Конспект урока и презентация по теме: «Mass Media» (Английский язык, 8 класс)

Материал опубликован 8 March 2017 в группе

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников



Организационный момент

-Good morning boys and girls, I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.



Введение в урок

-Well, What day is it today? What day of the week is it today?

-Today we live in the time of information.

Where can we get information?(from Mass Media).

-Now you will watch a short video and your task is to say:

What is Mass Media?

What does Mass Media include?

a collective name for newspapers, magazines TV and the Internet.

-Look at the screen a name the topic of our lesson.

-Yes, it’s press, what kind of press? -magazines.

-Now you should imagine that you are journalists and the name of our magazine is – Lemon Liniments- if shortly «L&Ls”.

-So, let’s imagine that we are journalist for today.

- Tell me please, what good journalist should do: to speak without mistakes, make reports and so on.

Our aims for today are:

To revise spelling

To learn some new information

To improve knowledge about Mass Media

To make a journalistic project


На доске: The 6-th of February Monday




(на слайде-обложки журналов)





(на слайде целеполагание)








-But before we start, we need to work with our pronunciation and articulation as a very professional journalist.

-We start with phonetic drill

we are going to practice the sound [ɔ:].

Look at the board and listen to me very carefully.

-Now, repeat after me

-Let’s read the whole tongue twister.


George ought to draw up

a short report on this morning’s talk



4. Тренировка монологической речи

-Well, we are ready!

-Now you need to work in group, so, please choose one color- yellow, green and orange. Ok, take your sits according to your color. Group 1, 2, 3

-I have a question for you-What kind of person a journalist should be?

-You should choose one adjective, in 2 sentences tell us – why do you think so. You have 3 minutes.

- That is all. Go to the board. Polina, what kind of person a journalist should be and why?

I think, to my mind, I believe that, journalist should be…..because…..

-I think, you should to try to be this person, ok?

(Disciplined, clever, patient, fast, physically strong, creative, with good articulation, talented, independent, honest, responsible, curious).

- On you desks you can see reflexion cards-it was the first task, so choose your point and write it down-4,3,2, or 1





3. и т.д.



5. Повторение грамматических правил (времена Present Simple, Past Simple, предлоги)

-WE go further, our journalistic work for today includes :

1. correction

2. history

3. project

- The first point is Correction. You as a clever journalists need to write without any mistakes.

-So, your task is to find out mistakes and to correct them, work in group. You have 3 minutes. Then we will check it.

-Your time is over. Let’s check .

-Now, you need to change your card with another group cards.

-Look at the screen and correct mistakes if you need-1minute for you. Ok, change again. Look and

-In your reflexion cards choose your point and write it down, task 2


На доске таблички со словами

По 5 предложений на группу


6.Просмотр ролика Evolution of media

-Next point is History.

-Often in magazines we can see some articles about historical facts. Now you'll watch the video “Evolution of media”. Be attentive and on cards you choose the right variant. You have 2 minutes.

1) First newspapers were introduced in the ( - 17th, 18-th, - 19th) century.

2) 1901 – Marconi's first (- radio, - TV, - internet) broadcast.

3) 1922 – BBC's (- radio, - TV, - internet) broadcast.

4) 1936 - BBC's (- radio, - TV, - internet) broadcast.

5) 1994– the Electric Telegraph is launched as the ( - the USA,- Russia, - the UK) first newspaper website.

6) 1998 – a little known search engine Back Rub was renamed as (- Yandex, - Google, - Yahoo)

- OK, let’s check. Read one by one.

-Ok, good job.

-It was task 3-tick it in your reflexion cards






(на карточках задание 1-6)






7. Чтение

-The next task- Art is the most creative for you. You should work in pairs.

-First of all-you should read the article, find out the headline and prepare a short summery in 2 sentences. You have 4 minutes.

-Stand up, read your headline and tell us in 2 sentences about article. (Article tells about)

Good, choose your point in reflexion card, task 4

- Previous task was an example to your project in group. Often journalistic work consists of writing, reading and making some projects for magazine. Journalist create a very brightest and unforgettable article from very simple and usual things.

-I give you one object and you should make summery of your future article, headline and draw a covering (обложка), you have 12 minutes.

1. An apple

2. Glasses

3. A pen

Theme or topic is: IT, economy, politics, school, work

Our audience is/are:

The main idea:

-Your time is over. Stand up and present your project.

-Well, our journalistic work for today is going to the end.

choose your point in reflexion card, task 5




(читают заголовок и вешают на доску рисунок)











- Now it’s interesting to hear your reflexion on the lesson. What was the most interesting part of the lesson?

Most of you have worked hard today.

-Look at the screen and count your points- tell me your mark.



9. Домашнее задание

-Your home task for the next lesson is p.75, ex.51-rewrite the words and translate them, p.76, ex.52- read and do ex.

That’s all for today. Good-bye, boys and girls. Have a nice day


Дата: 06.02.2017

Класс: 8 «в,г»


Цель урока: совершенствование навыков устной речи и лексических навыков по теме с использованием технологии критического мышления.



- расширение лексического словаря по теме Средства массовой информации;

- повторить грамматические структуры Present Simple, Past Simple, согласование глаголов с мн. и ед. числом, предлоги.

- развитие навыков аудирования на основе видео сюжета “ Evolution of media ”.


- воспитание интереса учащихся к различным средствам массовой информации;

- дать учащимся увидеть разность\схожесть их интересов и интересов британских подростков в СМИ.


- развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения, трудолюбия;

- развитие метапредметных умений.

We are afraid of spiders.

It’s too cold here.

Their names are Sally and Ann.

It’s not fair, mum!

Today the weather in nice.

She drinks much tea every day.

Which of your parents do you feel closer to?

Jim is heavier than Sam.

It’s cold in winter.

You are right.

She speaks French very well.

We go the beach a lot.

She wrote a new poem.

She is 20 years old.

Your house is very nice.

Be quiet, please!

It’s late.

My birthday is the fourth of June.


Предварительный просмотр презентации

The 6-th of February, Monday

Our aims for today: To revise spelling To learn some new information To improve knowledge about Mass Media To make a journalistic project

[ɔ:] George ought to draw up a short report on this morning’s talk

Correction 1. We are afraid of spiders. 2. It’s too cold here. 3. Their names are Sally and Ann. 4. It’s not fair, mum! 5. Today the weather in nice. 6. She drinks much tea every day. 7. Which of your parents do you feel closer to? 8. Jim is heavier than Sam. 9. It’s cold in winter. 10. You are right. 11. She speaks French very well. 12. We go the beach a lot.

Plan of summery Theme or topic is: IT, economy, politics, school, work… Our audience are…. The main idea of article is….

Reflexion Card 20-17 points = 5 16-14 points = 4 13-10 points = 3 From 9 points = 2

в формате Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)
в формате MS Powerpoint (.ppt / .pptx)

Нет презентации к уроку.

28 March 2017

отсутствует презентация.

30 March 2017

Это не конкурс конспектов, а конкурс, в первую очередь, презентаций!

30 March 2017