12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ионкова Ирина Геннадьевна1111
Россия, Карелия респ., Петрозаводск

Автор разработки

Ионкова Ирина Геннадьевна

Учитель английского языка

МОУ «Лицей № 40»

Г. Петрозаводск

Республика Карелия

At the movies. В кинотеатре.

Нестандартное домашнее задание по теме "Пассивный залог" для 8 класса.


Пассивный залог


8 гуманитарный

(3 часа в неделю по УМК ‘Spotlight’ и 2 часа языкового практикума)


Закрепление и повторение знаний по теме "Пассивный залог"


– развивать УУД в процессе решения коммуникативных задач различной степени сложности;
– активизировать и совершенствовать активный и пассивный словарный запас обучающихся;
– развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели;
– активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность;
– содействовать установлению в сознании ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности;
– развивать способность к рефлексии, как важнейшей составляющей умения учиться;  

Формируемые УУД

Личностные (Л): формирование познавательных мотивов, оценивание усваиваемого содержания;

Регулятивные (Р): выделение и осознание учащимся того, что уже усвоено и что еще нужно усвоить, осознание качества и уровня усвоения, владение навыками самоанализа и самооценки своей деятельности;

Познавательные (П): самостоятельное создание способов решения проблем поискового характера; комплексный анализ приобретенных знаний на уроке;

Коммуникативные (К): умение с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации;



Disney's Figaro and Cleo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmksIBZH3Qs

Caterpillar Shoes


Разработки с вопросами для учеников


Ход работы (фрагмент урока и домашнее задание)




1. Подготовка к просмотру

Now we are going to watch a short video ‘Figaro and Cleo’. Figaro is a little naughty kitten and Cleo is a fish.

You will have to answer some questions on the video.

Let’s look at the questions (worksheet).

Can you guess some of the answers?

1. Who brought a bowl with a fish into the room?

2. Who was sweeping the floor?

3. Where did the woman sweep the crumbs?

4. Who dropped a ball of yarn on the floor?

5. Who made a mess in the room?

6. What could Figaro use to catch Cleo?

7. Did the woman punish the kitten? How did she do it?

8. What fell on the floor? Why?

9. What did Cleo use to hide from the kitten?

10. What did the woman treat the kitten with?

11. Will anybody clean the room, do you think?

Your task is a bit more difficult. You should answer the questions using only the passive voice.

For example:

Who brought a bowl with a fish into the room? – The bowl was brought by Figaro. OR

The bowl was brought by a woman.

Now can you answer question 2 using the passive voice?







Students guess the answers before watching the video.

















The floor was being swept by…

2. Просмотр видео и выполнение заданий

Let’s watch the video.

While watching you can make notes.

Checking the task. Discussing the video and the characters.


1. The bowl was brought by a woman.

2. The floor was being swept by the woman (with a broom).

3. The crumbs were swept under the carpet.

4. A ball of yarn was dropped on the floor.

5. The mess was made by Figaro.

6. A fishing hook could be used by Figaro to catch Cleo.

7. The kitten was punished. He was tied to the chair.

8. The bowl fell on the floor because it was dropped by Figaro (after it had been dropped by Figaro).

9. A castle was used by Cleo to hide from Figaro.

10. The kitten was treated with some milk.

11. (I think) the room will be cleaned by the woman.


Students watch the video and make notes if necessary.

Active speaking.

3. Домашнее задание

At home you will have to watch another short cartoon ‘Caterpillar shoes’ and answer the questions in writing. Don’t forget to use only the passive voice.


Worksheet for homework:








дождевой червь

stick insect










Answer the questions using the passive voice:

    1. Who was eating the leaves?
    2. Who always wore shoes?
    3. What insect did the caterpillar meet first?
    4. What did the caterpillar offer to the insects?
    5. What did the spider catch in his cobweb?
    6. What could frighten the caterpillar?
    7. What insect didn’t the caterpillar give anything?
    8. Who ate the poisonous mushroom?
    9. What animals couldn’t the caterpillar see?
    10. What animal took two shoes though it needed only one?
    11. Why was the caterpillar sad at the end?
    12. What did the flee make out of the last shoe?
    13. What did the caterpillar make on a branch of a tree?
    14. What do you think will happen to the butterfly? Use your ideas.


    1. The leaves were being eaten by the caterpillar.
    2. The shoes were always worn by the caterpillar.
    3. A woodlouse was met by the caterpillar first.
    4. The shoes were offered by the caterpillar to the insects.
    5. A fly was caught by the spider in his cobweb.
    6. The caterpillar could be frightened by the earthworms.
    7. An earthworm wasn’t given anything by the caterpillar.
    8. The poisonous mushroom wasn’t eaten.
    9. Stick insects could not be seen by the caterpillar.
    10. Two shoes were taken by the snail.
    11. The caterpillar was sad because one shoe was left.
    12. A house was made out of the last shoe.
    13. A cocoon was made on a branch of a tree.
    14. Possible answers: It will be admired by the people. It will be greeted by the insects she met.
Опубликовано в группе «Дистанционные олимпиады, игры и конкурсы по английскому языку (и не только)»

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