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Открытый урок по теме “Одежда и мода” в 8А классе по УМК ”Spotlight 8”

Орг.момент (2 минуты). Good morning, my dear students! Sit down please. I’m glad to see you. Who is absent today? What’s up? Have you got something new to tell me? What happened with…? I hope she will be OK.

Определение целей и задач урока (3 минуты)

Now look at the board please. (cлайд 1)I have some Russian and English proverbs for you to read. Vasilisa, read them please. Do you agree with some of them? And why? What is the topic of our lesson today?

(слайд 2)Yes, you are right. Our topic today is Clothes and Fashion.

3. Введение нового лексического материала. (3 минуты) On your desks you have this list of words. (слайд 3) Let’s read them and discuss. The first column is PATTERN. (слайд 4)

The second one is STYLE. (слайд 5,6,7) And the last one is MATERIAL.(слайд 8,9)

Работа в парах. (2 минуты) And now we need to discuss our personal opinion about different styles. Work in pairs. On your lists you have different adjectives to describe styles. Choose only negative and underline them. You have 1 minute to do it. (OLD- FASHIONED, RIDICULUOS, AWFUL,FUNNY WEIRD) Let’s check. Great! And now name positive ones.

Описание картинок. (5 минут) фронтально опрос. Open you books at page 60.Here you have 5 pictures and 5 different styles. Describe them and tell your opinion (it may be negative or positive). Thank you very much.

Работа в группах, обсуждение вопросов упр.2 (5 минут) Each person has a small dress. They have different colours. Sit please in groups according to the colours. Your task is to find a question and discuss it in your group.

And now I show you a short video, do task number 3, match words and definitions (2 минуты).


Let’s check. Very well!

Подготовка к диалогическому высказыванию (2 минуты)And now it’s time to discuss different styles and choose only one for situations. I give you 3 different pictures, you make comments about each style and choose only one. You have a plan and on the board as usual we have criterias of your dialogue. I give you 2 minutes to prepare. Don’t forget to use new lexics to describe clothes and styles.

Диалоги Listen to your partners and count how many new words they use.

Подведение итогов урока (2 минуты), рефлексия. Thank you very much for your work. You were great today! Let’s make a conclusion: Do Good clothes open all doors? Is it important to choose clothes to the event?

Your homework is p. 61 ex. 11 in writing. Thank you for the lesson and goodbye!!!





























Plan of the Dialog


Person 1

Person 2

Greet a person Hi, …

remind about plans

Our…. starts in 2 hours!

Greet a person Hello! I don’t know what to wear! Can you help me to choose some clothes?

ask for a help to choose what to wear

Agree and ask about picture 1

OK, what about…?

Decide not to wear and why

No, it doesn’t suit me. It’s…

Suggest picture 2 I think I can wear….

Disagree and why I don’t like it.

No, it’s casual/awful/old-fashioned…

Suggest picture 3

Maybe this… It’s very…

Agree and ask about help too

Yes, I think it’s the best variant. You look smart/trendy/ classy. Can you help me choose something too?

Agree. Of course!/Great/ Sure.


Plan of the Dialog


Person 1

Person 2

Greet a person Hi, …

remind about plans

Our…. starts in 2 hours!

Greet a person Hello! I don’t know what to wear! Can you help me to choose some clothes?

ask for a help to choose what to wear

Agree and ask about picture 1

OK, what about…?

Decide not to wear and why

No, it doesn’t suit me. It’s…

Suggest picture 2 I think I can wear….

Disagree and why I don’t like it.

I think, it’s casual/awful/old-fashioned…

Suggest picture 3

Maybe this… It’s very…

Agree and ask about help too

Yes, I think it’s the best variant. You look smart/trendy/ classy. Can you help me choose something too?

Agree. Of course!/Great/ Sure.


Plan of the Dialog


Person 1

Person 2

Greet a person Hi, …

remind about plans

Our…. starts in 2 hours!

Greet a person Hello! I don’t know what to wear! Can you help me to choose some clothes?

ask for a help to choose what to wear

Agree and ask about picture 1

OK, what about…?

Decide not to wear and why

No, it doesn’t suit me. It’s…

Suggest picture 2 I think I can wear….

Disagree and why I don’t like it.

I think, it’s casual/awful/old-fashioned…

Suggest picture 3

Maybe this… It’s very…

Agree and ask about help too

Yes, I think it’s the best variant. You look smart/trendy/ classy. Can you help me choose something too?

Agree. Of course!/Great/ Sure.





Number of clothes words used

3 variants discussed



























































Number of clothes words used

3 variants discussed










































































Number of clothes words used

6-7 words

4-5 words

2-3 words

3 variants discussed

3 photos

2 photos

1 photo


3 photos

2 photos

1 photo


5- 9-8 points

4- 7-5 points

3- 4-3 points

2- 2-0 points






























What kind of clothes / materials/ colours/ patterns do you like to wear?



What clothes do you usually wear on a cold day? At school? At home?



What kind of clothes do you wear when you go somewhere special (a theatre, a ceremony)?



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