Урок-викторина по английскому языку «Британские праздники: традиции и обычаи»

Материал опубликован 17 April 2016

BRITISH HOLIDAYS - - customs and traditions Рыбинский колледж городской инфраструктуры Ильина Ирина Петровна

New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Sunday May Day Spring Bank Holiday Summer Bank Holiday Christmas Day Boxing Day St. Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland Bank Holidays День святого Патрика Великая пятница Пасха День первого мая Весенний день отдыха Летний день отдыха Рождество День рождественских подарков Новый год

St. Andrew's Day (November 30th) - Scotland Guy Fawkes` Night Public Holidays St. Valentine's Day Halloween Ночь Гая Фокса День святого Валентина Канун дня всех святых Patron Saints Days St. David's Day (March 1st) - Wales St. George's Day (April 23rd) – England

New Year's Day the 31st of December\the 1st of January St. Valentine's Day the 14th of February Good Friday Easter Sunday St. Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland the 17th of March Spring Bank Holiday May Day Summer Bank Holiday Guy Fawkes` Night Halloween Christmas Day Boxing Day the 31st of October the 5th of November the 25th of December the 26th of December the Friday before Easter Sunday between 22 March and 25 April in May or at the beginning of June the 1st of May in August or in September

New Year´ symbols fireworks First Footing in Scotland - the first visitor who comes into a house in the New Year morning. To bring good the First Footing must be a dark-haired man. He carries three things: a piece of coal to wish warmth, a piece of bread to wish food, and a silver coin to wish wealth. New Year's Resolutions

sweet hearts St. Valentine's cards without a sigh (or with the sigh «Your Valentine»)

The died eggs Easter Bunny Hot cross buns

Egg rolling game Fluffy chick

The Symbols of Halloween Jack-o-lantern (the lamps of pumpkins) «Trick» or «treat» Funny costumes Of witches, ghosts Or skeletons

burning a dummy called a "guy" «A penny for the guy» to collect money for fireworks

Christmas Symbols Father Christmas (Santa Claus). He enters houses by coming down the chimney Stockings On Christmas Eve children put them near the beds hoping that at night Father Christmas will put the presents into the stockings

Christmas Dinner with traditional Christmas dishes… …roast turkey …Christmas pudding … Christmas cake

Church Service Carols – Christmas Hymns (often singing to collect money for charity) Queen's Speech on television – the Queen's message to the citizens of the UK.

Christmas Holly (Mistletoe) Wreath Outdoor Christmas Decorations a Fir Tree (Christmas Tree) decorated with colored balls and lights. You can find the presents under the tree.

Shopping holiday Day for sporting events and hunting The tradition of receiving gifts BOXNG DAY

We are glad and very gay. We all dance and sing and say: «Merry, merry, Christmas\New Year's Day!» For more British families, this holiday is the most important festival of the year. It combines the celebration the birth of Christ and the traditional festivities of winter. On the Sunday before churches hold carol services. Carol singers can be heard on the street as they collect money for charity. People decorate their houses with a holly wreath and put a fir tree. Children find presents in their stockings.

Happy New Year! There is a lot of dancing, eating and fireworks. Before the holiday people write the «resolutions» (the list of the things should be made next year). On this day people usually visit their friends. In Scotland they bring a piece of coal for good luck.

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate. The first one said: «It’s getting late! » This holiday means «holy evening». At parties people dress up in strange costumes and pretend they are witches. People make up lamps of pumpkins and other vegetables. Some children dress in white sheets, knock on doors and ask if you would like a «trick or treat». If you give them some money or some sweets, a «treat», they go away. If not, they play a «trick» on you, such as making a lot of noise or splashing water in your face!

I give her flowers White, yellow and red Who loves St. Valentine best. People send cards to people they love. They should not write their names on the cards. Those who get them must guess who sent them.

The name of this holiday comes from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, many people celebrate the beginning of spring. This holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That’s why it’s on a different date each year. People dye eggs in various colours. Bunnies, chicks, lambs and flowers are associated with it because they are born in the spring. Egg rolling game is very popular in Wales.

The English celebrate this holiday by burning a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire, at the same time letting of fireworks. This dummy is called a «guy» and children can often be seen on the pavements saying «Penny for the guy». If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks.

It is the next day after Christmas. It's time to receive presents for friends and relatives, a shopping holiday, the day for different sport events and hunting.

Thank you for your attention. Good Luck!

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1 November 2017

Сборник методических разработок и педагогических идей