ВПР: за и против
Автор публикации: А. Третьякова, ученица 9Л класса
Автор публикации: А. Зорина, ученица 9Л класса
Межрегиональная научно-практическая конференция учащихся
«Современная палитра языков и культур: взгляд молодых»
ВПР: за и против
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Секция: лингвистика
Исследовательская работа
Тема: «ВПР: за и против».
Зорина Алина Александровна, Третьякова Арина Александровна
учащиеся 7л класса МБОУ «СЭЛ № 45»
Научный руководитель Хамидуллина Рузана Рауисовна Учитель английского языка |
The aim of our work is to find out how teachers and students feel about All Russia testing (ART).
The object of our study is All Russia testing.
Research objectives are:
to learn about the history of All Russia testing, its pros and cons,
to learn what teachers and students’ attitude to All Russia testing.
Methods of research:
theoretical analysis of the literature,
internet resources,
analysis of results.
The work consists of 4 parts:
The main part. The main part includes 2 chapters.
Our hypothesis is that both children and teachers have negative attitude to ART.
We think that our paper is very interesting. This paper will be interesting and useful for teachers, students, parents and administration of school.
In addition to the SFA (the General state examination and the Unified State Examination) a new abbreviation has appeared – ART (All Russia testing – in Russian it stands for ВПР). What does it look like? This work in the form of a test is done by all students in all Russian schools at the same period of time all over the Russian Federation.
When and how did it appear?
All Russia testing appeared in the practice of Russian education in 2015. First, it was an experiment for the 4th classes. A year later, these tests were written in the 5th and 11th grades. And in 2018 All-Russian testing is being tested on sixth graders, the next year (2019) the students of the 7th classes wrote 6 tests.
Goal and tasks
The task of the ART is to ensure a single educational space throughout Russia and to improve the quality of education in Russian schools. Widespread use of test work was due to the possibility of improving the curriculum, checking execution of the curriculum and as an excellent rehearsal for future, more difficult exams.
The purpose of the system is to compile the development of new teaching methods, control students' knowledge, help in assessing the level of teaching, search for gaps in the quality of the school curriculum and strengthen intersubject communications.
It is needed to test the knowledge and skills of students. This work proves that the students have not learned in vain, and if the student writes this work well then he will be given a good grade, and if he writes it poorly he will be given a bad grade. In any case, these ratings will not affect the quarterly rating.
Necessity of writing the test
Each school independently, in theory, decides to write or not ART in grades 6 and 11. For example, a school can exempt only children with disabilities from writing ART, or the school may not write at all. But at the same time, the student himself cannot refuse to write a test paper.
Previously, schools themselves checked how students had mastered a particular subject. For this, control work was carried out. But no one controlled how these tasks were made, what level of difficulty they had and how their performance was evaluated. In ART, a uniform assessment standard is provided.
Each grade has a certain amount of subjects to be tested on ART. ART is usually held on the following school subjects:
Grade | Subject | Remark |
4 class | Russian Maths The world around | Regular mode |
5 class | Russian Maths Biology History | Regular mode |
6 class | Russian Maths Biology History Geography Social studies | Regular mode |
7 class | Russian Maths Biology History Geography Social studies English Physics | Regular mode |
8 class | Russian Maths Biology History Geography Social studies Chemistry Physics | Approbation mode |
10 class | Geography | Approbation mode |
11 class | Biology History Geography Physics Foreign language Chemistry | Approbation mode |
Therefore, the 7th grade has the biggest number of tests, they have to write 8 tests, while 4th graders have the least number of ART – they write only 3 works, the most lucky is the 10th grade. And the students of the 11 class write only ARTs on subjects not chosen for SFA.
Pros and Cons of ART
Experts say that the annual ART of graduates of primary school as a result will allow:
• Prepare students psychologically for exams in high school.
• Determine the amount and level of knowledge that was obtained during the completed year of study.
• It will give an opportunity to encourage studies during all years of study, and not just in graduation classes.
• Deficiencies in the curriculum for audited subjects will be visible.
• Parents will be aware of their child’s knowledge level.
• It will provide an opportunity to improve the overall learning system.
ART also has disadvantages. This is a great psychological stress for primary school students and it is also the formalism that takes place in a number of educational institutions.
