Пособие для дошкольников «Interesting English»
Interesting EnglishDOC / 7.47 Мб
/data/files/p1677383137.doc (Interesting English)Timofeyev U.A.
for preschoolers
Пособие "Interesting English" предназначено для дошкольников от 3 до 7 лет по изучению английского языка. Занятия по пособию могут проводиться самостоятельно, без участия преподавателя. В пособии будут собраны интересные материалы для дошкольников. Изучение иностранных языков в раннем возрасте очень важно для ребенка, наше пособие поможет ему развиваться и познавать что-то новое. Пособие комплектуется приложениями, в которых содержатся разные дополнительные материалы для закрепления тем ученику.
New words
Red Красный
Green Зеленый
Blue Синий
Orange Оранжевый
Ц White Белый
Black Чёрный
Pink Розовый
Brown Коричневый
Yellow Жёлтый
Rainbow song (Песня о радуге)
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple,pink (2 раза)
It's a rainbow, it's a rainbow
A beautiful rainbow in the sky
It's a rainbow, it's a rainbow
A beautiful rainbow in the sky
Red,orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink
It's a rainbow, it's a rainbow
A beautiful rainbow in the sky
Paint figures (Раскрась фигуры)
What colors are they? (Какого они цвета?)
Pig (cвинья)-
Grass (трава)-
Sun (Солнце)-
Cat (кот)-
Snow (снег)-
Guess next rebuses (Отгадай следующие ребусы)
Make new words (Составь новые слова)
New words
Mother мама
Father папа
Daughter дочь
Son Сын
Grandmother бабушка
Grandfather дедушка
Compose next words (Составь следующие слова)
Paint next pictures (Раскрась следующие картинки)
Write next words (Пропиши следующие слова)
Write names of members of your family (Напиши имена своих членов семьи)
Mom, dad [mɑːm, dæd]
Mom, dad [mɑːm, dæd]
Mom, dad [mɑːm, dæd]
Brother, sister [ˈbrʌðə, ˈsɪstə]
Brother, sister [ˈbrʌðə, ˈsɪstə]
Grandma, grandpa [ˈɡrænmɑː,ˈɡrænpɑː]
Grandma, grandpa [ˈɡrænmɑː,ˈɡrænpɑː]
I love my family [aɪ lʌv maɪ ˈfæməli ]
Oh yeah [oʊ jeə] – весьма интереснее словосочетание разговорной речи, на которое стоит дополнительно обратить внимание ребенка.
I do [aɪ duː] – положительный ответ на любой, поставленный в английском языке, вопрос.
I love my family [aɪ lʌv maɪ ˈfæməli]
Oh yeah [oʊ jeə]
It’s true [Its tru: ]
Мама, папа
Мама, папа
Брат, сестра
Брат, сестра
Бабушка, дедушка
Бабушка, дедушка
Я люблю свою семью
О да
Я люблю
Я люблю свою семью
О да
Это правда
New words
Car Машина
Bus Автобус
Taxi Такси
Train Поезд
Bike велосипед
Make next words (Сделай следующие слова)
Paint next pictures (Раскрась следующие картинки)
Turn the chairs down in a roww
Each behind the other, so;;
Chu-chu! Chu-chu! there they are,,
Passenger and baggage-car,,
Chu-chu-chu! the Morris chairr
Is the engine puffing there,,
Chu-chu! Chu-chu! Ting-a-ling!!
Don't you hear its big bell ring??
All aboard! Jump on! if youu
Want to take this train. Chu-chu!!!
Off we start now, rushing fastt
Through the fields and valleys, pastt
Noisy cities, over bridges,,
Hills and plains and mountain ridges,,
Chu-chu! Chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!!!
At such speed it must be truee
Since we started we have comee
Most a million miles from home!!
Jump off, some one! Quick! and goo
To the pantry, for, you know,,
We must have the cookie-jarr
For our Pullman dining-car!!
