Учебное пособие для студентов «Тема "Спорт" на уроках английского языка»
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов, изучающих английский язык в средних специальных учебных заведениях. Цель пособия – знакомство студентов с миром спорта – историей, традициями, связанными со спортом. В пособии имеются несколько разделов: аутентичные тексты, тематика которых отвечает интересам молодых людей и реалиям современного мира, разнообразные задания, способствующие формированию умений и навыков общения в реальных жизненных ситуациях, развивающих коммуникативную компетенцию, раздел «Это интересно» содержит пословицы, афоризмы о спорте, что способствует развитию навыков межкультурного общения. Тесты, представленные в пособии, различной степени сложности, что дает студентам разного уровня владения английским языком, оценить свои знания по теме «Спорт», принять участие в работе группы. К пособию также прилагается тематический словарь, содержащий лексику по теме.
Данное пособие также может использоваться широким кругом лиц, изучающих английский язык, и интересующихся спортом и использоваться как дополнение к учебнику английского языка.
Тексты по теме «Спорт» ..………………………………………………………...5
The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi …………………………………………..10
Поговорим о спорте (упражнения по теме спорт) ..…………………………….15
Тесты по теме «Спорт» ..………………………………………………………….19
Тест №1 «Спорт» ..……………………………………………………………..20
Тест № 2. Вариант 1 ..………………………………………………………….23
Тест №2. Вариант 2 ..…………………………………………………………..25
Тест № 3 .Вариант 1 ..………………………………………………………….27
Тест № 3 .Вариант 2 ..………………………………………………………….29
Это интересно ..……………………………………………………………………31
Спорт в английских идиомах …………………………………………………32
Пословицы и афоризмы о спорте на английском языке с переводом ……..33
Пословицы о спорте ..………………………………………………………….34
Тематический словарь ..…………………………………………………………...36
Литература ..…………………………………………………………………………...40
Тексты по теме «Спорт»
People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. Summer outdoor sports are swimming, boating, yachting, cycling and many other sports. Football, the most popular outdoor game, is played in all the countries of the world. A lot of people go in for volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton golf, cricket and baseball.
The other favourite sports are athletics, gymnastics, calisthenics, track and field events, boxing and wrestling, shooting, hunting. The most popular outdoor winter sports are hockey, skating, figure-skating, skiing, ski-jumping and tobogganing. Among the most popular indoor games we can name table tennis billiards, chess and draughts. There are also many indoor swimming pools, which makes swimming possible all the year round.
Sports and games are so popular in the USA that high schools have coaches as faculty members, and school teams compete with each other. Baseball is the most popular game in the US. It is played in spring and summer by schools, colleges and professional teams. Football is the most popular game in the autumn. In American football the rules differ from soccer (international football). The teams wear special clothing and helmets as in hockey. Basketball is very popular game too, especially in high schools The game of golf is very popular with wealthy people. Swimming is popular in summer. In winter many people living in the North of the country go in for ice-skating and skiing. Many Americans jog every day, or play tennis two or three times a week. Americans like to watch hockey matches, wrestling, boxing and horse racing.
Many people are professional sportsmen but millions of people don’t take part in contests and prefer watching sporting events. They are called sport-fans. They watch sport matches at the stadiums and support their team by cheering, or they sit and watch them on TV.
Tennis is a game played between two players or pairs of players who hit a ball to and fro with rackets over a net on a court of grass. Table tennis is a game played between two players or pairs of players on a table with small bats and a light hollow ball. Table tennis was first invented in England in about 1880. But it is the Chinese who win almost every title now.
