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Скородед Ольга Юрьевна186
Украина, Донецкая область, ДНР, Донецк

Пояснительная записка

  Данный тест разработан для проведения контроля навыков аудирования по английскому языку учащихся 11 классов общеобразовательных школ. Тест по теме «Лондонцентр культуры».

Работа содержит:

  • Текст для аудирования «LONDON: A WORLD CITY FOR CULTURE AND ART»
  • Бланк ответов учеников
  • Правильные ответы

  Перед началом текста рекомендуется показать учащимся презентацию, где представлены все места, о которых будет говориться в тексте, с их названиями. Раздаются бланки ответов, куда ученики вписывают свои имена и фамилии, класс и дату проведения теста.

После просмотра презентации учитель предлагает учащимся ознакомиться с первым заданием (в бланке ответов), затем читает текст первый раз. После прочтения ученики выполняют первое задание, в котором правильные ответы (T/F) нужно обвести кружком. Задание содержит 12 предложений.

  Далее учащиеся знакомятся со вторым заданием, в котором нужно заполнить пропуски словами или словосочетаниями из текста, после чего учитель зачитывает текст повторно и ученики выполняют задание в бланках ответов. Задание содержит 8 предложений.


Презентация к тесту для аудирования Лондон - центр культуры
PPTX / 12.48 Мб

/data/files/f1605370823.pptx (Презентация к тесту для аудирования Лондон - центр культуры)Бланки с выполненными заданиями сдаются учителю на проверку.



Like all capitals with a long history, London is rich in institutions of culture, art and science.

The British Museum shows works of art from Asia, Egypt, Rome and Greece as well as Britain and other countries. It has branches in several parts of London, including the Museum of Natural History and the Children’s Museum. Its well-known Library is one of the best in the world. London has many other museums telling about all branches of science and industry.

London is also famous for its art galleries. The National Gallery in Trafalgar square contains paintings of all schools. The National Portrait Gallery shows portraits of British statesmen, scientists, writers, and the Tate Gallery shows British paintings and modern works of art.

Among London’s theatres, the most famous is Covent Garden, now called the Royal Opera. Another famous old theatre, the Old Vic is now occupied by the National Theatre Company. The Open Air Theatre in Regent’s Park is well-known for its performances of Shakespeare’s plays.

Concerts are held in the Royal Festival Hall, which has seats for more than three thousand people, and in the Albert Hall, with seven thousand seats, as well as in many other concert halls all over London. Foreign theatres companies, ballet companies and singers often give performances in London’s theatres and concert halls.

London has many parks. The most famous and popular of them are Hyde Park, The Green Park and Regent’s Park. Another vey interesting natural park is Hampstead Heath, on high ground in the north-west, from which there is a very good view of the whole of London.

London’s numerous sports grounds and stadiums include the Wembley Stadium where international sports events often take place.


Крамаренко Л.В. Сборник текстов для аудирования. Харьков: «Ранок» Веста, 2004. 85 с.



Name _________________________ Form___________ Date___________

I. Listen to the text and circle the correct answers true (T) or false (F).

1. London is rich in different institutions of culture, art and science. T/F

2. The British Museum shows works of art from Asia, Africa, Europe and America. T/F

3. The Museum of Natural History and the Children’s Museum are the branches of the British Museum. T/F

4. The British Museum Library is famous all over the world. T/F

5. The National Gallery contains portraits of great Englishmen. T/F

6. The National Portrait Gallery shows portraits of British statesmen, scientists, and writers. T/F

7. The Tate Gallery shows pictures of modern art from different countries.

8. The Royal Opera is now called the Old Vic. T/F

9. The Open Air Theatre in Regent’s Park is famous for its performances of Shakespeare’s plays. T/F

10. The Albert Hall is the largest concert hall in London. T/F

11. Londoners like to spend their free time in Hyde Park, one of the most popular parks in London. T/F

12. At the Wembly Stadium different festivals are often held. T/F

II. Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. Like all capitals with long history, London is _________________ institutions of culture, art and science.

2. London is also famous for its________________.

3. Among London theatres _________________ is Covent Garden.

4. The Old Vic is now_________________ the National Theatre Company.

5. The Open Air Theatre is well-known for its _________________ of Shakespeare’s plays.

6. Royal festival hall has seats for more than __________________ people.

7. The Albert Hall has ___________________seats.

8. The Wembley stadium where international sports event often ____________.


I Task













II Task

rich in

art galleries

the most famous

occupied by


three thousand

seven thousand

take place

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