New words
Boot Ботинок
Jacket Куртка
Coat Пальто
Shirt Рубашка
Skirt Юбка
M ake next words (Составь следующие слова)
Write next words (Напиши следующие слова)
Paint next pictures (Раскрась следующие картинки)
Let's get dressed
Let's get dressed, so we can go out and
Everybody put your socks on,
your socks on
your socks on
Everybody put your socks on
Let's do it this way
first put in one foot, then put in the other
Everybody put your pants on,
your pants on
your pants on
Let's do it this way
first put in one leg, then put in the other leg
Everybody put your pants on
Let's go out to play
Everybody put your shirts on,
your shirts on
your shirts on
Everybody put your shirts on
Let's do it this way
first put in one arm, then put in the other arm
Everybody put your shirts on
Let's go out to play!
Everybody put your shoes on,
your shoes on
your shoes on
first put in one foot, then put in the other foot
Everybody put your shoes on
Let's go out to play!
Everybody put your coats on,
your coats on
your coats on
Everybody put your coats on
Let's do it this way
first put in one arm, then put in the other arm
Everybody put your coats on
Let's go out to play!
Let's go out to play!
New words
Apple Яблоко
Melon Дыня
Pear Груша
Peach Персик
Make new words (Составьте следующие слова)
Write next words (Напиши следующие слова)
Paint next pictures (Раскрась следующие картинки)
Match pictures with words (Соотнеси слова с картинками)
Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)
Verse 1:
I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!
I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!
(Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!)
Mondays I eat apples.
(Mondays I eat apples.)
Tuesdays I eat pears.
(Tuesdays I eat pears.)
Wednesdays I eat cherries.
(Wednesdays I eat cherries.)
Thursdays I don’t care!
(Thursdays I don’t care!)
Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)
Verse 2:
I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!
I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!
(Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!
Fridays I eat mangoes.
(Fridays I eat mangoes.)
Saturdays some grapes.
(Saturdays some grapes.)
Sundays I eat berries.
(Sundays I eat berries.)
I think that fruits are great!
(I think that fruits are great!)
Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)
Apples (apples)
Pears (pears)
Cherries (cherries)
I don’t care! (I don’t care!)
Mangoes (mangoes)
Grapes (grapes)
Berries (berries)
Fruits are great! (Fruits are great!)
Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)
New words
Potato Картофель
Tomato Помидор
Carrot Морковь
Onion Луковица
Garlic Чеснок
Compose next words (Составьте следующие слова)
Write next words (Напишите следующие слова)
CARROT__________________________________________________carrot_____________________________________________________POTATO__________________________________________________potato_____________________________________________________onion_____________________________________________________ONION____________________________________________________onion_____________________________________________________ tomato____________________________________________________TOMATO_________________________________________________GARLIC___________________________________________________garlic_____________________________________________________garlic_____________________________________________________
F ill the gaps (Заполните пропуски)
gar ic
ota o
Match pictures with words (Соотнесите картинки со словами)
Paint next pictures (Раскрасить следующие картинки)
Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli,
Vegetables are good for me.
For my snack and in my lunch,
Veggie sticks are great to munch.
Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli,
Vegetables are good for me.
Vegetables are good for me,
And so I eat them happily,
With a carrot, carrot here,
and a carrot, carrot there
Here a carrot, there a carrot
Everywhere a carrot, carrot.
Vegetables are good for me,
Carrots, beans, and potatoes
Corn and peas and tomatoes
Mix and stir up in a pot.
Smells so good as it gets hot.
Soup's on-1, 2.
Soup's on-3, 4.
1, 2, 3, 4-Let's eat a good treat!
New words
One Один
Two Два
Three Три
Four Четыре
Five Пять
Six Шесть
Seven Семь
Eight Восемь
Nine Девять
Ten Десять
Write next words (Напишите следующие слова)
ten_________________________________________________TEN________________________________________________seven_______________________________________________SEVEN_____________________________________________seven_______________________________________________nine________________________________________________NINE_______________________________________________nine________________________________________________EIGHT_____________________________________________ eight_______________________________________________
Count next figures (Посчитайте следующие фигуры)
Make next words (Составьте следующие слова)
Match pictures with words (Соотнесите слова с картинками)
The Numeral Song
(Tune: "Skip to My Lou")
Come right down and that is all.
Come right down and that is all.
Come right down and that is all
To make the numeral one.
2 - Curve around and slide to the right. . .
3 - Curve in and around again. . .
4 - Down, over, down some more. . .
5 - Down, around, put on a hat. . .