The Olympics are the symbol of peace and unity. Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars. The ruler of a small state, Elis, wanted to live in peace with all his neighbours. He organized athletic games in 776 B.C. in Olympia. All wars were stopped during these games. The Olympic Games in Greece were held every four years in honour of Zeus, the supreme god of Greek religion. They were held for over 1.000 years. All athletes took the Olympic Oath and promised to compete honestly. Only men competed and they wore no clothes. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the fear of death penalty. The main sports in the original Olympic Games were running, long jumps, wrestling, throwing the discus and the javelin. Later fist fighting (boxing) and chariot races were also included in the Games. Winners were called "olympionics", they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil for winning the first place in sports competitions. A lighted torch was brought all the way from Greece, carried by a relay of runners, in order to light the Olympic Flame which bums all through the Games. The Olympic Games were accompanied by arts festivals. Poets recited their poems, singers sang hymns, dancers danced and orators pronounced speeches. The long-distance race was called the Marathon. In the year 490 BC the Greeks defeated a powerful Persian army at the village of Marathon about 40 kilometres from Athens. A soldier ran all the way and brought news of the victory to Athens. Then he fell and died. Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin revived the ancient Greek tradition. He created the International Olympic Committee and the first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. One important rule of the Olympic Games is that the competitors must be amateurs. The famous flag of the IOC shows five rings of different colours (the five continents). Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years (every leap year). There were no games during the two world wars. The Winter Olympic Games first took place in 1924. The 22nd Olympic Games were held in 1980 in Moscow.
team player coach | команда игрок тренер |
break the rules; referee; penalty | нарушать правила; судья;штрафной |
goalkeeper defends the goal | вратарь защищает ворота |
field, pitch | (игровое) поле |
score a goal even a score | забить гол (шайбу); сравнять счѐт |
(the first) half (the third) period | (первая) половина; (третий) период |
the game ended in a draw (in a tie) | игра закончилась вничью |
we won - we lost (the game) | мы победили – мы проиграли |
fan; support | болельщик; болеть (за к-л,ч-л) |
spectators in the stands | зрители на трибуне |
cheer for smb - root for smb | болеть, поддерживать (на трибуне) |
rink stick puck | каток, х.поле; клюшка; шайба |
Football was invented in England. It is a sport game played between two teams of eleven players with a ball. The object of the game is to score by driving the ball into the opposing goal. The goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms, while the field players their feet or head to kick the ball. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins.
Ice hockey was invented in North America, A hundred years ago it became the national winter sport of Canada. The players use hockey sticks and a puck. A referee controls the game and gives penalties. Hockey is a team game played on an ice surface, known as a rink. There are six players — a goalkeeper, two defence-men, and three forwards on the rink. The game is divided into three periods, each lasting twenty minutes with 10-minute intervals.
The first bicycle appeared in 1791 in France. It had a large front iron wheel about 1.5 m high and a small back wheel. The first bicycle race was held in 1868 in Paris. Only in 1885 a modern model with rubber tyres appeared.
go in for sports | заниматься спортом |
be in a good shape | быть в хорошей форме |
indoor sports | спорт для закрытых помещений |
outdoor sports | спорт на открытом воздухе |
hunting (sporting) gun | охота; (охотничье) ружьѐ |
fishing, angling; fishing rod | рыбалка; удочка |
jogging | оздоровительный бег |
chess; draughts; tournament | шахматы; шашки; турнир |
check; checkmate, mate | шах; мат |
Health is above wealth. Sport and regular exercises make you feel and look better. The best exercises are: walking, jogging or swimming. They keep our body in a good shape. All pupils and students have regular training at Physical Training (PT) lessons. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors at a stadium.. We go skiing or skating. When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our school gymnasium. We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volley-ball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises.
I go in for fishing. Angling is the art or sport of catching fish with a rod and line and a baited hook. It is amateur fishing.
Chess is an indoor game played between two players. Chess was invented in India of the 6th century as a war game. The chess board is made up of 64 dark and light squares. Each player has 16 pieces (a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns). The pieces are moved one at a time. To win the game, the opponent must be checkmated. Checkmate is when king is attacked (under check) and has no way to escape.
