12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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  План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 8 классе

Тема урока: Знаменитые люди мира.

Тип урока: комплексный.

Дидактическая цель: создать условия для развития умений аудирования, чтения,

говорения, письма.

Цель: обогатить учащихся новыми знаниями, расширить их кругозор и вызвать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Основные задачи:


совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме;

развивать умения аудирования с общим пониманием;

развивать умения чтения с полным и точным пониманием прочитанного;

развивать умения говорения (умение использовать услышанную и прочитанную информацию в собственных высказываниях);

развивать умения письма (умение делать выписки из текста для заполнения пропуcков в предложении и использования в собственных высказываниях).

2. Развивающие:

развивать языковые, познавательные способности учащихся;

развивать зрительную память, речь, мышление, восприятие;

вовлечь учащихся в процесс постановки цели и задач обучения;

развивать навык фонематического слуха;

развивать навыки монологической речи, аудирования.

3. Воспитательные:

воспитывать уважение к достижениям знаменитых людей всего мира, в частности Америки, Великобритании, России;

воспитывать чувство гордости за свою малую родину и выдающихся земляков;

воспитывать культуру сотрудничества при работе в парах и группах.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная.

Средства обучения: учебник Ю.Е.Ваулиной, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс «Spotlight», аудиоприложение к учебнику, презентация Power Point, онлайн-сервис LearningApps, фото знаменитых людей, раздаточный материал -карточки с заданиями.

Ход урок

I. Приветствие и организационный момент начала урока.

T.: Good morning, my dear students ! I am very happy to see you and welcome to our English lesson. It is often important to make a good beginning. And to begin our lesson well and enjoy it I suggest you to start with a nice poem. You can see it on the blackboard and read it for your classmates and our guests. Read it in a chain and one of you will translate it then. (Учащиеся по строчке читают стих, один из учащихся переводит).

Try to smile to everybody,

It doesn’t matter he’s young or old.

Try to smile to everybody

Try to do it all day long.

T.: Very well, my dear! Now smile to each other and to our guests and we’ll start our lesson. (Учащиеся улыбаются друг другу и гостям.)

II. Постановка цели и задач урока.

T.: OK! I think, everybody is interested in, what is the topic of our lesson and what are we going to do? Let’s pay attention to the blackboard and try to guess what the lesson topic is. Do you know these people?

P.: Yes, we do.

T.: Of course, I’m sure you have heard about them. How do you think, what’s the lesson topic?

P.: We will speak about famous people.

T.: Really, the topic is” FAMOUS PEOPLE” (учитель открывает шторку с названием темы) And what do you expect to do at our lesson?

P.: Maybe we will learn some facts about their lives, read some information about famous people, do different exercises, answer some questions.

T.: You are very smart, because in reality we will do everything, what you supposed.

In our today’s lesson I suggest our boys to be experts. During the lesson they will monitor the work of the classmates and at the end of the lesson they will analyze their work and give everybody a grade, which they deserved for working in the lesson. Do you agree?

III. Актуализация опорных знаний.

1) Фонетическая зарядка.

- I have the photos of both Russian and the world famous people. Do you recognize them? Can you name them? (Учащиеся называют их имена). Let’s repeat them after me.

Charlie Chaplin

Walter Disney [ˈwɔːltə ˈdɪznɪ] Alexander Pushkin [ælɪgˈzɑːndər ˈpʊʃkɪn]

William Shakespeare Yuri Gagarin [ˈjʊərɪ gɪˈgærən]

Andrei Sakharov [ˈændrɪ ˈsɒkərɒf] Marie Curie [məˈriː ˈkjʊərɪ]

Bill Gates Mikhail Lomonosov [mɪˈkɑːl ləˈmɒnəsɒv]

2) Речевая зарядка.

T.: Why are they famous?

P.: Because they have talents, they work hard.

T.: What do you think they should do to be famous ? Maybe to be lazy? Or to sleep till afternoon? So, you can see different types of expressions on your desks about famous people. Choose those you think appropriate. (Собираем Mind map)

Expressions: to sleep a lot, to be lucky, to be ambitions , to be active , to have a lot money, to work hard, to be born in a famous family, to be talented, to be creative, to be lazy.