6 - Curve in and around again. . .
7 - Slide to the right and slant it down. . .
8 - Make an "s" then close the gate. . .
9 - Circle around then come right down. . .
10 - Come right down, then make a zero. . .
We can sing the "Numeral Song". . .
And make numerals all day long!
New words
Doctor Врач
Teacher Учитель
Seller Продавец
Cook Повар
Farmer Фермер
Write next words (Прописать следующие слова)
M ake new words (Составьте следующие слова)
Fill the gaps (Заполните пропуски)
f rmer
s e er
t ea er
Paint next pictures (Разукрасить следующие картинки)
What do you want be when you’re older? When you’re big and a little bit bolder…What do you want to be?
Maybe you want be a fire fighter, maybe you want be a writer, just believe in yourself, oh yah yah!
Maybe, you want be a dentist, or a doctor, maybe you want be a chemist or a punk rocker.
Maybe, you want be a diplomat or teacher, maybe you want be a police man or public speaker, yah!
What do you want be when you’re older? When you're wise and a little bit bolder…What do you want to be?
Maybe you want be a nurse, maybe you want be a drive a hearse, just believe in yourself, oh yah yah.
Maybe, you want be an engineer or pilot.
Maybe you want be an actor, just go on and try it!
Maybe, you want be a waiter or a banker
Maybe you want be a soccer player or news anchor!
Maybe, you want build some really cool robots.
Maybe you want be in space just like the astronauts!
Maybe, you want play computer games all day…
Just don’t forget to get some exercise and watch your weight!
Maybe, you want to be a lawyer or a judge.
Maybe you want make some goodies like this chocolate fudge!
What do you want be when you’re older? When you’re big and a little bit bolder.
What do you want to be?
New words
Fridge Холодильник
Dryer Сушилка
Mixer/blender Миксер
Toaster Тостер
Microwave Микроволновая печь
Freezer Морозильная камера
Write next words (Напишите следующие слова)
MICROWAVE_____________________________________________microwave_________________________________________________microwave_________________________________________________FREEZER_________________________________________________ _freezer___________________________________________________ _freezer___________________________________________________TOASTER_________________________________________________toaster_____________________________________________________toaster____________________________________________________
Match pictures with words (Сопоставить картинки со словами)
M ake next words (Составьте следующие слова)
Paint next pictures (Раскрась следующие картинки)
F ill the gaps (Заполните пропуски)
f ree er
icro ave
ri ge
Baker,baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder what's in a day
what's in your cake this time
New words
Gold Золото
Silver Серебро
Iron Железо
Lead Свинец
Zinc Цинк
Write next words (Напишите следующие слова)
ZINC_____________________________________________________GOLD_____________________________________________________zinc_______________________________________________________gold_____________________________________________________ _zinc_______________________________________________________gold_____________________________________________________SILVER___________________________________________________silver______________________________________________________silver______________________________________________________LEAD_____________________________________________________lead_______________________________________________________lead_______________________________________________________
Match pictures with words (Соотнесите слова с картинками)
Identify metal (Определите металл)
Write name of metal (Напишите название металла)
New words
Toys Игрушки
Table Стол
Clock Часы
Door Дверь
Bed Кровать
Pencil box Пенал
Write next words (Написать следующие слова)
rite the word (Написать слово)
Match words with pictures (Сопоставить слова с картинками)
Bed, toys, clock
Fill the gaps (Заполнить пропуски)
b d
c l ck
t s
Draw your room (Написуй свою комнату)
What is it? (Что это?)
Make next words (Составить следующие слова)
Colors (Цвета).....................................................................................3
Family (Семья)....................................................................................9
Transport (Транспорт)........................................................................15
Clothes (Одежда)................................................................................19
Fruits (Фрукты)...................................................................................24
Vegetables (Овощи)............................................................................30
Numerals (Числительные)..................................................................36
Professions (Профессии).....................................................................42
Appliances (Бытовые приборы)..........................................................47
Metals (Металлы).................................................................................52
My room (Моя команата).....................................................................56
Тимофеев Юрий Александрович
Учебное пособие для дошкольников по английскому языку "Interesting English"
Дата разработки: июль 2021
Количество страниц: 60
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