1. What summer (winter) sports are popular in Russia?
2. What sports and games are popular in the USA?
3. What is your favourite kind of sport? (I like swimming, skiing, cycling, jogging, fencing, etc. I like to play football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, etc. I like to watch ice-hockey matches, tennis, boxing, etc)
4. When did you start swimming (cycling, skiing, etc)?
5. How is football played? How is hockey played?
6. How is tennis played? How is table tennis played?
7. What team do you support? (I support Salavat Yulaev, etc).
8. What were the main sports in the Ancient Greek Olympic Games?
9. When are the Olympic Games held?
10. Who and when revived the Olympic Games?
The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
The 2014 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXII Olympic Winter Games (French: Les XXIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver) (Russian: XXII Олимпийские зимние игры, tr. XXII Olimpiyskiye zimniye igry) and commonly known as Sochi 2014, were a major international multi-sport event held from February 7 to February 23, 2014 in in Sochi, Russia, with opening rounds in certain events held on the eve of the opening ceremony, 6 February 2014. Both the Olympics and 2014 Winter Paralympics were organized by theSochi Organizing Committee (SOOC). Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007, during the 119th IOC Session held inGuatemala City. It was the first Olympics in Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet Union was the host nation for the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.
A total of 98 events in 15 winter sport disciplines were held during the Games. A number of new competitions—a total of 12 accounting for gender—were held during the Games, including biathlon mixed relay, women's ski jumping, mixed-team figure skating, mixed-team luge, half-pipe skiing, ski and snowboard slopestyle, and snowboard parallel slalom. The events were held around two clusters of new venues: an Olympic Park constructed in Sochi's Imeretinsky Valley on the coast of the Black Sea, withFisht Olympic Stadium, and the Games' indoor venues located within walking distance, and snow events in the resort settlement of Krasnaya Polyana.
In preparation, organizers focused on modernizing the telecommunications, electric power, and transportation infrastructures of the region. While originally budgeted at US$12 billion, various factors caused the budget to expand to over US$51 billion, surpassing the estimated $44 billion cost of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing as the most expensive Olympics in history.
The lead-up to these Games was marked by several major controversies, including allegations that corruption among officials led to the aforementioned cost overruns, concerns for the safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) athletes and spectators due to the effects of recently passed legislation, protests by ethnic Circassian activists over the site of Sochi (where they believe a genocide took place), and threats by jihadist groups tied to the insurgency in the North Caucasus. However, following the closing ceremony, commentators evaluated the Games to have been overall successful
Location of Sochi on the eastern coast of the Black Sea.
With an average February temperature of 8.3 °C (42.8 °F) and a humid subtropical climate, Sochi is the warmest city to host a Winter Olympic Games.[15] Sochi 2014 is the 12th straight Olympics to outlaw smoking; all Sochi venues, Olympic Park bars and restaurants and public areas were smoke-free during the Games.[16] It is also the first time that an Olympic Park has been built for hosting a winter games.
Sochi Olympic Park (Coastal Cluster)Panoramic view of the Sochi Olympic Park
The Sochi Olympic Park was built by the Black Sea coast in the Imeretinsky Valley, about 4 km (2.5 miles) from Russia's border with Abkhasia/Georgia. The venues were clustered around a central water basin on which the Medals Plaza is built, allowing all indoor venues to be within walking distance. It also features "The Waters of the Olympic Park" (designed by California-based company WET), a choreographed fountain which served as the backdrop in the medals awards and the opening and closing ceremonies of the event. The new venues include:
Fisht Olympic Stadium – ceremonies (opening/closing) 40,000 spectators
Bolshoy Ice Dome – ice hockey (final), 12,000 spectators
Shayba Arena – ice hockey, 7,000 spectators
Adler Arena Skating Center – speed skating, 8,000 spectators
Iceberg Skating Palace – figure skating, short track speed skating, 12,000 spectators
Ice Cube Curling Center – curling, 3,000 spectators
Main Olympic village
International broadcasting centre and main press room
The Games
Torch relay in Moscow
On 29 September 2013, the Olympic torch was lit in Ancient Olympia, beginning a seven-day journey across Greece and on to Russia, then the torch relay started at Moscow on 7 October 2013 before passing 83 Russian cities and arriving at Sochi on the day of the opening ceremony, 7 February 2014. It is the longest torch relay in Olympic history, a 40,000-mile route that passes through all regions of the country, from Kaliningrad in the west to Chukotka in the east.
