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Розова Ольга997
преподаватель английского языка, первая квалификационная категория
Россия, Архангельская обл., Архангельск
Материал размещён в группе «В помощь учителю английского языка»

Social work

Social work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal. Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends: helping people obtain tangible services; providing counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups; helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services; and practicing in relevant legislative processes.

The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior; of social, economic and cultural institutions and of the interaction of all these factors.

There are different specialties within social work, for example, rural social work, occupational social work, school social work, clinical social work, preventive social work, police social work, and others.

Rural social work is practice-oriented to helping people who have unique problems and needs arising out of living in agricultural or sparsely populated areas.

School social work is a specialty oriented toward helping students make satisfactory school adjustments.

Psychiatric social work or clinical social work in a mental health setting.

Occupational social work or industrial social work is the provision of professional human services in the workplace through employer-funded programs.

Preventive social work is the professional application of social work theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction, disability, or impairment, including emotional and mental disorders.

  1. Установите соответствие между английскими и русскими терминами.

1. school social work

a) геронтологическая социальная работа

2. medical socialwork

b) социальная работа в психиатрии

3. police social work

c) социальная работа в полиции

4. psychiatric social work

d) социальная работа в школе

5. gerontological social work

e) медицинская социальная


f) работа социальная работа на производстве

  1. Совместите вид социальной работы с его определением (например, 1-в).

1. Rural social work is …

a) … social work in a mental health setting.

2. School social work is …

b) … application of social work theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction.

3. Police social work…

c) … practice-oriented to people living in agricultural or sparsely populated areas.

4. Preventive social work is …

d) … the provision of professional human services in the workplace.

5. Industrial social work is …    

e) … the specialty oriented towards helping students make satisfactory school adjustments.

6. Psychiatric social work …  

f) … is a social work practice that occurs in hospitals and other health care settings to facilitate good health and aid physically ill patients and their families to resolve the problems related to the illness.

7. Medical social work …

g) … is professional social work practice within police precinct houses, courthouses, and jail settings to provide a variety of social services to victims of crimes, and their families.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы полным предложением.

1. What is social work?

2. What knowledge does the practice of social work require?

3. What specialties within social work do you know?

4. Is school social work-oriented towards helping students make satisfactory school adjustments?

5. What is rural social work practice-oriented?

  1. Выберите термин, являющийся синонимом подчеркнутому словосочетанию.

1) psychiatric social work 

  1. clinical social work
  2. independent social work
  3. medical social work

2) occupational social work 

  1. industrial social work
  2. international social work
  3. school social work

3) illness 

  1. impairment
  2. disorder
  3. disfunction
  1. Выберите термин, который нужно поставить в предложение.

1) … provides people with workplaces through employer-funded programs.

a) radical social work; b) independent social work; c) occupational social work

2) … is oriented to helping people who live in agricultural areas.

a) independent social work; b) rural social work; c) youth social work

3) … works closely with women and children to identify their needs.

a) school social worker; b) family support worker; c) voluntary worker

4) … helps students make satisfactory adjustments.

a) psychological social work; b) school social work; c) child care work

5) … is professional social work practice to provide a variety of social services to victims of crimes and their families.

a) police social work; b) psychological social work; c) preventive social work

  1. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Опубликовано в группе «В помощь учителю английского языка»

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