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Унаньян Ася Арамовна72
Стаж работы 45 лет;Почетный работник общего образования РФ; Руководитель МО, классный руководитель Иностранные языки открывают ворота в культуру разных стран и являются важнейшим средством общения между людьми.
Россия, Северная Осетия-Алания респ., Владикавказ

Урок английского языка в 9-м классе на тему: «Третьяковская галерея».

Ход урока:

Организационный момент.

Вступительное слово учителя.

We have already spoken too much about museums of America, Britain and Russia. Today we have one more opportunity to visit some of them. Lets visit the Tretyakov Picture Gallery. Let me introduce Miss Anna Smirnova. She is a guide of the Gallery and she is ready to tell you about it.

Вводное слово ученика-гида о Третьяковской галерее.

(Во время рассказа демонстрируется презентация «Welcome to the Tretyakov Gallery»)

«Moscow is the largest cultural centre of Russia. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. The State Tretyakov Gallery is a major research, artistic, cultural and education centre of Russia and a museum of Russian Art. Founded as a private collection in 1856 by the entrepreneur Pavel Tretyakov, a patron of the arts, it was donated to the city of Moscow in 1892.

The Gallery contains more than 55 thousand works today, including the rich collection of ancient Russian icons of the 12th-17th centuries, paintings and sculptures from the 18th to 20th centuries.

In 1994, the Tretyakov Gallery was opened after 10 years of restoration.

Ребята задают вопросы гиду о Третьяковской галерее.

P: What social class was P.Tretyakov a member of?

G: He was a merchant.

P: What was his hobby?

G: He collected pictures.

P: Why did he begin to collect Russian paintings?

G: He wanted to help poor Russian painters, to support them and to bring art close to the people.

P: As far as I know, Andrei Rublyov is best known among the old Russian painters. Can we see his works in the Gallery?

G: Certainly. Rublyov 's «The Trinity» painted in 1427 is a remarkable, humanistic work and reflects the soul of the Russian people.

P: What were the first paintings?

G: Tretyakov began his collection with the works of the «Peredvizhniki», so the Gallery has an excellent collection of the best works by Shishkin, Surikov, Vasnetsov and Kramskoy.

Учитель предлагает послушать, о чем говорят юноша и девушка, стоящие у репродукции картины Сурикова «Боярыня Морозова».

(Звучит диалог, подготовленный как домашнее задание)

Do you like «Boyarinya Morozova» by Surikov?

Yes, I like it but I'm afraid I don’t remember what historic event the picture illustrates.

Oh, don’t you? I can tell you.

Do please.

With pleasure. Because you know Surikov is my favorite painter. So, the subject of the painting is based on the conflict between the Dissenters and the official church. Morozova is a Dissenter. She has been arrested and is being taken to prison. Look at her face, but proud, isn’t it?

It certainly is. Even fanatical, wouldn’t you say?

Exactly so. She is wonderful in her readiness to die for faith.

What do you feel looking at the picture, I wonder?

I feel sad, I feel sorry for her. And you?

So do I. The picture impressed me greatly.

But it conveys to me the idea of the power of the human spirit and gives much food for thought.

Учащимся предлагаются короткие тексты для аудирования о творчестве русских художников.

Необходимо назвать имя художника:

He had a very deep interest in the history of Russia and is considered to be a historical artist. He is represented in the Tretyakov gallery by his «Boiarynia Morozova» and «Menshikov at Beriozov». (V.Surikov)

He was fond of Russian nature. He especially liked to draw sea. (Aivazovski)

In his childhood he was taught by Repin. Then Levitan, Surikov and Vrubel taught him. He became a very famous artist. His paintings «Girl in Sunlight» and «Girl with Peaches» made him known in the world. (V.Serov)

He was fond of Russian nature and reproduced it in paintings well-known and dear to everybody. He was famous for his landscapes. One of his famous paintings is «Golden autumn». (I.Levitan)

His works are exhibited in the Tretyakov Picture Gallery. His portraits of Leo Tolstoy, Nekrasov and an «Unknown woman» attract great attention. (I.Kramskoi)



Have you ever been to any Picture Gallery?

What pictures impress you best of all?

Домашнее задание: Find information about any artist and make a computer presentation.


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