The Olympic torch reached the North Pole for first time via a nuclear-powered icebreaker (50 Let Pobedy). The torch was also passed for the first time in space, though not lit for the duration of the flight for safety reasons, on flight Soyuz TMA-11M to the International Space Station (ISS). The spacecraft itself was adorned with Olympic-themed livery including the Games' emblem. Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazansky waved the torch on a spacewalk outside ISS. The torch returned to Earth five days later on board Soyuz TMA-09M. The torch also reached Europe's highest mountain, Mount Elbrus, and Siberia's Lake Baikal.
Fireworks over Fisht Olympic Stadium following the lighting of the Olympic Cauldron.
The Olympic Rings at Sochi Olympic Park
The opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held on 7 February 2014 at Fisht Olympic Stadium, an indoor arena built specifically for the ceremonies. The ceremony featured scenes based around aspects of Russian history and arts, including ballet, classical music, the Russian Revolution, and the age of the Soviet Union. The opening scene of the ceremony featured a notable technical error, where one of five snowflakes, which were to expand to form the Olympic rings, malfunctioned and did not expand (a mishap mocked by the organizers at the closing ceremony where one of the roundrelay dance groups symbolizing the Olympic rings "failed" to expand). The torch was taken into the stadium by Maria Sharapova, who then passed it to Yelena Isinbayeva who, in turn, passed it to wrestler Aleksandr Karelin. Karelin then passed the torch to gymnast Alina Kabaeva. Figure skater Irina Rodnina took the torch and was met by former ice hockey goalkeeper Vladislav Tretiak, who exited the stadium to jointly light the Olympic cauldron located near the centre of Olympic Park.
MedalsSochi's medal design was unveiled in May 2013. The design is intended to resemble Sochi's landscape, with a semi-translucent section containing a "patchwork quilt" of diamonds representing mountains; the diamonds themselves contain designs that reflect Russia's regions. Those who won gold medals on 15 February received special medals with fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteor, marking the one-year anniversary of the event where pieces of the cosmic body fell into the Chebarkul Lake in the Ural Mountains in central Russia.
Medal tableThe top ten listed NOCs by number of gold medals are listed below. The host nation, Russia, is highlighted.
Rank | NOC | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total |
1 | | 13 | 11 | 9 | 33 |
2 | | 11 | 5 | 10 | 26 |
3 | | 10 | 10 | 5 | 25 |
4 | | 9 | 7 | 12 | 28 |
5 | | 8 | 7 | 9 | 24 |
6 | | 8 | 6 | 5 | 19 |
7 | | 6 | 3 | 2 | 11 |
8 | | 5 | 0 | 1 | 6 |
9 | | 4 | 8 | 5 | 17 |
10 | | 4 | 4 | 7 | 15 |
11–26 | 21 | 36 | 34 | 91 | |
Total (26 NOCs) | 99 | 97 | 99 | 295 |
Поговорим о спорте
(упражнения по теме спорт)
Ответьте на вопросы
Do you play any sport?
What winter sports are popular in Russia?
Which is the most popular game in Great Britain?
What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with?
What kinds of racing do you know?
Do you prefer playing or watching sports?
What is your country’s national sport?
What summer sports do you prefer?
What winter sports do you prefer?
Do you like to watch sports on TV ?
What is your favourite team sport?
What is your favourite summer sport?
What is your favourite winter sport?