Not only schoolchildren, but also some teachers are not always satisfied with all-Russia testing. Formally, even not very good results do not affect the final grade of students. In fact, of course, anything happens. But the teachers and the school management have to report for the results of the ART. In addition, preparation (some teachers use the word “coaching”) for ART begins in almost a year and takes many hours on the subject.
And ARTs are not always made according to the teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education. The ticket may contain tasks on topics that are scheduled for the program only next year. This is because the control materials consist of tasks from different training programs. Therefore, sometimes the school has to specifically change the textbooks in order to have time to prepare for the ART.
Expert opinion
Rosobrnadzor, answering this question, claims that the project is needed to assess the level of training of students taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Does this mean that in the tests carried out by school teachers, the requirements of the FSES are ignored? This statement sounds, at least, strange. After all, the Federal State Educational Standard should be blamed for the discrepancy of the curriculum in subjects and textbooks.
From time to time, there is another argument: ART provides a more detailed and accurate picture of the school's contribution to the assimilation of subject knowledge by schoolchildren, while students often prepare for the exam using tutors.
The idea of obtaining an objective result on the level of mastering subjects by students is welcome. But is it possible, in this case, to trust with confidence, for example, the results of ART in the 11th grade in subjects that are not specialized for the student, and the assessment of them does not affect admission to the university?
A strange collision arises: for the administration and teachers, the results of ART are important, they evaluate the work of the school, and students and parents perceive the preparation and participation in the ART as a waste of time.
To find out the opinion of our students we made a survey. We asked 65 students of 6th, 7th and 8th classes and asked them 5 questions. And here you can see the results
What is your attitude to ART?
As you can see, most students have negative attitude to ART and only few students (about one third) think positively about ART.
How do you prepare for ART?
According to the results, most students do not prepare for ART.
What is the most difficult subject?
Choosing from eight subjects tested during ART students picked out maths as the most difficult. The easiest subjects are social studies and biology. Three students think that all subjects are difficult.
Does ART help to know / study a subject better?
According to the survey most students think that ART is useless.
5. Do you need ART to estimate knowledge and quality of education?
Almost the same number of students think that ART is useful and useless in estimation of knowledge and quality of education.
In addition, we asked 10 teachers who work in our class, what they think about ART, its necessity and special training for it.
According to the survey, most teachers have neutral attitude to ART and only two teachers think positive of it.
As you see, most of teachers prepare the students at the lessons; only two teachers think it is not necessary and in their opinion, it is up to students to prepare or not.
According to the survey, half of teachers find it difficult to answer this question. Four teachers think ART is necessary and one teacher is sure it is unnecessary.
Half of teachers agree that ART improves the quality of education.
Conclusion: Most students have negative attitude to ART, while most teachers are neutral to ART. Most of students do not prepare for it, but some of them prepare at home or with teachers. However, the teachers give some time at the lesson to prepare for ART. There is ART in many subjects, but the most difficult is mathematics, and the easiest are social studies and biology for students in our school. Also, students and teachers think that ART doesn’t really help to study the subjects, but it can be helpful in future.
In conclusion we would like to say that working on this paper we learned that All Russia testing has become a part of Russian school system whether we like it or not. Most of students are against ART because it has many minuses. At the same time, teachers are neutral to ART because they do not write this work and they doubt if ART is necessary.
Most students do not prepare at all for ART, but most teachers train their students for it.
The most difficult subject is maths, which is not surprising.
Half of teachers doubt if we need ART. Students and teachers are not sure if ART helps to know the subject better but they agree that it helps to control and check knowledge.
The hypothesis is partly confirmed. The survey showed that students have negative attitude to ART and teachers are neutral to it. The question of All Russia testing is still open and controversial. ART has many advantages and disadvantages. Students do not pay enough attention to ART, while teachers are ready to deal with it. ART does not check real knowledge. It is very easy to cheat. Students do not have time to study all the material by ART. All ARTs are held in a short period of time and this causes stress and overwork. Despite the neutral attitude to ART, all students’ attention is concentrated only on ART at this period of time.
We recommend paying more attention on ART during all school year. Students should be more attentive, do tests and ask teachers and parents for help. We recommend using internet resources, for example sdamgia.ru.
The time will show how useful or useless ART is.
https://pedsovet.org/beta/article/ART-dla-cego-komu-i-zacem 27.01.2020
https://mel.fm/vazhny_razgovor/3820497-ART 28.01.2020
https://sdamgia.ru 03.02.2020