Конспект урока английского языка по теме «Экологические проблемы» (10 класс)
Пояснительная записка к презентации
Конспект урока английского языка по учебнику
«Starlight» 10.
Тема урока
«Проблемы окружающей среды»
«Environmental problems»
Выполнила учитель английского языка высшей категории МОУ СОШ №33 г. Магнитогорска: Омеленчук Э.Ф.
Используемые учебники: «Starlight» 10класс. В Коновалова, В. Иванс
Unit 4 “Environmental Issues”.
Используемая методическая литература: книга для учителя.
Перечень интернет ресурсов: ru.wikipedia.org , en.wikipedia.org, fipi.ru
Используемое оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.
Используемое программное обеспечение: MS Windows.
ЦЕЛИ урока:
1. Осознание учащимися сущности языковых явлений, иной системы понятий, через которую может восприниматься действительность.
2. Знакомство с иностранным языком как средством общения.
3. Формирование умений высказывания мнения в письменной речи.
1. Формирование у школьников механизма языковой догадки и умения переноса знаний и навыков в новую ситуацию на основе осуществления широкого спектра проблемно-поисковой деятельности.
2. Развитие умения преодолевать трудности, связанные с изучением нового материала.
1. Поддержание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности.
2. Воспитание культуры общения.
3.Воспитание патриотизма.
1. Учить читать текст с общим охватом содержания.
2. Научить извлекать нужную информацию из текста.
3. Учить задавать вопросы ,отвечать на них кратко.
4. Проверить усвоение лексики.
5. Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся в сфере устной монологической речи.
6. Ознакомление с проблемами окружающей среды посредством английского языка.
7. Познакомить учащихся с проблемами природы родного края.
8. Закрепление и расширение лексических навыков, навыков выражения своего мнения по теме урока.
9. Развитие познавательного отношения и интереса к изучаемой теме.
10. Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала по теме “Environmental problems” с использованием компьютерной презентации.
11. Формирование чувства ответственности за природу малой родины.
12. Развитие навыков письменной речи.
Планируемый результат:
Учащиеся должны знать лексические единицы по теме “Environmental Problems” на английском языке.
Учащиеся должны уметь говорить на английском языке, извлекая необходимую информацию из текстов по теме “Environmental Problems”, и используя знакомую лексику.
Учащиеся должны написать эссе по теме.
Тип урока: Урок закрепления изученного материала.
Методы обучения:
частично – поисковый;
объяснительно – иллюстративный.
Форма организации деятельности учащихся: Фронтальная и групповая.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, children. Sit down please. Who is on duty today?
Let us begin our lesson. We will speak about Environmental Problems in our the world and region
What words come to your mind when you hear “NATURE”
Pronounce them! Let’s work around the class (ученики называют лексику по теме).
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Do you know the English equivalents of these Russian expressions? (на доске слова написаны на русском языке):
- проблемы окружающей среды – environmental problems
- экологическая катастрофа - environmental disaster
- экологическая безопасность - environmental safety
- акции в защиту окружающей среды - environmental actions
- защита определенной среды - environmental protection
- экологическая система - environmental system
3. Основной этап урока. Ознакомительное чтение.
Ex.1 p.124 Listen read and check.
Ex.2 p.124 Read the text and mark each sentences 1-6 as T(true), F(false) or Ns( not stated).
Ex.3p.124 Match the words in bold in the text to their synonyms in the list below.
4. Просмотр презентации.
ШКОЛА № 33 Ecological problems
PPT / 5.76 Мб
Обсуждение проблем окружающей среды.
Слайды 2-6- name the most important environmental problems
P1, 2, 3,4,5,6
Among the most urgent problems are the ozone layer, acid rains, global warming, toxic pollution of atmosphere, disappearance of forests, contamination of underground waters by chemical elements, destruction of soil in some areas, threat to some flora and fauna representatives, etc.
One of the most important pollution problems is the oceans. Many ships sail in the ocean water- fishing ships, some ships carrying people, some carrying oil. If a ship loses some of the oil in the water, or waste from the ships in put into the ocean, the water becomes dirty.
Many sea birds die because of the polluted water. Many fish are dying in the sea, others are getting contaminated. Fishermen catch contaminated fish which may be sold in markets, and people may get sick from eating them. Lakes and rivers are becoming polluted, too. Some beaches are dangerous for swimming.
Another important problem is air pollution. Cars and factories pollute the air we use. Their fume also destroys the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun. Aerosols create large “holes” in the ozone layer round the Earth. Burning coal and oil leads to global warming which may bring about a change in the world’s climate.
The other problem is that our forests are dying from acid rains. Deforestation, especially destruction of tropical forests, affects the balance of nature in many ways. It kills animals, changes the climate and ecosystem in the world.
A person can do some damage to the environment but the greater part of pollution certainly comes from industry. Modern industry production is the main threat to nature.
Слайды 7-9- some words about the organizations fighting for environmentally free world
P1, 2, 3
The activity of many public organizations is directed to protect environment. One of the most known organizations is “Greenpeace”, whose purpose is prevention of environment degradation. This organization was founded in 1971 by the activists from the USA and Canada and it has representations in 25 countries of the world.