What sport do you think s the most dangerous?
What sports do you like to watch?
What sports do you hate to watch?
Who is your favourite sportsman?
Do you know how to play golf?
Have you ever played golf?
Do you like watching car acing?
Do you like to ski?
Is swimming popular in your country?
Is basketball popular in your country?
Is badminton popular in your country?
Where can you play badminton?
Which sport would you like to try?
Which sport would you never try?
What is extreme sport?
Why do so many people like sport?
What outstanding sportsmen of your country do you know?
Нравятся ли вам или нет, различные виды спорта.
Расскажите, пользуясь моделью
I am good/not very good at…
Truly speaking, I don't like (running, team games etc) because…
But I am fond of…because… ( it helps me feel healthy).
To my mind the most exciting kind of sports is…
Personally I would never go playing …because it is very… (dangerous, expensive etc)
Каким из указанных видов спорта занимаются в помещении, вне помещения, какие из них зимние, летние, водные
Figure skating, windsurfing, table tennis, skiing, yachting, cycling, rugby, boxing, cricket, water polo, hockey, basketball, water skiing, curling, roller skating, rowing, motor racing, volleyball, diving, baseball, karate, billiards, judo, wrestling, golf, chess, football.
Расскажите об истории Олимпийских игр, используя данную модель
The first official Olympic Games took place in the year…in…
They were held in honour of…
The important sports in the original Olympic Games were…
The first modern Olympiad took place in the year…in…
The Olympic Games are held every…
They may be…or…
The five Olympic circles represent…
Russia hosted the Games in…and in…
(776 BC, Zeus, Greece, running, wrestling, jumping, throwing)
Прочитайте и переведите диалог, составьте свой собственный диалог
- Good morning, Charlie!
- Good morning, Mike!
- Where shall we go?
- It’s up to you.
- I suggest we should go to the tennis court and play a game of tennis.
- Good idea! I know you are good at playing tennis.
- I hear tennis is very popular in Great Britain.
- Oh, yes. Tennis is played all the year round-on hard courts or grass courts in summer, and on hard or covered courts in winter…
- What other outdoor games are popular in Great Britain?
- Hockey, golf, football and cricket.
- What about horse-racing?
- It is one of the most popular sports in Great Britain, then comes swimming and boxing. Are you fond of swimming?
- Yes, I am. I began to swim when I was a little child. But I don’t like boxing. Do you?
- Neither do I!
Назовите данные виды спорта, популярные в Британии
2. 4.
Тесты по теме «Спорт»
Тест №1 «Спорт»
Выберите верный вариант для подстановки:
The swimming competition will take place in the local _________.
Sportsmen usually play football on a _________.
Tomorrow we are meeting with the _________.
We all want to win the _________.
English football in the USA is called _________.
Hockey players have skates and _________.
In sport you can either (или) win or _________.
English football _________ are very aggressive.
The runner crossed the _________ line.
We play hockey on a very good skating-_________.
That was the first _________.
In this game they lost their _________ of world champions.
Our football team has a very good goal_________.
Excuse me, what’s the _________ of the game?
The captain asked for an _________.
The match ended in a _________. (ничья)
The referee said “_________” to the boxers.
In the USA a group of _________ leaders (специальная группа поддержки) always support the team.
Drivers of racing cars are usually called _________.
I can’t play tennis, because my _________ is broken.
