Мини-проект на английском языке "Добро пожаловать в Россию"

Материал опубликован 12 August 2019 в группе

Автор публикации: С. Серебрякова, ученица 5Б класса

Автор публикации: А. Тимошенко, ученица 5Б класса


 The name of the project:

Welcome to my country!

The goal is

to write a letter about Russia.

The objectives are

1) to choose the information to write in the letter

2) to remember the words we learnt in the unit

3) to remember how to write letters in English

4) to present it to the class

5) to answer the classmates’ questions

The topicality

It is important to use the knowledge about Russia we get at the lessons.

If you learn English you should know how to write letters.

Основная часть

Veliky Ustug



Dear Alice,

Hello. How are you? Thank you for your last letter.

You asked me about my country in your letter. Come to my country Russia! Russia is the biggest country in the world. There are many cities there.

Russia is rich in wonderful places: mountains, seas, lakes, forests. Different animals live in the forests of Russia: bears, foxes, elks, wolves, hares and others.

Many great poets and writers lived in Russia: Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy.

Russian summers are hot. You can visit many museums, theatres, picture galleries and a lot of nice places. You can learn there lot about Russian culture. Our favourite place is Red Square in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our country. It is the nicest city in Russia.

Come to visit us! We think your trip will be very wonderful.

Write us soon.

Your friends,

Sasha and Sofia


В заключение нам хотелось бы отметить, что цели и задачи проекта были достигнуты. Мы смогли написать письмо условному другу по переписке Алисе о своей стране. Считаем, что прочитав наше письмо, она захочет посетить нашу страну.

Мы представили свой проект перед классом и ответили на все вопросы по нашей стране, тем самым мы повторили слова, которые мы учили по теме «Россия» и вспомнили страноведческий материал.

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