
Материал опубликован 5 June


1. Make up sentences.

1. he / not / jazz / enjoy.

2. we / like / not / shopping.

3. interests / have / I / many.

4. hate / books / she / reading.

5. he / buy / to / fishing rods / like.

6. time / spend / much / they / don’t / at / home.

7. I / for / hobby / this / need / and / needle / yarn.

8. David / fond / is / of / coins / collecting.

9. makes / happy / reading / me / and / to / music / listening.

2. Complete the text with the words and phrases.

music, favorite, listen to music, information, news, collect, singers, programmes, CDs, museums

Rich people often ______ pictures, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to ______, libraries. As for me, I like to ______. Therefore I collect ______. I like different music ______. I collect discs of my favorite groups and _______. I carefully study the printed ______. I try to find everything about my ______ singers. I also like to watch musical ______ on TV. I want to keep up with the ______ in the world of music.

3. Put the verbs into correct form.

A hobby is what a person (to like) to do in his or her spare time. Hobbies (to differ) like tastes. Your hobby (to make) your life more interesting. The most popular hobby (to be) doing things. It (to include) a wide variety of activities from gardening to travelling, from chess, to volleyball. Both grow-ups and children (to be) fond of playing different computer games. This hobby (to become) more and more popular every year. Making thing (to include) drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people (to collect) something – coins, stamps, CDs, toys. Books.

 4. Which activities are indoor activities and which are outdoor ones?

surfing, go shopping , scuba diving , playing video games, skiing, sunbathing, surfing the internet, building sand castles, hiking, swimming, horse riding, having a picnic, bungee jumping, rollerblading, cycling, snowboarding, bird watching, watching, TV, eating out, playing chess


Outdoor summer

Outdoor winter

All season outdoor

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