Игра к уроку истории с элементами английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Вечный город Рим и его жители»

Материал опубликован 16 January 2020

Игра «правда-ложь»

Marcus Aurelius is a roman gladiator. _______________

There any stone roads In ancient Rome.______________________________________

Only rich people went to the Roman baths.______________________________________

Rich Romans lived in the hills where the air was cleaner._____________________________________

The Pantheon in Rome was dedicated (посвящен) to the Greek gods__________________________________

The poor quarters of Rome were quiet and safe._______________________________________

The most famous amphitheater in Rome is Colosseum.__________________________________

Gladiator fights were popular in Rome._______________

Pompeii was destroyed (разрушен) by the tsunami._____________________________________

The eruption of Vesuvius was in 120 BC.________________________________________

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