The scientific project (научный проект) «Healthy ways of life»

Материал опубликован 23 November 2018

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Автор публикации: Ф. АБАСОВ, ученик 6Г класса

The scientific project

Healthy ways of life”

Healthy ways of life
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I. Introduction…………………………………………………….2

II. The main part

2.1. Laboratory blood test……………………………………….3

2.2. Water in my life ……………………………………………3

2.3. Healthy food………………………………………………...4

2.4. Physical activity…………………………………………….5

III. Conclusion…………………………………………………..6

IV. Literature……………………………………………………7

VI. Applications…………………………………………………8


I . Introduction

The way people live nowadays also tells on their health. They try to do a number of things at the same time, have their finger in every pie. For a lot of people such a situation is stressful. It may result in heart attacks, headaches and other health problems. Also modern living often means little physical activity. We don’t get enough exercise because we use cars and other mechanism to make our lives easier. At the same time we often forget that we were born to move - run, jump and walk, but not to watch television for many hours or to sit in front of the computer monitor. It can easily turn us into weak legless human beings with lots of health problems.

Hypothesis: there are some ways to keep good health and to be healthy.

Actuality: the actuality of the work is that health is the most important thing in the life of people. People do not live but exist if they have bad health.

The aims of the work:

-to increase knowledge about healthy way of life;

-to find out if healthy ways of life change blood test in short time.

The tasks of the work:

-to study the information;

-to test blood in the lab;

-start a healthy lifestyle;

-to analyze the results

The subject of the work: healthy way of life.

The object of the work: I am , a six year pupil.

Research methods:

1.theoretical: theoretical analysis literary sources, newspapers and Internet

2.laboratory blood test

Theoretical importance of my work is that I hope many teens pay attention to my work and make conclusions for themselves.

Practical importance is to make water and food recommendation

II . The main part

2.1. A laboratory blood test

A blood test is when a sample of blood is taken from the body to be tested in a lab. Doctors order blood tests to check things such as the levels of glucose, hemoglobin, or white blood cells. This can help them detect problems like a disease or medical condition. Sometimes, blood tests can help them see how well an organ (such as the liver or kidneys) is working.

A complete blood count (CBC) test is a blood test that helps doctors check the level of different types of cells in the blood. A CBC measures:

-red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to the different parts of the body

-white blood cells, which help fight infections

-platelets, which help blood clot to stop bleeding

Why Are CBCs Done?

A CBC can be done as part of a routine checkup to screen for problems or because a child isn't feeling well. The levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can provide doctors with information about possible problems and other conditions.

I can’t say I felt bad, but very often I felt heaviness in the stomach, I had a sad mood in the morning, I get tired quickly. I know that junk food is harmful because there is a lot of fat, salt or sugar in it, but I like it best of all. I like to eat junk and fast food such as hamburgers, chips, shaurma. My teacher offered me to weigh. My body weight was above normal. I’ve done CBC to check the level of glucose, cholesterol in my body . I with my teacher went to the lab on 7th of November. I tried to look away when the needle is inserted and the blood is collected. My teacher and the doctor help me to relax by taking slow deep breaths. My CBC shows a little high level of cholesterol (the applicate 3). I understood that it happened because of my bad habits in food. During 7 days I had to give up junk food and then to check my blood again. On 14th of November I went to the lab a second time. My heart was beating fast. I was a little nervios. I would like to say about the results of blood test at the end of my work, in conclusion.

2.2. Water in our life

Water is a physical need of the human body. We can live without food up to 30-40 days, but without clean drinking water we won’t survive even 3-4 days. This should come as no surprise: the body of an adult consists of around 60-70 percent of water.

An average daily water intake for an adult person is about 2.5 liters including the water containing in food and drinks. Of course, some liquid is contained in all kinds of food: fruit, vegetables, milk, meat and even bread. However, try to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure drinking water apart from your meals.