T.: What is more important to be famous: to be talented or to be hardworking? We will return to this question later.

3) Отработка грамматических навыков.

T.: OK, now I suggest you to read the text about our country, what it’s famous for, and put in the missing words. Who is the most determined in the class? And the rest of you will do this task in the exercise books.

(Один из учащихся работает у доски, остальные в тетрадях)

IV) Практика в чтении и обсуждении прочитанного.

T.: Very well. You almost completed the task.

And now do the next task. All of these people whose photos you see on the blackboard are famous for different things. Let’s find the pairs what they are famous for and write them down into your exercise books and then you are going to make up the sentences orally. Let’s check our task, I need another brave man to go to the blackboard and find the pairs on the screen. (Один из учащихся составляет пары на экране).

T.: Thats OK. There are a lot of famous people in every country, but today I want you to get acquainted with the biography of a person who was from the country which flag I am holding in my hands. (Держу флаг Польши). Who is it? Can you guess? (открываю презентацию)

P.: I think, it’s …

T.: Yes, you are right, it’s Marie Curie. I want you to open your textbooks on the page 48 and be ready to work at the text. (выполняем задания по презентации).

V) Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T.: So you have learned a lot of interesting information from the biography of one of the most famous world scientist Marie Curie. And what about our republic? Do you know any famous people of republic Mari El? (показываю несколько фото знаменитостей Марий Эл: Андрей Эшпай, Сергей Чавайн, Василий Мосолов, Светлана Сушкина). Who are they?

And I think, in your village Sardayal you have persons whom you can also be proud of. What can you say about this woman? (Показываю фото Елкиной З.) What is she famous in the village for and why? (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)

P.: She became famous because she was both talented and hardworking, she did her best to achieve great results.

T.: Let’s return to our question: What is more important to be famous: to be talented or to be hardworking? (ученики отвечают на вопрос).

VI) Информация о домашнем задании.

T.: Today at our lesson we have remembered famous people of different countries. We have remembered new words, discussed grammar material, read the text, answered a lot of questions. Now, open your diaries and write down your hometask.

1) to find the information and interesting facts about famous people of our republic and even of your native village and present this information with the photos to the classmates according to the plan.

VI) Рефлексия.

T.: I’m very pleased with your work today! You were very active and hardworking today/ But now, I think, everybody wants to listen to the opinions of our experts. What do you say about your classmates? (Эксперты оценивают работу своих одноклассников на уроке.) And you, are you pleased with yourselves? (Эксперты оценивают работу друг друга на уроке.)

In reality I’m pleased with your work and agree with the experts. Now I offer you to close your eyes and remember the pleasant moments of our lesson. I’m glad that you were active and attentive throughout the lesson. I want those who worked very well, to smile me and those who feel the potential to work even better to applaud themselves.

Well, thank you very much for your work. Have a nice time! The time is to say Good bye to each other.

P.: Good bye!

Приложение 1

Plan of writing a biography


2.Early years

3.Later years



Name, why he/she is famous (outstanding)

(Name) is an outstanding…/one of the greatest…

He / She is well-known / world famous… because (he was the founder of Russian… /created the language of modern Russian poetry)/as a great poet, writer,…

People all over the world know/ remember him / her because he/she made a great contribution into world art/science/poetry…

2.Early Years

He / She was born in…(date, place of birth)

He/she loved to…/spent a lot of time …

He/she got a good education

He/she started writing/drawing ..when he was only…

He /She entered/studied at / attended / graduated from / …

3. Later Years

He /She worked as…/worked hard

He wrote/created/made/won…

His first book was published in…

He fell in love with… and in a few years they got married .

He died at the age of… in…

4.Conclusion (His contribution into music/ literature/science. Why people love him/her)

He played a great part in (Russian music/poetry/ science…)

He/she is the greatest… and a national pride.

His work lives on today

We can call him the most important Russian…

His works influenced the great Russian writers/…

Today we can really say that his works are of genius, they’re masterpieces .  

He devoted all his life and work to his country and its people.

Home Task

Write an article about a great person of Mari El

Use the plan of writing a biography

Use the information from the Internet

Find and give some more interesting facts and information about this person


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