Конспект урока английского языка по теме «Экологические проблемы» (10 класс)
Омеленчук Э.Ф, учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ № 33»г.Магнитогорска Environmental problems The most common problems of our environment
Ozone layer
Holes in the ozone layer
Global warming
Acid rain
Effects of acid rain
CFCs destroy our atmosphere
Oil, gas & coal
Wind energy
Solar Energy
Wave energy
Geothermal energy
Cleaner, healthier planet
Ecological рroblems of our town
Our town is lovely and beautiful…
It has some ecological problems
Air pollution
This is the reason, why many people have diseases
Pouring industrial wastes into the Ural
The Magnitnaya mountain is completely “demolished”
There is a lot of rubbish everywhere
We should not protect nature only in one town, but in the whole world
Earth is our home
We want next generations to live under the clear sky.
Используемые источники: 1. ru.wikipedia.org 2. en.wikipedia.org 3. https://www.google.ru/imghp?hl=ru&tab=wi&ei=CfqNWNuvBKHw6AT547CgDQ&ved=0EKouCBMoAQ 4. http://www.fipi.ru/