (buys/will buy) a computer, John (is/will be) able to send e-mails to me.

6. The brave people (defend/defended) their city against the enemy in 1812.

Приложения5: Choose the right words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The Alps are not very (tall/high) .

2. I can't see (nobody/anybody) here.

3. The walls around the Kremlin helped (to defend/to rebuild) it.

4. The first houses in St Petersburg were (wooden/stone) buildings.

5. My granny is old. She can't (hear/listen to) well.

6. We (listened to/heard) the news and went to bed.

7. I know (nothing/nobody) about this palace. When did it (appear/appeared) ?

8. Are there (much/many) cathedrals in the centre of the city?

9. There is (few /little) water in the in the pond.

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9 November 2024