Презентация по английскому языку по теме «Настоящее продолженное время» (4 класс)

Материал опубликован 23 October 2022

Фонетическая зарядка I am counting to ten, You are giving them a pen, She is looking at the door, He is sitting on the floor, All of us are working well, Waiting, waiting for the bell.

Present Continuous

Present Continuous 1. We use the present continuous tense to describe an action that is happening now. You are listening to me now. 2. We form the present continuous tense by adding –ing to the main verb after the appropriate form of the verb to be He is playing football at the moment.

Утвердительные предложения I am playing He is playing She is playing It is playing You are playing We are playing They are playing

Отрицательные предложения I am not playing He is not playing She is not playing It is not playing You are not playing We are not playing They are not playing

Вопросительные предложения Am I playing? Is he playing? Is she playing? Is it playing? Are you playing? Are we playing? Are they playing?

Present Continuous (Spelling) 1. We usually add –ing to the verb. do - doing read - reading fly – flying eat - eating 2. If the verb ends with an -e we take away the -e and adding –ing have - having ride - riding write - writing 3. If the verb has a short vowel and one consonant, we double the consonant and add -ing sit - sitting run – running swim - swimming

am is are 1) I …. speaking English now. 2) She … riding her scooter. 3) They … eating now. 4) My brother… listening to music. 5) The boys … running in the park.

What’s happening? am/am not , is/isn’t, are/aren’t I ____ watering the plant. I___ sleeping. The girl ___talking on the phone, she ___ drinking milk. They ___ playing a game, they ___ painting a picture.

Make up questions 1. now / Mary / tea / is / drinking?   2. swimming / now / the / boy / is?   3. the / playing / basketball / boys/ are?

Boardgame Rules: Throw the dice, look at the picture and make a sentence using the present continuous. Continue until someone reaches the finish.

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