Разработка по английскому языку на тему "My family relationships"

Материал опубликован 8 June 2024

"My family relationships"

1. Match the words to their definitions.

a) siblings

b) childhood

c) meals

d) relatives

e) generations

f) chores

g) holiday

h) traditions

i) get married

1) the time when you are young, before you become an adult

2) groups of people born around the same time in a family

3) tasks or jobs that need to be done at home

4) have a wedding with someone you love

5) family members like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins

6) a special day for celebrating something

7) customs or beliefs passed down from parents to children

8) brothers and sisters

9) food that you eat during the day

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

meals, get married, holiday, relatives, childhood, siblings, generations, chores, traditions

1. I have three ____________, two sisters and one brother.

2. My grandparents are from different ____________ than me.

3. When they grow up, they want to ____________.

4. My favorite memory from ____________ is going to the park.

5. We always eat ____________ together as a family.

6. I have to do my ____________ before I can play outside.

7. Every Christmas, we have ____________ like singing carols.

8. I have many ____________ who live in different states.

9. Thanksgiving is my favorite ____________ because of the food.

3. Read and translate the text.

The most important thing for me about family is spending time together. We have regular family meals and we always try to be together for special family occasions like birthdays or Christmas. I think it's also important to help each other, so we share the housework and everyone helps with cooking and washing up. We also buy family holidays and presents for each other on birthdays and at Christmas, but the most important thing is being together.

I am the oldest of three siblings and we get on well. I think it's quite normal to argue sometimes, but we're usually good friends. My parents are very supportive and they give us advice when we need it. I feel lucky to have such a close family.

We have a lot of family traditions. For example, every year we go on family holidays together. Usually we go camping by the sea. It's great fun because we play games and go swimming. We also have some special family recipes that we only cook on certain occasions. My grandmother taught my mother how to make these dishes and now my mother is teaching me. I think it's important to keep these traditions alive.

My extended family is quite big. I have lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. We don't see them as often as our close relatives, but we try to get together for family gatherings or celebrations. I think it's important to keep in touch with relatives, even if you don't see them very often. We send birthday cards and presents and we phone them on their birthdays.

I think families are really important. They are the people who love and care about you, no matter what happens. In some ways, families are all the same - they have their ups and downs - but they are unique too. Every family has its own special memorable childhood stories, family gatherings or celebrations, and family relationships. These things are what make families special and I think it's important to appreciate the time you have with your family members while you can. One day, you might get married and have generations of your own important people to cherish.

4. Decide which statements are "true", "false" and "not stated".

  • Spending time together is TERRIBLE for the author when.
  • The author's family rarely has meals together.
  • The author is the oldest of three siblings and they have a good relationship.
  • The author's family usually goes camping in the mountains.
  • The author's extended family lives in a different country.
  • The author believes families are not important.
  • Each family has unique childhood memories, gatherings, and relationships.
  • The author will definitely get married and have children.

5. Answer the questions.

  • Do you like spending time with your family?
  • What do you usually do for special family occasions?
  • How do you help each other in your family?
  • Do you have any siblings?
  • Are you close to your parents?
  • What are some family traditions that you have?
  • How often do you see your extended family members?
  • Why do you think it's important to keep in touch with relatives?
  • What do you think makes families special?
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