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Project work: «Steps to Understanding Culture» Done by Zhornik Vlada

Culture plays an important role in a person and society, which consists, first of all, in life, in the fact that culture combines the mechanism of accumulation, storage and transmission of human experience. It is culture that makes a person a person. Culture plays an important role in a person and society, which consists, first of all, in life, in the fact that culture combines the mechanism of accumulation, storage and transmission of human experience. It is culture that makes a person a person.

Culture is a concept that has a huge number of meanings in various areas of human life. Culture is the subject of study of philosophy, cultural studies, history, sociology, art history, linguistics (ethnolinguistics), political science, ethnology, psychology, economics, and pedagogy. Culture is a concept that has a huge number of meanings in various areas of human life. Culture is the subject of study of philosophy, cultural studies, history, sociology, art history, linguistics (ethnolinguistics), political science, ethnology, psychology, economics, and pedagogy.

Basically, culture is understood as human activity in its most diverse manifestations, including all forms and methods of human self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of skills and abilities by a person and society as a whole. Culture also appears as a manifestation of human subjectivity and objectivity (character, competencies, skills, abilities and knowledge). Basically, culture is understood as human activity in its most diverse manifestations, including all forms and methods of human self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of skills and abilities by a person and society as a whole. Culture also appears as a manifestation of human subjectivity and objectivity (character, competencies, skills, abilities and knowledge). Culture is a set of stable forms of human activity, without which it cannot be reproduced, and therefore cannot exist.

Cultural values Cultural values are tangible and intangible objects and works of culture that have artistic and property value, universal significance, and also have an aesthetic, scientific, and historical impact on a person.

For the first time the definition of "cultural property" was formulated in the "Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict" in 1954. Thanks to this Convention, this concept was introduced into international terminology. Currently, each state has its own national definition of this concept, while in the same country in different branches of law different definitions can be applied. For the first time the definition of "cultural property" was formulated in the "Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict" in 1954. Thanks to this Convention, this concept was introduced into international terminology. Currently, each state has its own national definition of this concept, while in the same country in different branches of law different definitions can be applied.

The Cultural and Art Market is one of the oldest investment markets in the world. There is also illegal circulation of cultural property. The fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property can be carried out with the help of public state registers of cultural property, as well as the creation and dissemination of codes of professional ethics for dealers in cultural property. The Cultural and Art Market is one of the oldest investment markets in the world. There is also illegal circulation of cultural property. The fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property can be carried out with the help of public state registers of cultural property, as well as the creation and dissemination of codes of professional ethics for dealers in cultural property.

Culture unites people, integrates them, ensures the integrity of the community. But by rallying some on the basis of some subculture, it opposes them to others, separating wider communities. Within these broader communities, cultural conflicts can arise. Thus, culture can and often performs a disintegrating function. Culture unites people, integrates them, ensures the integrity of the community. But by rallying some on the basis of some subculture, it opposes them to others, separating wider communities. Within these broader communities, cultural conflicts can arise. Thus, culture can and often performs a disintegrating function.