Игра-путешествие по английскому языку (5 класс)

Материал опубликован 11 June 2019

Путешествие в «Страну Знаний» в 5 классе


В путешествии принимают участие команды по 5-6 человек. Учитель просит представить, что они являются пассажирами поезда, который отправляется в путешествие по «Стране знаний». Во время путешествия поезд будет останавливаться на разных станциях. Члены каждой команды – пассажиры одного вагона. В поезде будет несколько вагонов соответственно каждой команде.

Ход мероприятия

Teacher: You have to imagine that you are passengers of a train. We are going to travel to Knowledge land. Pay attention. The train is leaving.

Station 1: “Phonetics

1) Каждая команда получает задание прочитать слова в транскрипции.


2) Конкурс скороговорок.

A) Hickety, pickety, my black cat likes to sit in my blue hat.

B) Cob is Dob`s, Tob is Mob`s dog.

C) Sid sees six trees.

D) A girl sees three big grey geese.

Station 2: “Grammar”

1) Fill in the gaps with am/is/are, did/does, have/has, was/were.

1. I…fine.

2. You…from England.

3. …he watch TV every day?

4. She … her homework yesterday.

5. Mark … got a dog. It … fat.

6. It … was cold yesterday.

7. They … in Britain last year.


2) Use these words to form sentences.

1. ten, they, English, have, got, books.

2. has got, new, her husband, a camera.

3. last, Julia, Thursday, on, played, the swings.

4. in, are, there, city, our, parks, a lot of.

5. because, the girl, cold, wore, cold, was, a scarf, it

6. in the country, how many, Tom`s parents, days ,did, spend.


3) Find the mistakes.

1. Ann and Mike is friends.

2. My hobby has reading.

3. He have got a lot of books.

4. My friends went at a big wheel last Sunday.

5. Did you bought a gift yesterday?

6. Did you be at school on Monday?


Station 3: “Lexical

1) Can you finish these lists?

1. spring, summer, autumn ...

2. grandmother, grandfather, mother ...

3. football, cricket, baseball...

4. September, October, November...

5. Thursday, Friday, Saturday...

6. History, Geography, Literature...

7. Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

2) Match the two parts of each word.

came - der

walk - sette

cas - cle

recor - ra

bicy - bit

ham - rot

par - ster

rab - man

3) Find the numbers 0-12.











Station 4: “Puzzles”

One apple, two apples,

Three apples, four,

Fine apples, six apples,

Seven apples more.

Now tell me, little Paul,

Can you count them all?


How many flowers do you see?

Eight in Bobby`s hands,

Eight in Nelly`s hands,

How many flowers do you see?



It runs and runs,

But it`ll never run out.

It flows,

Who knows

What I’m talking about?

(a river)

I don`t know the ABC,

But I`m writing as you see.

(a pen)


I`m black and red, and blue.

I draw everything for you.

(a pencil)


Has no legs, but just for fun.

It is always on the run.

(a ball)

It is running night and day,

But it never runs away.

( a watch)


If you want to draw a straight line,

Make use of me, for this business is mine.

(a ruler)


When the rain –

Pat, pat, pat –

Starts its monotonous talk,

Its best friend,

I`m perfectly sure,

Will be out for a walk.

(an umbrella)


Station 5: “Crossword

Учащиеся разгадывают предложенный учителем кроссворд.


Station 6 “Storytelling

Каждая команда получает карточку с картинками, по которой она составляет рассказ.

Station 7 “Musical”.

Teacher: Our trip is over. The last station called “Musical”. Let`s sing a song.

Учащиеся исполняют любую песню, выученную в течении учебного года. Возможен вариант, когда каждая команда исполняет свою песню.

в формате Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)
Комментариев пока нет.

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