Тест № 2. Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1.Участвовать в спортивных соревнованиях:
А) to take part B) to keep fit C) to compete
2.Парусный спорт:
A) а skating B) а swimming C) а sailing
3. Мастерство:
A) a sense B) a skill C) an injury
4.Быть выносливым:
A) to be tough B) to be self -confident C) to be competitive
5.Побить рекорд:
A) to win B) to break a record C) to throw
Поставьте глагол в подходящую форму:
1. Sport (to teach) ________ you to win and to lose.
2. The Olympic Games (to dedicate) ________to the Olympian Gods.
3. The Olympic Flag (to be) __________ the symbol of the Olympic Games since 1920.
4. The first Modern Olympic Games (to take) ________place in Greece in 1896.
5. By about 650 BC the Games (to held) _________over five days.
C вашей точки зрения:
1. Sport takes a lot of time and energy.
2. Sport makes people strong and healthy.
3. Sport develops a sense of coordination.
4. Sport is dangerous.
5. Sport teaches to be competitive.
Ваш любимый вид спорта:
Тест №2. Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1.Быть бодрым и здоровым:
А ) to take part B) to keep fit C) to compete
A) а skating B) а swimming C) а sailing
3. Участие в группе поддержки:
A) a cheerleading B) a skill C) an injury
4.Быть уверенным в себе:
A) to be tough B) to be self -confident C) to be competitive
A) to win B) to break a record C) to throw
Поставьте глагол в подходящую форму:
1. The first Modern Olympic Games (to take) ________place in Greece in 1896.
2. Sport (to teach) _____ you to win and to lose.
3. The Olympic Games (to dedicate) _____ ________to the Olympian Gods.
4. The Olympic Flag (to be)_____________ the symbol of the Olympic Games since 1920.
5. By about 650 BC the Games (to held) ______________over five days.
C вашей точки зрения:
1. Sport takes a lot of time and energy.
2. Sport makes people strong and healthy.
3. Sport develops a sense of coordination.
4. Sport is dangerous.
5. Sport teaches to be competitive.
Ваш любимый вид спорта:
Тест № 3. Вариант 1
I уровень.
Выпишите групповые виды спорта.
Synchronized swimming
Вставьте пропущенные слова в текст.
The British are the sporting …. They are fond of different …. Thousands of people watch football, rugby and tennis … on TV and go to the stadiums. However, the British prefer to go swimming and running.
II уровень.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
What is your favorite sport? Why did you chose it? What do you know about the history of this sport?
Вставьте нужную форму страдательного залога.
In 776 The Olympic Games …….(to hold) in Greece.
Since 1896 the Modern Olympic Games …..(to hold) in different countries.
In 776 the athletes …..(to award) with wreathes from the olive trees.
Since 1896 the athletes …..(to award) with gold, silver and bronze medals.
III уровень.
Напишите письмо.
Dear Jeff,
Thank you for your letter. You asked me about my opinion about sports. I think, …….
How often do you watch sport competitions on TV? Which sport is your favourite one? Did you take part in the sport competitions?
Write me soon.
Your friend, …
Тест № 3. Вариант 2
I уровень.
1. Выпишите виды индивидуальные спорта.
Synchronized swimming
2. Вставьте пропущенные слова в текст.
Russian people are fond of ….. too. The most popular sports in Russia are football, hockey and track and field …… . A lot of people also like watching figure skating and gymnastics …….. .
II уровень.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
Do you watch or do sports? Why do you love it? What do you know about the history of this sport?
4. Вставьте нужную форму страдательного залога.
The first Paralympic Games …. (to hold) in 1948 in England.
Since then the Paralympics …. (to organize) every four years.
In 1976 the first Paralimpic Winter Games …..(to hold) in Sweden.
Since then many disabled athletes ….(to award) in the Paralimpic Winter and Summer Games.
III уровень.
Напишите письмо.
Dear Jeff,
Thank you for your letter. You asked me about my opinion about sports. I think, …….
How often do you watch sport competitions on TV? Which sport is your favourite one? Did you take part in the sport competitions?
Write me soon.
Your friend,….. .
