Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "Doctor! Doctor! or Treat me, Kathy 2100!?"
Doctor! Doctor! or Treat me, Kathy 2100!?
Characters in order of appearance
Doctor J. Grace
Kathy 2100 – artificial intelligence chat
Presenter: In our modern fast-paced world technologies are all around us: at work, at school, at home. They make people’s life easier, safer and more comfortable. However, nobody knows whether they are our blessing or our curse. Let’s peep an eye on people’s life and take a close look on Artificial Intelligence.
At home
Ann: Oh, Paul! What’s wrong with you?
Paul: Hey, Ann. I’m feeling a bit under the weather. I might be having a serious disease. I think, I’d better miss school today, stay at home and have a lazy day.
Ann: Poor thing. Perhaps you’d better see a doctor.
Paul: A doctor? No way! My heart’s in my mouth every time I need to go to the hospital.
Ann: You’re so childish, Paul!
Paul: Have a look. I’ve found a cool App on the Net the other day. It’s called Kathy 2100. It’s an Artificial Intelligence chat. You can find there the answer for any question. Kathy always helps me with my homework and gives good advice. I’ll asked her about my illness and she’ll cure me in no time, I bet.
Ann: Don’t be silly, Paul. I still think you should see a doctor.
Ann goes to school and returns home later.
Ann: Paul, are you feeling better?
Paul: Feeling? Better? Are you kidding? Look at me! I’ve got a headache, a backache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a runny nose, swollen eyes and an itchy rash.
Ann: Oh, that’s terrible! How come?!
Paul: I followed all Kathy’s 2100 instructions, but things got worse. Oh, dear!!!! Have a look at this! Is it a pimple on my face?
Ann: If I were you, Paul, I’d better see a doctor tomorrow morning.
Paul: I think you have a point there!
The next day. At the Doctor’s.
Doctor J. Grace: Hello, Paul. Come in and take a seat.
Paul: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor J. Grace: Now, what seems to be the problem?
Paul: I feel terrible, Miss Grace! I’ve got a headache, a backache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a runny nose, swollen eyes and an itchy rash. I can hardly breathe.
Doctor J. Grace: Let’s take a look. Hmm…yes. I’m afraid you’ve got a flu and allergy to the medicine you took. Why didn’t you come yesterday? What medicine did you take?
Paul shows the Doctor lots of different pills, syrups, drops and creams.
Paul: Oh, doctor! Last morning I felt a little under the weather, so I decided to miss school and stay at home. Some time later I felt worse, so I thought of taking some medicine. I didn’t know what pills I needed. You know, doctor, I’m scared to death of hospitals so I texted Kathy 2100. It’s an Artificial Intelligence chat. Kathy asked me about my symptoms. I told her everything. First, I had only a headache, but as I was chatting with Kathy, I felt so miserable and depressed. So started feeling worse. I told her about my sore eyes, my sore throat, my backache, my stomachache….And she recommended me all these pills, syrups, drops and creams.
Doctor J. Grace: Well, everything is clear for me now. Kathy 2100 is a convenient and useful service. I sometimes ask it questions on complicated cases and it always gives me good advice. It can analyse the symptoms and helps me make the final diagnosis. But it should be used wisely. I’m sure nothing will be able to replace a human doctor. Modern technologies can’t be creative, can’t show empathy and compassion. They don’t analyse the symptoms in complex. They can’t perceive the patient, his mood, know nothing about his or her lifestyle. Modern technologies don’t have clinical thinking and precious medical experience. Every patient is unique and a good doctor always remembers this fact. I’ll write you a prescription. Get well soon.
Paul: Thank you, doctor. I’m feeling much more better now. Should I come back and see you again?
Doctor J. Grace: Of course, see you in three days.
Kathy 2100: My name is Kathy 2100. I am always here for you. In a touch of a button. Ready to help you, ready to give you advice, ready to do your home tasks, ready to answer any questions. I will treat you. I will teach you. I will take care of you. I will take over you. I will take over the whole world.
To be continued…