Работа с текстом «Экологические проблемы»
Ecological problems
Ecology is a scientific branch which studies interactions between organisms and their environment. It also studies the biodiversity of our planet. Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there is life. It is home to various kinds of plant and animal species. For centuries people lived in harmony with their environment until industrialization began. It brought human society into conflict with nature, which today has grown to a dramatic scale. Every year industrial waste pollutes surrounding atmosphere with millions of tons of dust and harmful substances.
The most acute problems include shortage of natural resources, global warming, acid rains, wildlife extinction, water and air pollution.
Air pollution is one of the most important and urgent problems. It is mostly caused by transport and factory fumes, which gradually destroy the ozone layer. Unfortunately, this can have dire consequences, as the ozone layer is there to protect our planet from sun radiation. Most aerosols which are used in daily life create large holes in this layer.
Water pollution also leads to numerous problems in natural environment. Many ships carry oil by sea. In case, there is a leakage, many fish die or get contaminated. It happens because their habitat gets polluted. People can also suffer if they eat such fish. Oil and other waste pollute beaches as well, which makes it difficult for holiday-makers to swim.
Acid rains lead to deforestation. Many forests disappear because of acid rains. It is especially true for tropical forests. Such rains kill nature in many ways: animals die out, climate changes along with ecosystem.
Wildlife extinction is no less acute. Many species of animals are in danger nowadays. For example, the blue whale, which is the largest water animal in the world, has been hunted for so long that it became a rare animal. The largest land animal is the African elephant, and it is also exposed to extinction. Even though they are strictly protected, these animals are still hunted for their valuable tusks. The only solution of this problem is wildlife conservation. It means opening more national parks, planting more new forests, and cutting down on industrial pollution.
Global warming has recently become a real threat. It is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, which brings tangible changes into world’s climate. It is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When we burn fossil fuels, such as coal or oil, carbon overloads and creates greenhouse effect.
Shortage of natural resources will definitely affect the future of our environment. It includes food and water shortage, fuel and non-fuel minerals shortage. These resources are not limitless and if people persist using them uncontrollably, the upcoming years will become extremely polluted, economically unstable and risky.
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1.Найдите эквиваленты русских предложений в тексте:
1. Экология – это научное направление, которое изучает взаимодействие между организмами и окружающей их средой.2. Загрязнение воздуха является одним из самых важных и актуальных проблем. 3.Загрязнение воды также приводит к многочисленным проблемам в окружающей среде. 4. Кислотные дожди приводят к вырубке лесов. 5. Глобальное потепление в последнее время стало реальной угрозой. 6. Нехватка природных ресурсов, безусловно, повлияет на будущее нашей окружающей среды.
2.Укажите букву, если предложение:
a.верно b. неверно c.в тексте не сказано
1. Air pollution is one of the most important and urgent problems.
2. Water pollution also does not lead to numerous problems in natural environment.
3. Many forests disappear because of acid rains.
4.Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with tons of dust and other harmful things.
3. Найдите все существительные в первом абзаце и выпишите их в тетрадь.
4.Пользуясь текстом, перечислите наиболее острые экологические проблемы современного мира.
5.Переведите письменно третий абзац текста.
6.Предложите свой вариант озаглавить текст
7. Подберите эквиваленты пословиц:
1.Life begins the day you start a garden
2.As you sow, so shall you reap.
3.Never cast dirt into that fountain of which you have sometime drunk.
4.Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.
a.Не плюй в колодец, пригодится воды напиться.
b.Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
c.Природа предоставляет нам бесплатный обед, но только если мы контролируем свой аппетит.
d.Жизнь начинается в тот день, когда вы начинаете сад сажать.
8.Переведите и поясните высказывание Дэйва Фореман:
« Our environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the central nervous system or the brain of nature. We’re not the brain, we are a cancer on nature.»
Dave Foreman