12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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1.Think of having a job in near future. How can you describe it? What features do you want your job to have? What do you not want? Think about your preferable future job and write your ideas in this space.

Working shifts/ on computer/ with people/ alone/ freelance/ 5 days a week

Meeting deadlines

Having flexible schedule

Being a team-leader

Having mental/manual work

Change/ stay at one place

Having hard/easy/demanding/responsible/well-paid job

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Choose 3 professions and describe their work conditions using the phrases above





2. Do the crossword


3. Get acquainted with the CV. Write what traits and characteristics are needed for this person. What characteristics cannot be possessed for successful work on this position.



Invent your own CV. Be ready to answer an interviewer’s questions about your experience, benefits and weaknesses.


Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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