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Бачевская Диана Леонидовна19
Урок английского языка по теме "Merry Christmas". 3-й класс

Цели урока:

    Знакомство с традициями и обычаями, принятыми в британских семьях, во время празднования Рождества и Нового года.

    Развитие произносительных навыков.

    Активизация изученной лексики в речи.

    Развитие навыков говорения и письма.

    Активизация грамматических навыков.

Оборудование: учебник, CD к УМК, CD-проигрыватель, костюм ёлки, бумажные новогодние игрушки с глаголами, картинки елки .

Ход урока

1. Орг.момент

Good morning, сhildren! (Good morning, teacher!)Who is absent today?

2. Фонетическая разминка.

Let’s do some phonetic exercises.

Look at the blackboard. Say after me:

[w]: we, wish, we wish, we wish you

[jiǝ]: year, dear, hear, New Year, Dear Santa

[k]: Christmas, Christmas tree, Christmas presents, Merry Christmas

Translate please.

3. Речевая разминка.

    What ‘s the season now?

    What’s the month now?

    What date is it today?  

P1-this is the season when nights are dark And birds do not sing in the streets and the parks

P2-this is the month when I can ski and Santa Claus brings a new year tree

    What holidays do we celebrate in December? . (– New Year and Christmas.)

    When do English people celebrate Christmas?(the 25th of December)

    When do Russian people celebrate Christmas?(on the 7th of January)

(на доске рождественская открытка со словом CHRISTMAS)

.Associations — Children, what are your associations? (holidays, presents, a Christmas tree, Father Christmas, carols, stockings, cards) Данные слова располагаем на доске вокруг слова CHRISTMAS

. Let's speak about Christmas in Great Britain

(девочки в рождественских колпаках поют песню»We wish you a merry Christmas»

4. Развитие навыков чтения

Now let’s read and translate the text about Christmas in Britain


The 25th of December is a great holiday in Great Britain. It’s a Christmas Day. People are very busy before Christmas. They buy different presents for their friends and relatives. Children make presents and Christmas cards at school. Then people put a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys and colored balls. When children go to bed they put their stockings near the fireplace(камин).At night Santa Claus comes and puts presents into the stockings.

Answer the questions, please.

When do people celebrate Christmas?

What do people send to their relatives and friends?
Why are people busy before Christmas ?
What do people decorate the Christmas tree with?
Where do people put their presents?
Who brings the presents for the children?
Where does he put the presents for the children?

And how do you celebrate Christmas,children?(ребята нарисовали картинки как они отмечают рождество)

4. Повторение и закрепление лексики грамматики

а) диалог по подарки

-Hello, Kirill. How are you?

-Hi ,Nastya. I’m fine Thanks, and you?

-I’m OK too. What is there in your such a big box?

-Oh, it’s a present for you .Do you like presents?

-For me? What a surprise. I’m fond of presents. I think all children like presents.

-So here you are. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

-And this Christmas card is for you. I made it at school. Merry Christmas. Bye

-Thank you See you

Well,children, what did they speak about?(presents)

Б)музыкальная пауза(песня про подарки MAPLE LEAF LEARNING, What do you want for Christmas)

And what presents did you get last year and what would you like to get this year?

(Last year I got a doll, but this year I’d like to get a kitten)

c)(на доске неукрашенная елка)

Children, is it a Christmas tree?

P1-No,it isn’t. There are no toys on it,

(Выходит Маша в костюме елки)

I’m so unhappy, all my friends are bright and beautiful. they have lot of coloulred balls and toy on. Only I have nothing. What can I do? What can I do?(begins to cry)

Children, why is the tree crying? Why is she unhappy?(отвечают)

Lets help the tree and decorate her.(подходят к столу ,выбирают игрушку с неправильным глаголом ,называют прошедшее время этого глагола и вешают ее на елку)

P2-Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

How green are your sweet branches. You bloom not only when it’s warm

But also in winter storm.

d)(стук в дверь ,входит Никита в костюме Cанты)

Who is this old funny man?(It’s Santa Claus)

S.C. dear children come to me, come to me, sit near me

I’ll tell you fairy tales ,we will play some funny games.

I like to come to you, children because I know that you are clever ,you wait for me and learn many poems. Is it ?true

(рассказывают стихи)

P1.It’s snowing , it’s snowing, what a lot of snow

Let us make some snowballs we all like to throw

P2 It’s snowing, it’s snowing let us skate and ski

When I’m dashing down the hill, clear the way for me.

P3 –Come to the garden and play in the snow

Make a big snowman and let him to grow

«what a nice snowman «-the children will say

What a fine game in a cold winter day.


6. Развитие навыков письма.

Ребята получают шаблон открытки для Санты. их задание написать ему письмо.

7. Jingle Bells

(дети в масках и колпаках поют песню)

8. Подведение итогов.

Что мы сегодня сделали на уроке?

(Узнали о Рождестве в Британии: нарядили ёлку, написали письмо Санта Клаусу, рассказывали стихи, спели песню).

Ну и мы не можем закончить наш праздничный урок без подарков.

Санта Клаус раздает подарочки.  

9. Домашнее задание: сделать рождественскую открытку для родителей или друзей.


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