“Greenpeace” acts against nuclear tests, radiating threat, pollution of the environment by waste industrial products, to protect the animal world, etc. This organization influences public opinion through mass media, under its aegis manifestations and protest actions are carried solutions for concrete ecological problems.
For example, the “Greenpeace” sent its boats to protect whales, and today commercial whaling is banned. In the North Sea Greenpeace swimmers turned back dump ships carrying chemical waste, and a new laws to protect the North Sea have been considered.
Слайды 10-12- environmental disasters
P1, 2, 3
The Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there is life. If you look down at the Earth from a plane you will see how wonderful our planet is. You will see blue seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, high snow-capped mountains, green forests and fields. For centuries man lived in harmony with nature until industrialization brought human society into conflict with the natural environment.
Today, the contradictions between man and nature have acquired a dramatic character. With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature has increased. Every year the world’s industry pollutes the atmosphere with millions of tons of dust and other harmful substances.
The seas and rivers are poisoned with industrial waste, chemical and sewage discharge. People who live in big cities are badly affected by harmful discharge from plants and city transport and by the increasing noise level which is as bad for human health as lack of fresh air and clean water.
Слайды 13-15- environmental protection
P1, 2, 3
When I look around I realize that not all people understand the importance of nature protection. On fine summer days a lot of people go out of town. They have picnics on the shores of lakes and the banks of rivers or on beautiful forest glades and they often leave behind a lot of rubbish- plastic bags and bottles, tins and paper. It makes me feel sad when I see people returning to town with huge bunches of forest or meadow flowers.
Many of these plants are included into the Red Book which contains the names of rare plants and animals. Some of them have become extinct and others are on the verge of disappearing. If we don’t realize that we are all responsible for what’s happening around us we will never feel secure about the future of the world we live in.
To solve this burning problem it is necessary for people to combine efforts, to raise safety standards at all industrial facilities, to adequately process by-products of industry, to set up an international space laboratory to monitor the state of environment and set up an international centre for emergency environmental assistance. All these measures will help us in solving these important problems and prevent us from dangerous illnesses and diseases.
Слайды 16- what we know about Chernobyl
There are a lot of places on our planet that need immediate help. Our country is not exception. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl, which took place on April 26, 1986., has seriously aggravated the ecological situation in Belarus. That catastrophe can be considered as the largest disaster of the 20th century. As the result of that accident 18% of territories of our republic were contaminated by radioactive elements. The agriculture of our country suffered great losses. More than 20% of the population has also suffered. A death rate among children has increased considerably. The wide researches are carried out, but health state of the people living in polluted areas, is worsened. The level of thyroid gland cancer has increased, the immunity of children and women is weakened, many diseases appear out only a few years later. Everyone understands that this catastrophe is a threat to health of our nation, and though years have already passed, the results will be shown on the future generations.
Слайды 17-21- how we can improve the situation
P1, 2, 3, 4, 5
What can be done to protect nature? I believe that environment disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile and people must obey the unwritten laws of nature.
Governments must be prepared to take action against pollution. Air pollution could be reduced if plants and factories were made to fit effective filters on chimneys and car exhausts
. Green zones around big cities must be protected and extended. Natural resources should be used economically because their stocks are not unlimited.
Now some chemicals are banned and some must be controlled. In several countries there is frequent analysis of the water around the coasts. The time has come for the governments and their people to take responsibility for the policies that cause the environmental damage.
Now some chemicals are banned and some must be controlled. In several countries there is frequent analysis of the water around the coasts. The time has come for the governments and their people to take responsibility for the policies that cause the environmental damage.
Слайды 17-21- ecological situation in our region
P1, 2,3,4,5
Yet any new arrival to the city is likely to notice an industrial tinge to the air, like the whiff of a charcoal brazier and an acrid dryness at the back of the throat.
Russia’s state statistics service ranked Magnitogorsk the third most polluted city in Russia in 2015, finding that the level of benzopyrene, a carcinogen that has been linked to lung cancer.
In addition, millions of cubic meters of industrial waste water is pumped into the Ural River each year, according to environmentalists, polluting it with heavy particles, nitrites and other chemicals.
Information on the health effects of this pollution are one in 20 children born in the city is completely free of health problems and allergies.
5. Работа в парах. Выражение своего мнения по теме“It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.”
(Затем ученики высказывают мнения по теме, соглашаясь или нет , приводят свои аргументы (2-3) в поддержку темы или против.
P1: I would like to explain my point of view on this situation.
P2: I would like to express my opinion on this problem.
P3: As already stated I’m in favor of… for a number of reasons
P4: There are many things to be said in favour of…
Р5: I disagree with this point of view (statement, opinion) because
Р6: As opposed to the above ideas…I believe that…
Р7: In my opinion this subject is very controversial
Р8: Taking everything into account,
6. Заключительный этап урока.
1. Выставление оценок.
2. Домашнее задание. Написать эссе “It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.” о проблемах экологии.( fipi.ru).