Разработка игры по английсокму языку в 5 классе «These Funny Animals»

Материал опубликован 31 May 2017 в группе

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Jeopardy Game “These Funny Animals”

Игра «These Funny animals» проводилась среди учащихся 5 классов в рамках Года Экологии.

Цель игры – стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка и миру природы.


• расширение и углубление знаний, умений и навыков в овладении иноязычной коммуникативной деятельностью;

• стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению предмета;

• работа по развитию умения работать в группах.

Предлагаю наши вопросы и задания с интерактивной презентацией к игре, а также некоторые варианты, как можно разнообразить и дополнить ход игры.

Вопросы и задания по категориям

Category 1: “The Most

100 – This is the biggest bird in the world. (an ostrich)

200 – This is the biggest monkey. (a gorilla)

300 – This is the fastest runner among the animals. (a cheetah)

400 – This bird lives the longest life. (a raven)

500 – This is the most dangerous snake in the world. (a queen’s cobra)

Category 2: “Body Parts”

100 – This Australian animal has a special body part – a bag – to carry its little children there. (a kangaroo)

200 – Some insects use their body parts in unusual ways. A grasshopper has ears on this part of its body. (on the legs)

300 – Elephants have big ears, but they use other body part to hear better. What do they use to hear sounds at great distances? (their legs)

400 – Butterflies use their legs to do this task. What for? (to try/ to taste food)

500 – This part of hare’s and rabbit’s body grows bigger and bigger day by day. (teeth)

Category 3: “Other Names”

100 – This animal is sometimes called “a black leopard”. (a panther)

200 – The name of this animal came from the Arabic word “zarafa” and is translated as “beautiful”. (a giraffe)

300 – Arabian people use more than 100 words to name this big animal, because it is very important in their lives. (a camel)

400 – This animal gives its name to some traffic sign – black and white stripes on the roads. (a zebra)

500 – Find the animals! (Карточка)

Category 4: “Amazing Facts”

100 – Do mosquitoes have teeth? (Yes! They have got 22 teeth!)

200 – This big animal lives in far north. Its fur is white, but its skin is black! It helps these animals to keep warm in cold weather. (Polar bear)

300 – A goldfish has a very bad memory! For how long does it remember things? (For 3 seconds)

400 – The ostrich puzzle (Карточка)

500 – Albatross can do it while flying at speed of 40 km/h! (It can sleep while flying!) – Этот вопрос можно сделать вроде «кот в мешке», в мешке будет подсказка – маленькая подушечка, намёк на сон. 

Category 5: “Everything About Anything”

100 – This animal doesn’t drink water. It gets liquid from the leaves of the trees where it lives. (a koala, it eats leaves of eucalyptus trees)

200 – This bird from New Zealand looks like a furry ball on the legs. Its feathers look like fur. It has very short wings. There is a fruit with the same name. (a kiwi)

300 – These insects are very hard-working. They organize big houses under the trees in the forest. They work and work all days long. And they NEVER sleep! (ants)

400 – These Australian birds make very unusual families. Their women (female) organize fights for men (male) birds. Men sit on the eggs and bring up their kids. They can even kill anyone who is dangerous for their children. (ostriches Emu)

500 – “Блиц"

От каждой команды выбирают одного участника, они выходят за дверь. Вызываем по одному и задаем вопросы, завершаем обсуждением верных ответов
Jeopardy game "These Funny Animals"
PPT / 12.13 Мб


1) How many legs has a spider got? (8)

2) Can elephants swim? (Yes)

3) Can tigers be white? (Yes)

4) Is koala a bear? (No)

5) Is zebra a white animal with black stripes or a black animal with white stripes? (It’s a white animal with black stripes.)

Дополнительные предложения

1) Можно какой-нибудь вопрос записать на видео – “вопрос от известной личности”. Этой личностью может стать другой учитель английского языка, какой-то известный в школе ученик, или даже сам директор.

2) В перерывах между вопросами мы включали ролик собственного изготовления со смешными фото животных и подписями на английском языке (есть в приложениях).

3) Можно также какие-то вопросы сделать «Вопросами-аукционами», чтобы участники поторговались за право отвечать.

4) В качестве музыкальной паузы можно использовать детские песенки – загадки (приведу ссылки - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw_wf2mygKs;


 5) Можно дополнить мероприятие рассказами учащихся о любимых животных.
Animals Wordsearch
DOCX / 918.99 Кб

Ostrich Puzzle
DOCX / 494.18 Кб

Предварительный просмотр презентации

The most Body parts Other names Amazing facts Everything about anything

The most, 100 an ostrich This is the biggest bird in the world.

Body parts, 100 Kangaroo This Australian animal has a special body part – a bag – to carry its little children there.

Other names, 100 Panther This animal is sometimes called “a black leopard”.

Amazing facts, 100 Yes, they have 22 teeth! Do mosquitoes have teeth?

Everything about anything, 100 Koala This animal doesn’t drink water. It gets liquid from the leaves of the trees where it lives.

The most , 200 Gorilla This is the biggest monkey.

Body parts, 200 On the legs Some insects use their body parts in unusual ways. A grasshopper has ears on this part of its body.

Other names, 200 , The name of this animal came from the Arabic word “zarafa” and is translated as “beautiful”. Giraffe

Amazing facts, 200 Polar bear This big animal lives in far north. Its fur is white, but its skin is black! It helps these animals to keep warm in cold weather.

Everything about anything, 200 Kiwi bird This bird from New Zealand looks like a furry ball on the legs. Its feathers look like fur. It has very short wings. There is a fruit with the same name.

The most, 300 Cheetah This is the fastest runner among the animals

Body parts, 300 Their legs Elephants have big ears, but they use other body part to hear better. What do they use to hear sounds at great distances?

Other names, 300 Camel Arabian people use more than 100 words to name this big animal, because it is very important in their lives.

Amazing facts, 300 3 seconds A goldfish has a very bad memory! For how long does it remember things?

Everything about anything, 300 Ants! – These insects are very hard-working. They organize big houses under the trees in the forest. They work and work all days long. And they NEVER sleep!

The most, 400 Raven This bird lives the longest life

Body parts, 400 To taste food Butterflies use their legs to do this task. What for?

Other names, 400 Zebra This animal gives its name to some traffic sign – black and white stripes on the roads.

Amazing facts, 400 The ostrich puzzle

Everything about anything, 400 Ostriches Emu These Australian birds make very unusual families. Their women (female) organize fights for men (male) birds. Men sit on the eggs and bring up their kids. They can even kill anyone who is dangerous for their children.

The most, 500 King cobra This is the most dangerous snake in the world.

Body parts, 500 Teeth This part of hare’s and rabbit’s body grows bigger and bigger day by day.

Other names, 500 Find the animals!

Amazing facts, 500 It can sleep while flying! Albatross can do it while flying at speed of 40 km/h!

Everything about anything, 500 Thanksgiving day 1) How many legs has a spider got? 2) Can elephants swim? 3) Can tigers be white? 4) Is koala a bear? 5) Is zebra a white animal with black stripes or a black animal with white stripes?

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