Урок английского языка «The Present Simple Passive» (7–8 класс)

Материал опубликован 16 April 2018 в группе

The Present Simple Passive Подготовила: учитель английского языка Череухина Анна Александровна

to be + past participle(Verb 3) Active: I check my Instagram every day. Passive: My Instagram is checked by me every day.

be become bring cut drink eat feel get go meet sell write Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle was/were began brought cut drank ate felt got went met sold wrote been begun brought cut drunk eaten felt got gone met sold written

Present Simple to be I   He She It   They We You am    is       are

Maggie uses Skype once a week. Skype is used by Maggie once a week.

The Present Simple Passive The Present Simple Active Moana puts the stone on the other stones. The stone is put on the other stones by Moana. Words: Moana put stone

The Present Simple Passive The Present Simple Active Words: girl read book The girl reads the book. The book is read by the girl.

The Present Simple Passive The Present Simple Active Words: woman mix dough The woman mixes the dough. The dough is mixed by the woman.

The Present Simple Passive The Present Simple Active Words: mouse cook soup The mouse cooks the soup. The soup is cooked by the mouse.

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