Это интересно
Спорт в английских идиомах
sports day - день спортивных состязаний (в школах; обычно с приглашением родителей в качестве зрителей)
football widow - шутл. "футбольная вдова" (женщина, которая во время футбольных соревнований оказывается полностью лишённой внимания со стороны своего мужа - футбольного фаната)
football firm - брит., разг. банда футбольных фанатов
political football - объект политических манипуляций, спекуляций
football - амер., полит., жарг. "ядерный чемоданчик" (портфель с секретными кодами при президенте США; для управления ядерным арсеналом страны)
it is not cricket - не по правилам
to take in sail - умерить пыл; сбавить спеси
sail through - легко преодолеть (что-л.), пройти без потерь
to make sail - уходить, убираться восвояси
to strike sail - признать свою неправоту; признать себя побеждённым
sail into - разг. набрасываться на что-л., налетать
to swim against the tide / stream - плыть против течения
to be in the swim - быть в курсе дела; быть в центре событий
to skate on thin ice - скользить по тонкому льду, ходить по краю пропасти
to get one's skates on - брит., разг. торопиться, поторапливаться
skate over / (a)round - избегать; касаться вскользь (какой-л. темы и т. п.)
rat race - неодобр. "крысиные бега", бешеная погоня за богатством, успехом; ожесточённая конкуренция
to be in the race - австрал., разг. иметь возможность, шанс
to race away - уст. промотать на скачках (состояние и т. п.)
race meeting - брит. день скачек
a fishing expedition - попытка получить информацию, сбор компрометирующей информации
ball and chain - шутл. супруга, жена (ядро на цепи; чугунный шар, прикованный к ноге каторжника)
ball boy - мальчик, подбирающий и подающий мячи (на корте)
the ball is in your court - "мяч теперь на твоём поле", теперь твоя очередь действовать, теперь всё зависит от тебя
to ball the jack - амер., разг. вести себя опрометчиво, рискованно, не обращая ни на что внимания; очень быстро ехать, гнать
to have the ball at one's feet - быть господином положения; иметь шансы на успех
to strike the ball under the line - потерпеть неудачу
to catch / take the ball before the bound - действовать слишком поспешно
to get / set / start the ball rolling - начинать
to keep up the ball - поддерживать разговор; продолжать делать что-л.
ball of fortune - игрушка судьбы
on the ball - амер., разг. расторопный; толковый
out in left field - не из той оперы, не по делу
field of honour - место дуэли; поле битвы
to move the goalpost - менять правила по ходу игры
to have all bases covered - разг. предусмотреть все возможные нюансы, случайности
to get to first base - амер., разг. сделать первый (успешный) шаг к достижению какой-л. цели
to change one's base - амер., разг. отступать, удирать
Пословицы и афоризмы о спорте на английском языке с переводом
Афоризмы о спорте- I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.
Richard M. Nixon
- Я не знаю ничего, что воспитывало бы волю к победе лучше, чем спортивные состязания.
Ричард Никсон
- Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. Serious sport is war minus the shooting.
George Orwell
- Серьёзный спорт не имеет ничего общего с честной игрой. Серьёзный спорт - это война минус убийство.
Джордж Оруэлл
- Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
Michael Jordan
- Талант добывает победу в игре, но чемпионство добывают команда и интеллект.
Майкл Джордан
- Academe, n.: An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught. Academy, n.: A modern school where football is taught.
Ambrose Bierce
- В древности академия - место, где обучали этике и философии. Сегодня академия - место, где обучают футболу.
Амброс Бирс
- All sports for all people.
Pierre de Coubertin
- Спорт для всех людей.
Пьер де Кубертен
- Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended.
George Bernard Shaw
- Бейсбол имеет большое преимущество перед крикетом - быстрее заканчивается.
Джордж Бернард Шоу
- Golf is a good walk spoiled.
Mark Twain
- Гольф - это испорченная прогулка.
Марк Твен
- I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
- Я считаю гольф дорогой игрой в шарики (детская игра).
Гилберт Честертон
- I don't understand American football at all. It looks like all-in wrestling with crash helmets.
- Я совершенно не понимаю американский футбол. Это выглядит как вольная борьба в шлемах.
4.3. Пословицы о спорте
A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.
