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Жаркова Дарья Дмитриевна18

Урок по английскому языку к УМК Вербицкой М.В. “FORWARD”-5

Раздел: В Америку! (To America!) Данный урок является третьим в данном разделе.

Тема: « Путешествия Гулливера» Дж. Свифт. (“Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift”)

Данный урок рассчитан на 2 часа, следовательно, этот урок является первым.

 Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цель: развивать навыки коммуникативного общения.

Задачи: формировать коммуникативные навыки и умения говорения, чтения, с полным пониманием прочитанного на основе введения новых ЛЕ; ввести новую лингвострановедческую информацию; развивать языковую и смысловую догадку, развивать внимание, память, логику, мышление; на примере данного произведения прививать любовь к книгам.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, интерактивная доска, УМК “FORWARD-5” Вербицкая М.В.; презентация к уроку( рассчитана на 2 урока по данной теме )

Ход урока



Начало урока

Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?


Today we’re going to meet a new author and we’re going to speak about his book.

Речевая разминка

Before we start, tell me, please, do you like to read books? What kind of books do you like to read? Have you got a favourite author? Who is it? What kind of books does he writes?

Good for you.

I’m glad that you like to read books.

Now I want you to open your books on p. 52 ex. 12. Look at the pictures and say do you know these books? Which of them have you already read?

Введение новой лингвострановедческой информации.

Good for you. Today we’re going to meet with Jonathan Swift and his book “Gulliver’s Travels” look at the screen, please. (Презентация)

Jonathan Swift was an Irish author. He was born in 1667 in Dublin in Ireland. His famous books are “The Battle of Books”, “A Modest Proposal” and “Gulliver’s Travels”. Today we’re going to meet with the book “Gulliver’s Travels”. It was published in 1726. It soon became popular. Have you already read this book? Good for you.

It consists of 4 parts. You can see them on the screen. Can you name them in Russian? Well done!

Тренировать навыки чтения с полным пониманием информации.

Now I want you to read the first part of the story. Answer the question: who’s the main character? Then do the tasks below.(Ex.13,14 p.52)

Развивать навыки устной речи

You’ve just read the first part of the story, now I want you to match the pictures with the text ex.15p.52 and then try to describe them using the text.

Активизация грамматических навыков (The Future Simple Tense) в речи

Now I want you to look at ex.16 on p.53. Look at the pictures, what do you think will happen next? I’ll give you a couple of minutes to think it over. Then present your story in 5 or 6 sentences orally.

Well done!

Тренировать навыки письма

We’ve listened to some of your stories. Now I want you to open your exercise-books and write your stories down.

Put down the date, classwork and then the title of your story.

Домашнее задание

At home you will read the second and the third part of the story. Ex. 17 p.53 and ex.22 p.54

Подведение итогов

Tell me, please, what new have we learned? Thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Goodbye!


Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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