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National Day in Britain "Guy Fawkes Night" Подготовила: Кунгурова Ева 9Б класс Учитель: Паньчак О.В.

A little about the holiday. For over 400 years, the UK has been celebrating a holiday whose history is very sad. Guy Fawkes Night is considered one of the noisiest in the country. The tradition is to burn stuffed animals and launch fireworks. The roots of the holiday go back to November 5, 1605, when the conspirators failed to blow up parliament. In popular culture, Guy Fawkes is associated primarily with the mask from the comic strip by Alan Moore "V for Vendetta".

People began to burn Guy Fawkes effigies and the Gunpowder Plot paraphernalia. Even later, fireworks and petards appeared. Nowadays, it's not just the Fox stuffed animal that is burned. Often this can be the personality of a politician, president or singer.

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