There are some rules of water drinking. First and foremost, it’s not recommended to wash food down with any drinks. Water dissolves gastric juice which causes problems with digestion. Also, you should not drink right after a meal, because it can lead to digestive disorder as well. Usually doctors recommend drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals. It’s good for digestion, and helps to lose weight, because after a glass of water you will eat less. Also, drink some cool water in the morning, on an empty stomach – it will help you to wake up

Maybe you knew it but I didn’t. I didn’t drink water at all. I drank tea with sugar instead of water. During learning this theme I drank 2 liters water a day and keep all the rules of water drinking. I felt good and noticed that I had a lot of energy and my laziness disappeared.

Drinking enough of pure fresh water every day is one of the healthiest habits. It helps to prevent a lot of diseases and stay young for many years.


2.3. Healthy food.

There are good and bad habits for health. There are two sins - obesity and inactivity. There are modern bad habits- eating between meals and skipping breakfast.

Regularity in life promotes our health. Sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is a good way to live. I have a better diet. I started to eat healthy food: less fat and more fibre, more vitamins. I found the information about baker’s yeast on the Internet and replaced the bread from the store at home bread. My mother made bread on sour milk. My teacher helped me to make a menu ( application 1,2). She advised me to eat liquid food, a lot of fruits and vegetable salads.

There are some facts about healthy food I knew:

1) Garlic prevents heart diseases.

2) Apricot is good for your skin.

3) Green tea protects your teeth.

4) Onion is good for your nerves.

5) Milk strengthens your bones.

6) Banana is good for you muscles.

7) Carrots are good for your eyesight.

8) Milk is very good for children.

2.4.Physical activity

My favourite sport is football. And L. Messy is my favourite football player. I want to be like him and have an athletic body. This year I asked my mother to take me to football section. I felt happy. And are you happy?

Doctors say many people are not fit and happy now. But they know the answer to this problem. All over the world there is a problem of obese people. This problem show us people don’t move enough, they prefer to spend their time lying on a sofa or behind TV or computer. To be obese is dangerous for our health. Obese people have a lot of problems.

When my teacher offered me to write this work my weight was 40.6 kg. It was over my normal weight. During our work, within the week, I not only eliminate fast and junk food from my meals, but I added more physical exercises in my daily life. Every morning I did exercises , ran and jump. I lost weight by the end of the week.

I found out that regular physical activity is one of the most important things I can do for my health. It can help me control my weight and strengthen my bones and muscles.



My hypothesis was that there are some ways to keep in good health and to be healthy. I have some ways of healthy way of life. I have to play sport. I have to eat healthy food. I have to have good habits.

I have come to conclusion that it is important to study the information how to keep health. Sport helps people be strong and healthy. Good and bad habits influence on our health.Our health depends on food we eat.

My aim was to find out if healthy way of life change blood test in short time. And I made sure it was(application3). During only a week my blood test had changed. The level of cholesterol became lower. I became to feel good and more active.

The practical using of my work is to find out new information about healthy way of life and to use this information to keep health.



Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова: Английский язык. 5 класс. Учебник «Rainbow English»

Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова: Английский язык. 7 класс. Учебник «Rainbow English»




                                                   Meals                                            the application1


10:00- 2 glasses of warm water

7:00-wake up, 2 glasses of warm water

10:30- lunch

12:00- 2 glasses of warm water

12:30- dinner

16:00- 2 glasses of warm water

16:30- supper

19:00- 2 glasses of warm water

19:30- last meal



- do not drink anything for an hour after meal;

- do not eat 2 hours before sleep;

- remember that fruits are separate meal;

-to eat many vegetables;

                                                               Menu                                           the application2

Breakfast: tea with sugar

bread and butter

2 boiled eggs

milk porridge

Lunch: fresh fruits



mashed potatoes

Dinner : chicken broth or any soup

Supper : some liquid dish

Last meal: fresh fruits

vegetable salad


Предварительный просмотр презентации

Healthy ways of life

There are some ways to keep good health and to be healthy

The aims: To increase knowledge about healthy way of life To find out if healthy way of life may change blood test in short time

The tasks : To study the information; To test blood in the lab; Start a healthy lifestyle; Analyze the results

Water in our life

Healthy food

Junk food

My menu

Physical activity

My weight was 41.4kg My weight was 41.4kg My weight is 40.6 now

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