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Урок английского языка «Welcome to Tatarstan»

Класс: 8

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Урок по форме организации взаимодействия: урок-экскурсия по родному краю

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по страноведческой тематике.

Задачи урока:

1. Активизировать лексику по теме « Татарстан», обучать чтению с извлечением из текста конкретной информации, научить учащихся добывать информацию с помощью икт, проконтролировать знания учащихся по теме в форме тестового задания. практиковать учащихся во всех видах учебной деятельности (аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме) на базе знакомого и нового лексического материала

2. развивать навыки монологического высказывания, развитие умения выполнять познавательно-поисковые задания, расширение словарного запаса , развитие познавательной активности.

3.воспитание у учащихся гордости за историю и культуру своей страны, воспитание интернационализма, развитие социокультурной компетенции.

Оборудование: Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, программное обеспечение (Microsoft Power Point), , L. Ivanova, D.Sabirova, Zh. Garipova «English. Welcome to Tatarstan» (teacher’s book, student’s book) карточки с заданием.

Ход урока:

1.Приветствие на английском языке.

2. Сообщение цели урока.( слайд)

The word “ hospitality” means “ friendly and generous behavior towards visitors to make them feel welcome”. Hospitality is one of the traditional features of our republic. Our people say with warmth: “Welcome to Tatarstan”.

3.Речевая разминка ( слайд)

Which words do you associate with the phrase «The land and the people»

History, Sport, Geography, smile, culture, nature, tent, camping, language, tradition, population, centre, subject, compromise, building, nationality.

4. Работа с текстом “ География Татарстана”.( Слайд);

Read the text and complete the chart:

The Republic of Tatarstan is located at the centre of the Russian Federation. Tatarstan borders on the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari-El, Udmurtia and on the regions of Russia: Samara, Ulianovsk, Kirov and Orenburg. Tatarstan has no borders with foreign states.

Its area is more than 67 thousand square kilometres. It is as big as Ireland, Sri-Lanka and Lithuania. The territory of the republic is a plain. It lies in a forest and forest-steppe zone with small hills on the right bank of the Volga.

The climate is continental with warm summers and quite cold winters. That is why agriculture is developed in Tatarstan: gardening, pig farming, bee farming, dairy farming and others.

Such wild animals as elks, bears, foxes, hares, squirrels, hedgehogs and others live in the woods.

Tatarstan is rich in oil, brown and black coal, copper, clays, mineral waters. The republic has huge water resources. The Volga, the Kama, the Vyatka and the Belaya rivers are the longest rivers but there are a lot of smaller rivers: the Zai,the Kazanka, the Myosha and a lot of beautiful lakes.

Проверка понимания прочитанного . ( Учащиеся заполняют таблицу на каточках)


Neighbouring states




Kinds of agriculture


Natural resources


5. Проверка знаний по теме “ История Татарстана”

Слайд.”“Who knows nothing about his own history, has no future”, say the Тatars. Let’s remember our history. What do you know about these facts? Read the sentences below and choose the correct answer.

Ivan the Terrible attacked Kazan in: 1.1552 .2.1550. 3. 1553

Emeliyan Pugachev’s army attacked Kazan in: 1. 1776.; 2.1775.; 3.1774

The first electric train appeared in : 1.1899;. 2. 1900.; 3. 1889

The Kazan television centre began to work in: 1.1958.; 2. 1959.; 3. 1960

The celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan was in: 1.2006.; 2.2005;.3.2004

6.Зарядка для глаз. Exercises for eyes.


Up and down

Look at the window

At the town

Now blink

Draw a circle, draw a square

It’s a very wise

To take care of our eyes.

7. Практика по грамматической теме. (слайд)

Look at the screen! You should fill in the blanks using Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. ___ you ever ______to Kazan? (to be)

2. He knows German very well, he _________(to live) in Germany for a long time.

3. The tourist _________________ (to arrive) at the airport in Kazan three hours ago.

4. The train ____ just (to depart) from the station.

5. They ______(to book) two single tickets today.

8. Practice in speaking. (слайд )

As in the whole world there are a lot of great people in our republic.

Do you know their names?

Pupils give their answers. (S. Saidashev-a famous composer, I. Shishkin-a famous painter, M. Jalil-a famous poet, B. Urmanche-a famous painter, G. Cariev-the father of the Tatar professional theatre, G. Tukai-a great Tatar poet. )

8. Summing up

Написать синквейн о Татарстане.

Make up the conversation "The foreigners in Tatarstan" using Present Perfect (составить диалог: "Иностранцы в Татарстане", используя настоящее совершённое время)

10. Завершение урока.I appreciate your work very much today. Your marks are …

Thanks for the lesson. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Good bye.


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