12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Остапчук Виктория Александровна156
Россия, Крым респ., c. Сенокосное, Раздольненский район

Класс: 9

Дата: 10.05

Тема: Модульный контроль 8

Тип урока: урок контроля



  • повторить лексику модуля 8;
  • повторить использование и употребления косвенной речи.


  • развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности.


  • развивать способность к самореализации средствами иностранного языка.

Оснащение: учебник


Ход урока:

Оргмомент (2 мин.)

Hello, pupils!

Hello, teacher!

Sit down, please! Today we are doing the test 8. So, please, open your copybooks and write down date and class work!

Основная часть урока (38 мин.)

Учитель поясняет выполнение каждого задания, затем просит учащихся приступить к выполнению работы.

Упр. 1 стр. 135

Учащиеся подставляют по смыслу слова

Fill in: sprain, burnt, sunscreen, map, cat, plaster, injured, disability, bandage, rucksack.

растянуть, обожгла, солнцезащитный крем, карта, порез, пластырь, ранен, инвалидность, повязка, рюкзак.

1 Unfortunately, the driver of the car was seriously .......in the accident. 2 Don't forget to take.......to the beach ; it's a very hot day. 3 It's just a little cut; clean it and put a.......on it. 4 Margaret's party was supposed to be a surprise, but Daniel let the ...... out of the bag and told her about it by mistake. 5 Why don't you put a......on your wrist if it still hurts? 6 Did James.......his ankle while playing football? 7 It's best to take a .......with you to carry your things in when you go on a hike. 8 I think we're lost; can you pass me the.......? 9 Many athletes have overcome a.......and reached the top of their sport. 10 I.......my hand while cooking dinner yesterday .

Предполагаемые ответы:

1 injured (травмированный)

2 sunscreen (солнцезащитный крем)

3 plaster (пластырь)

4 Cat (порез)

5 bandage (повязка)

6 sprain (растянуть)

7 rucksack (рюкзак)

8 map (карта)

9 disability

10 burnt (обожгла)

Упр. 2 стр. 135

Преобразовать предложения из прямой в косвенную речь.

1 "We are going on a hike tomorrow," John told me........ 2 "Go to the doctor's," Jenny said........ 3 "Have you still got a sore throat?" Amanda asked. 4 "Matt's got a really bad headache," Andrea said. 5 "Fortunately, she didn't break her leg," Samantha said to me........

Предполагаемые ответы:

1 John told me that we were going on a hike the next day. (Джон сказал мне, что мы пойдем в поход на следующий день).

2 Jenny said to go to the doctor's. (Дженни сказала сходить к доктору).

3 Amanda asked me if I still had a sore throat. (Аманда спросила меня, до сих пор ли у меня болит горло).

4 Andrea told me that Matt had a very bad headache. (Андреа сказала мне, что у Мэта ужасная головная боль).

5 Samantha told me that fortunately, she had not broken her leg. (Саманта сказала мне, что, к счастью, она не сломала ногу).

Упр. 3 стр. 135

Учащиеся выбирают правильное слова и выписывают его в тетрадь.

1 Anyone/No one is more adventurous than Jake. 2 There's nothing/something I have to tell you. 3 Someone/Everyone admires Tom for what he has achieved. 4 I've lost my umbrella; I've looked everywhere/ nowhere for it! 5 Do you know anything/something about surviving in the desert?

Предполагаемые ответы:

1 No one (никто)

2 something (что-то)

3 Everyone (все)

4 everywhere (везде)

5 anything (что-нибудь)

Упр. 4 стр. 135

Учащиеся выбирают подходящий фразовый глагол.

1 The police think they know who's been carrying .......the burglaries. 2 Bethany carried .......surfing after she lost her arm in a shark attack. 3 Amanda didn't think she would be able to put on an American accent in the play, but in the end she carried it.......really well. 4 Everyone was surprised when the prime minister actually carried.......the changes he had proposed. 5 John got carried ....... when he won the race and started screaming and running around .

Предполагаемые ответы:

1 out

2 on

3 off

4 through

5 away

Упр. 5 стр. 135

Учащиеся сопоставляют фразы, чтоб составить диалоги.

1 How did you get your broken arm? 2 What do you think about coming skydiving with me next week? 3 Do you think I should go trekking in the mountains? 4 My throat's a lot better now. 5 You're looking under the weather.

a Yes, I'm not feeling very well at all. b Oh, that's good. с I had a little accident last week. d I would think twice about doing that. e Hmm... I 'll think about it. Now I can... • talk and write about challenges • seek approval about taking risks • report what people said • talk about survival • write a letter of application & a short biography • give a presentation about Antarctica ...in English

Предполагаемые ответы:

1 c

2 e

3 d

4 b

5 a

Подведение итогов урока (3 мин.)

Домашнее задание (2 мин.) учащиеся повторяют лексику модуля 8


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