The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.
Лучший спорт - совершать поступки без лишних слов.
In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях.
It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game.
Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно, как ты играешь.
War is a sport of kings.
Война - спорт королей.
Stumbling is not falling.
Споткнуться - не упасть.
Sport to the cat is death to the mouse.
Спорт для кошки - смерть для мыши.
Тематический словарь
Team sports | Командные виды спорта |
score | счет |
coach | тренер |
team | команда |
fan | болельщик |
player | игрок |
official / referee | судья / рефери |
basketball court | баскетбольная площадка |
basketball | баскетбол |
baseball | бейсбол |
softball | софтбол |
American football | американский футбол |
soccer | футбол |
ice hockey | хоккей на льду |
volleyball | волейбол |
water polo | водное поло |
Individual sports | Индивидуальные виды спорта |
archery | стрельба из лука |
billiards / pool | бильярд |
bowling | кегли / боулинг |
cycling / biking | велосипедные гонки |
fencing | фехтование |
flying disc | фрисби |
golf | гольф |
gymnastics | гимнастика |
inline skating | катание на роликовых коньках |
martial arts | спортивная борьба |
racquetball | рэкетбол |
skateboarding | катание на скейтборде |
table tennis / Ping Pong | настольный теннис / пинг-понг |
tennis | теннис |
weightlifting | тяжелая атлетика |
wrestling | борьба |
track and field | легкая атлетика |
horse racing | скачки / бега |
Winter sports and water sports | Зимние и водные виды спорта |
downhill skiing | скоростной спуск на лыжах |
snowboarding | катание на сноуборде |
cross-country skiing | лыжные гонки |
ice skating | катание на коньках |
figure skating | фигурное катание |
sledding | катание на санках |
waterskiing | воднолыжный спорт |
sailing | парусный спорт |
surfing | серфинг |
sailboarding | катание на парусной доске |
snorkeling | подводное плавание с дыхательной трубкой |
scuba diving | подводное плавание с аквалангом |
Sports Equipment | Спортивное оборудование |
golf club | клюшка / бита для гольфа |
tennis racket | теннисная ракетка |
bowling ball | шар для игры в кегли |
bow | лук |
arrow | стрела |
target | мишень |
ice skates | коньки |
inline skates | роликовые коньки |
hockey stick | хоккейная клюшка |
soccer ball | футбольный мяч |
shin guards | щиток для защиты голени |
baseball bat | бейсбольная битва |
catcher's mask | маска кетчера |
uniform | форма |
glove | перчатка |
weights | гири |
football helmet | шлем для игры в американский футбол |
shoulder pads | наплечники |
skis | лыжи |
ski poles | лыжные палочки |
ski boots | лыжные ботинки |
Восковская А.С. Английский язык. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2014.
Карпова Т.А. Английский для колледжей: Учебное пособие. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2005.-195с.
Wildman J. Matrix. Foundation Student’s Book – Oxford University Press, 2005.-234с.
Wildman J. Matrix. Foundation Workbook – Oxford University Press, 2005.-234с.
Абакумова Л.В.Английский язык. Конспекты занятий по курсу «Дети и молодёжь в англоязычных странах : жизнь, проблемы, права и обязанности» элективный курс. г. Волгоград: Учитель,2007.-183с.
Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь.-М.: «Советская энциклопедия»,2008.-254с.
Иностранные языки в школе. Научно-методический журнал учрежден Минобразованием и науки РФ.
Swan M.Practical English Usage/Oxford University Press,2007, 167с.
Электронный ресурс «электронная книга регистрация путешествий». Форма доступа: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/ europe/ england;
Электронный ресурс Полезные веб-ресурсы и материалы в помощь преподавателям. Формы доступа: http://www.britishcouncil.org/japan-trenduk- ukcities.htm.
Электронный ресурс Викепедия Энциклопедия на английском языке. Формы доступа: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_London