12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Валько Лариса Геннадьевна85
Россия, Марий Эл респ., пгт.Суслонгер
Материал размещён в группе «Конкурсы по английскому языку»

Final test

Task 1. Read the text and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

The Amish don’t have cars, they use horses. They don’t have televisions either. In fact, they don’t even have electricity. They don’t need it because they don’t have radios, computers or anything electrical at all.

Some people might feel sorry for them or think they are mad, but this is the way that the Amish have chosen to live. They are a religious group that was started in the 1720s in Europe.

There are now around 30,000 Amish in North America. They don’t want to be a part of the modern world. They have their own schools, which have only one or two classrooms. They learn reading, writing, maths and morals. They learn nothing about the outside world, and they leave school after the age of 13. The Amish don’t think their children need more school education, because they will do farm work or help with the family business.

Tourists come to look at the Amish, because they sell things they have made by hand and because people want to take their photo. They look like they are from the 18th century. Women are not allowed to cut their hair or wear make-up. They aren’t even allowed to wear clothes with buttons. Men have to wear black suits. The Amish say they enjoy living the way they do and don’t want to change it.

1 The Amish people don’t need electricity. ___

2 There’re around thirty thousand Amish in America. ___

3 They spend 13 years at school. ___

4 The Amish buy things from tourists. ___

5 They all have long hair. ___

6 They wear old-fashioned clothes. ___

7 The Amish like their way of life. ___

Task 2. Fill in the gap with the correct word:

1. I … karate for two years already.

a. have been doing b. did c. has done

2. She … in this house since she was a little girl.

a. lives b. has been living c. lived

3. Peter the Great … the city on the Neva River in 1703.

a. has been founding b. founded c. founds

4. I think this film is really … .

a. interesting b. interested c. interest

5. When I feel … I always rent a movie to watch.

a. boring b. bored c. to bore

6. I think comedies are very … .

a. entertaining b. entertained c. entertains

7. We saw dolphins … in the water.

a. jump b. to jump c. jumped

8. I didn’t hear the phone … .

a. ring b. to ring c. rang

9. We watched a plane … in the blue sky.

a. fly b. flew c. to fly

10.Mike saw Natalie … .

a. to dance b. dance c. danced

11. Chewing gum … first by William Wrigley in 1892.

a. is made b. was made c. made

12. “Jaws” … by Stephen Spielberg.

a. directed b. direct c. is directed

13. Matryoshka dolls … of wood.

a. made b. are made c. were made

14. I … the Samovar Museum if I went to Tula.

a. visit b. would visit c. visited

15. I would take her to Sabantui if she … to Russia in June.

a. would come b. come c. came

16. I … on a boat trip if the weather were good.

a. would go b. went c. go

​​​​​​​ Task 3. Make questions more polite using Can you tell me… / Do you know…

Example: When is he leaving school?

Can you tell me when he is leaving school?

1. Where can I buy an English-Russian dictionary?

2. How long will it take your brother to get to Madrid?

3. Where is he going?

4. Where has he gone?

5. When will he come back?

Опубликовано в группе «Конкурсы по английскому языку»

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