Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке «The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse»
Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке для 2 класса «The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse»
Participants: 5 Country Mice, 4 Town Mice, the dog, the narrator.
Equipment: (a book, a computer, a theatrical screen, a photo of the Country Mouse, two desks with food or pictures of the food (honey, bread, cheese, ice cream, milk, burgers, chips), 2 chairs, costumes for the mice and the dog).
(Автор открывает книгу со сказкой и начинает читать)
(Звуки города)
Звуки города
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Narrator: Once upon a time there was a little mouse who lived in the town. One day he found a photo of his friend in the countryside. So, he decided to visit his friend and surprise him. (Городская мышь рассматривает фото друга, стучится к нему в дверь)
(Звуки природы)
Звуки природы
MP3 / 6.13 Мб
County Mouse 1: Hello, Town Mouse, Welcome to my House! It’s small but very nice. A lovely house for two small mice.
Narrator: The Town Mouse enters the house.
Town Mouse 1: No bedroom, no bathroom, no kitchen, - oh dear… I want to go home, I don’t like it here.
Scene 2.
Narrator: They are going to the kitchen. (Проходят на кухню садятся за стол, на столе хлеб, мед, сыр.)
Country Mouse 2: Come on, Town Mouse, it’s time to eat.
Town Mouse 2: But Country Mouse, where’s the meat?
Country Mouse 2: No meat for me. I eat bread and cheese and honey from bees. (Городская мышка встает и уходит)
Town Mouse 2: No, thank you, this place isn’t pretty. Let’s go to the city.
Narrator: The two mice are going to the city.
Scene 3.
(Звуки города)
Звуки города
MP3 / 2.66 Мб
Narrator: They enters the house where the Town Mouse lives. (Заходят в гостиную, перед ними стол с бургерами, жаренным картофелем, молоком и мороженным).
Town Mouse 3: Look at my living room, look at my chair and look at the table over there.
Country Mouse 3: Oh, lots of food. It all looks so good.
Town Mouse 3: Burgers and chips, milk and ice cream.
Country Mouse 3: It can’t be real. It must be a dream.
Scene 4.
(Садятся за стол).
Town Mouse 4: Come on, Country Mouse, it’s great in my house. We’ve got plenty to eat. Please take a seat.
(Выпрыгивает собака, лает и набрасывается на мышей. Мыши разбегаются по разным сторонам).
Country Mouse 4: Help me, oh, help me. It wants to eat me. I miss my nice house. It’s a bad place for a country mouse.
Narrator: The Country Mouse returns to its house.
Scene 5.
(Звуки природы)
Звуки природы
MP3 / 6.13 Мб
(Деревенская мышка возвращается к себе домой и садится в кресло возле дома).
Country Mouse 5: My house is small, but I like staying at home. I don’t like the town and the dogs. I like the birds and the frogs.
Narrator: This is the end of the tale. (Автор закрывает книгу со сказкой).
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