12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Leisure time (свободное время) is the time when you can forget about day-to-day stress and stressful activities (деятельность, вызывающая стресс) and relax.

We all have a lot to do. At home, at school, at work. And it is great to have some free time and spend it according to (согласно, в соответствии с) your interests refreshing the mind (освежая мысли). Happily (к счастью), nowadays (в наше время) we have a lot of opportunities (возможность).

We can:

watch some worthy (стоящий) film at the cinema or at home

listen to our favourite music

enjoy a play (спектакль, постановка) at the theatre

go to an interesting exhibition (выставка)

take pleasure (насладиться) in having a cup of hot chocolate or tea and reading an exciting book, a magazine or a newspaper

keep a diary (вести личный дневник)

watch an educational TV programme

draw, paint, model in clay, make sculptures, sew (шить), knit (вязать)

cook something tasty

work in the garden

tidy our flat

attend a fitness club, a swimming pool or even workout outdoors

have dancing classes

go shopping

go to a café

meet with our relatives (родственники) and friends

play with our pet

go to the zoo or to the city farm

walk in some pleasant place (приятное место)

ski on a frozen river in winter

travel across our area, our country or go abroad (поехать за границу)

I should (мне следует) say that the way you spend (то, как ты проводишь) your free time, the hobby you have can tell other people about your character (характер) and personality (личность). It depends on (зависеть от) people’s tastes (вкусы) and character. I will add (добавить) that I am sure (уверен) that any (любой) activity is much better than doing nothing.



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