Урок английского языка в 9 классе «The Life of Youth in Russia»

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TEACHER: Strashko Yana Anatolievna.
SCHOOL: 97, Donetsk.
The Life of Youth in Russia.
Objectives: - to develop pupils’ communicative skills;
- to develop pupils’ creative and logical thinking;
- to improve pupils’ listening skills;
- to teach pupils to be tolerant to other people’s opinions;
- to encourage pupils to work in pairs and groups.
Equipment: proverbs, statements about teenagers, a text for listening, a pie chart, a bar chart, a diagram, some photos.
1. Hello! I am very glad to meet you. Let’s pretend I am a new person for you and we have met for the first time. I guess you are curious enough to know some information about me as your teacher of English and as a person in general. Will you look at the screen, please? There are some sentences on it connected with my life. Read them carefully and try to guess if they are true or false. Use the phrases to help you – I think you really… I cannot believe that … It can’t be true…
Thank you . Now I’d like you to make one sentence about yourselves and it will be my turn to guess if it is true or false.
2. Thanks a lot for your cooperation. It’s high time for us to define the theme of our lesson. Look at the screen, please. We have three proverbs somehow connected with you, I mean young people. Let’s read them, please. Can you guess the theme of the lesson? Any ideas? What are we going to speak about?
…Yes, you are right. We are going to speak about young people. The theme of our lesson is “ The Life of Youth in Russia.”
3. As you know a young person faces many questions: “ Who am I?”, “ What am I going to do with my life?”, “What is the point of it all?” Needless to say, these are not trivial questions. On the one hand, teenagers begin to search for their self-identity. On the other hand, they experiment with their hairstyles, music, religions, diet, part-time relationships. So we can say to be a teenager has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s try to define them. Look at the statements and decide if they are advantages or disadvantages. Please, prove your point of view.
4. A great work, thank you. It’s time to pass to popular free-time activities of Russian teenagers. Look at the pie chart of how the average Russian teenager spends his or her time, and look at the bar chart showing results of a survey about popular free-time activities. Now try to match the two parts of the sentences together. Make sure the sentence halves match logically as well as grammatically.
( Answers: 1c,2a, 3f, 4g, 5e, 6d,7b)
Will you look at the charts again and comment on the information contained in them.
Do you think teenagers have enough free-time?
Do you think teenagers spend their free-time sensibly?
Do you think you are similar to or different from an average teenager?
5. After our discussion I’d like you to listen to a short article from the “Forum” magazine about youth problems in the USA.
The problem American teenagers face daily reflect problems in American society: drugs, guns, violence, smoking, teenage pregnancy, drinking alcohol, gang membership, depression, AIDS and others.
Among these problems drugs, underage drinking and smoking are prevalent. Recent studies show that one in 13 teenagers have smoked marijuana. Underage drinkers account for 25 % of all alcohol consumed in the USA.
Teenage pregnancy is also a problem. Children having children – teenage mothers and fathers – cannot provide for their babies, because they themselves still need to be cared for. And while teenagers continue to have sex at earlier ages, it is also necessary to address the problem of AIDS because it is incurable and devastating to everybody, especially to teenagers.
Do you think these problems are typical of the youth in Russia? And which of them worry you?
Let’s rank them in order of importance. You see, they are almost alike.
6. Our next activity is more positive one, but also important. It is called “Importance rank”. Rank the following notions in order of importance for you (3min). Then in pairs create one list of values for both of you (3-5min). In groups of … make a unified list for your group. Can you make a conclusion? Present one list of values for the whole class.
7. Now after your active participation in our discussion, I’d like you to make a mini-project. Write slogans for teenagers you like to hang all over our city.
So, present, please, your slogans.
8. I’d like to thank you for your participation in the lesson. It’s a real pleasure to meet and to work with such students as you. I hope in your life you will follow the advice which is encoded on the screen. Any ideas? What is it?