Вопросы к дифференцированному зачету по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» специальность 40.02.01 «Право и организация социального обеспечения» Заочное отделение Курс 3

Материал опубликован 21 January

Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования

«Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова»

Московский промышленно-экономический колледж

Рассмотрено цикловой методической комиссией

«Иностранного языка»

Протокол №5 от

« 17 » января 2025 г.

Председатель ЦМК

Ломакина М.А.



к дифференцированному зачету

по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык»

специальность 40.02.01
«Право и организация социального обеспечения»

Заочное отделение

Курс 3 Группа: ЗПР -31

Семестр 6


Заместитель директора по учебной работе

Архипцева И.А.


«____»____________2025 г.

Тема 2.1. Образование

1. Did you go to the college or to the university?

2 .What subjects are you good at ?

3. Does your country provide a good public school system ?

4. Does education guarantee a good job ?

5. How many stages of education are there in the UK ?

6. How many types of schools are there in the USA ?

7. What famous universities do you know ?

Тема 2.2. Моя будущая профессия

1. What are some common occupations in your country ?

2. What motivates a person to change a job ?

3. What is your dream job ?

4. Should a lawyer be a perfect expert of laws ?

5. Is the profession of a lawyer one of the most popular professions among the young people of our country ?

6. Why have you chosen to be a lawyer ?

Тема 2.3. Экология

What is climate like ?

What do you know about greenhouse effect ?

What kinds of pollution can you name ?

What do you know about the ozone layer ?

How can we save the world’s wildlife ?

What do you know about Green Peace ?

Would you like to join the organization ?

Тема 2.4. Здоровье

Do you consider yourself a healthy person ?

How often do you get sick ?

What healthy habits do you have ?

Is there a hospital or a clinic near your house ?

Do you always eat healthy food ?

How often do get a medical check-up ?

Тема 2.5. Работа

What is a CV?

What are the main parts of a CV?

What are the working hours for most of the jobs?

What professions often involve shiftwork?

Why do people have to work overtime?

What is flextime?

What is your dream work?

Тема 2.6. Деловая переписка

How can you write an address in English ?

How can you present business documents ?

Should business letters be simple and easy to read ?

Is it advisable to wait a day between writing and sending an important letter ?

What phrase is at the end of the letter in the USA: sincerely yours or best wishes ?

Тема 2.7. Международная конференция

1. Have you ever given a talk to a large audience at in international conference ?

2. Do you have roundtable discussions in your professional sphere ?

3. What issues do you usually discuss ?

4. What are the best ways to connect people ?

5. What are the ways to make people remember you ?

6. Are you good at making decisions under pressure ?

Тема 2.8. Презентация компании

What do you offer to meet the needs of the clients ?

What do you prioritize to stay ahead of the competition ?

What do you do for researching and development ?

What do you think makes a good advert ?

Can you think of a shocking advert that grabbed your attention ?

Why do companies advertise ?

Тема 2.9. Контракты

Is contract an agreement between the parties that creates obligations ?

What kinds of contracts do you know ?

Is a contract the basis of a transactions between the buyers and the sellers ?

Does contract enter into forse on the date of its signing ?

What number of clauses of a contract do you know ?

Тема 2.10. Право

What is the principal source of constitutional law ?

What category of law is closely connected with constitutional law ?

What category of law regulates various spheres of financial activity ?

What is the difference between public law and private law ?

What are the parties to a civil law ?

What is legal capacity ?

Тема 2.11. Судебная система

What sourcers of law do you know ?

What do you think is the preliminary source of law in Russia ?

Are there criminal and civil courts in our country ?

Are there any specialized courts in our country ?

What do you know about the legal system of England and Wales ?

How many district judges are there in the USA ?

What is the judiciary in the US divided into ?

Преподаватель: Полянская И.Н.

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