План-конспект вводного урока по английскому языку «Welcome to the USA» (7 класс)

Пояснительная записка к презентации
Тема урока: « Добро пожаловать в США»
(“Welcome to the USA”)
7 класс
Место урока в системе уроков: вводный урок по теме «Some facts about the English-speaking World» (по учебнику английского языка О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К.М.Баранова «Rainbow English», 7 класс).
Цель урока: совершенствование иноязычных коммуникативных навыков учащихся в рамках темы «Добро пожаловать в США»
Развивать умение формулировать и обосновывать свою точку зрения
Стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка посредством использования ЭОР и мультимедиа средств.
Метапредметные УУД:
Регулятивные УУД:
Развивать умение самостоятельно формулировать учебную задачу и планировать пути достижения целей
Совершенствовать навыки осуществления контроля своей деятельности в процессе достижения результата
Познавательные УУД:
Формировать навыки смыслового чтения
Коммуникативные УУД:
Совершенствовать умение работать индивидуально и в группе
Развивать умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей
Формировать навыки аудирования учащихся на основе аутентичного текста песни
Ввести новые лексические единицы по теме
Совершенствование навыков построения вопросительных предложений и ответов на них, навыков устного высказывания на английском языке с опорой на план
мультимедийный проектор и экран;
Раздаточный материал.
презентация в Power Point;
Применяемые технологии: технология групповой работы, ЭОР, технология критического мышления
Планируемые результаты
- осознавать возможность использования имеющихся знаний в новой языковой ситуации;
- оценивать уровень собственной языковой компетенции;
- уметь устанавливать связь между целью и результатом деятельности;
- научиться самостоятельно определять цель работы, планировать пути достижения цели;
- научиться анализировать и выделять необходимую информацию из текста
- научится строить речевое высказывание в устной форме.
- работать индивидуально и в группе, участвовать в коллективном обсуждении темы;
-высказать свое собственное мнение и аргументировать его;
Ход урока
I. Организация класса и речевая подготовка.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you.
Речевая зарядка
T: How are you today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?
II. Основной этап
Определение темы урока и целей.
When I was going to school, I heard a very famous song. Let’s listen to it and try to guess what we are going to speak about today (Звучит песня “California dreaming”). Учащиеся делают свои догадки, учитель направляет. С помощью учителя ученики формулируют цели урока.
Актуализация знаний.
Look at the screen now, please. What can we see? Yes, they are American cities. Do you know their names?
Учащиеся называют известные им названия городов. Отрабатывается правильное прочтение данных названий.
T: You’ve done it very well. Good job!
Some of our students have been to these cities. Say who and where has been. На слайдах появляются имена детей и названия городов. And what about you? Have you ever been to any of these cities?
So, it’s time to make a tour to the main cities of the USA. Are you ready to start?
Развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом.
T: Boys and girls, I will give you the parts of different pictures. Find all the pieces and find out the city you will read about. Дети получают фрагменты картинок американских городов. Находят свои пары и составляют полное изображение. Образуют группу.(4 группы по 3-4 человека)
T: There are cards on the desks. Read the task attentively. You’ll have to read the text, find the key words and make up thin and thick questions during 10 minutes.
Учащиеся работают с текстом, выделяют ключевые слова, составляют тонкие и толстые вопросы.
Let’s check your results. What key words has the first group found? Представители команд прикрепляют выбранные слова на доску с помощью магнитов. Отрабатывается произношение.
You see that today we have a lot of new words to learn. What else have you learnt about the USA?
Ask your questions. Учащиеся обмениваются вопросами и ответами.
Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: Great you are! Now it’s time to have a talk about American cities. Tell about one of them using the plan.
Учащиеся озвучивают рассказ о городе по плану. (Презентация, слайд отдельно, Приложение 2 )
T: You did your best. Thank you for good job. We made a great tour today. You were hard-working and active. Let see how much you know about the USA now. Let’s play a game.
Учащиеся выполняют задания в интерактивной игре на True/False.(Приложение 3)
III. Завершающий этап
T: Did you like our lesson? What did you like at the lesson? (дети отвечают)
We worked hard. Let’s appreciate ourselves and get marks (дети заполняют лист самооценки , ставят оценки)
Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
Выставление оценок за урок.
T: Your hometask is to make a presentation about one of the American cities and tell about it using the plan.
Приложение 1.
Text №1
I. The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. This country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachians and the Cordilleras. The Mississippi is the longest river in the world.
America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.
The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac River. The head of State is the president.
The flag of the country has 50 stars - for each of the state of it. The United States is often called “melting pot ” because people from all over the world have mixed together to create modern American society.
II. New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest sea-port. It is situated in the mouth of the Hudson River. New York was founded by the Dutch. It is interesting to know that Manhattan Island — the central part of New York — was bought from the local Indians by the Dutch for 24 dollars. That was the most profitable commercial deal in the US history. Today Manhattan is the heart of business and commercial life of the country. New York is the city of skyscrapers. The highest of them is the 102–storeyed building. There are many places of interest in New York: Central Park, Times Square, Rockefeller Centre, the shopping districts and the United Nations Building.
Text №2
I. The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. This country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachians and the Cordilleras. The Mississippi is the longest river in the world.
America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.
The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac River. The head of State is the president.
The flag of the country has 50 stars - for each of the state of it. America has its own customs, traditions and holidays. The United States is called “melting pot ” because people from all over the world have mixed together to create modern America society.
II. Washington, DC is one of the most important American cities. It is situated in the east of the country, on the bank of the river Potomac. The city was founded in 1790 when the first US president George Washington chose the place for the city. The city was named after the first president. Washington is not a very big city, about 500 thousand people live there. There are a lot of parks, gardens, museums in the city. There is no industry, skyscrapers in the city. The main sightseeing of Washington is the White House. The White House is the official residence of American President. Another famous building of Washington is the Capitol. The Capitol is the place where the Us Congress meets and makes laws.
Text №3
I. The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. This country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachians and the Cordilleras. The Mississippi is the longest river in the world.
America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.
The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac River. The head of State is the president.
The flag of the country has 50 stars - for each of the state of it. America has its own customs, traditions and holidays. The United States is called “melting pot ” because people from all over the world have mixed together to create modern America society.
II. Los Angeles is the most popular city in the state of California, and the second most popular in the United States, after New York City. It is located in Southern California. LA is famous for one of its suburbs, Hollywood, which is the capital of world movie production. The biggest and most successful film studios — Disney, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount, Columbia, MGM — are here. Celebrities don't only work in LA, they also live in and around the city.
Every year, usually in February, celebrities are sure to come for the most important event in show biz: Oscar Night. On that day the prestigious Academy Awards, called "Oscars", are presented for the year's best achievements in the film world.
Text №4
I. The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. This country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachians and the Cordilleras. The Mississippi is the longest river in the world.
America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.
The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac River. The head of State is the president.
The flag of the country has 50 stars - for each of the state of it. America has its own customs, traditions and holidays. The United States is called “melting pot ” because people from all over the world have mixed together to create modern America society.
II. Chicago is the third-biggest city in the United States. It is located in the Midwestern United States on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan, bordering the Illinois-Indiana State Line . Today, Chicago is known as the Windy City. Walking around it you might suspect that Chicago got this nickname from the winds off Lake Michigan. But the true origin of the saying comes from politics. Chicago is famous for its architecture, culture, entertainment and business.
Приложение 2.
Приложение 3.
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